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Ryan left, but behind him, he had suddenly left a season of winter that seemed to be escaping from the incubus standing right beside me.  His chilling gaze turned to me, his body turned around, and then without saying a word he stormed back inside the mansion. I waited for a couple of minutes to let him go inside before following him. I had barely crossed the threshold of the house when Elijah was in front of me, "What the f**k is it that you can talk about for hours with him but when I ask you one f*****g question, you fall silent?" I crooked my head to the side and murmured, "Then don't even ask me anything when you know that it is not the answer you are looking for. Move."  I sidestepped him to walk away but he turned around and grabbed my arm, "Oh... so now he is a better man to you than me? Have you found a different shoulder to cry one?" "Of course he is better than you!" I cried out in frustration, "he is kind, he does not stop me from speaking my mind, he is not keeping me hostage and he f*****g lets me finish my sentences before judging me. So yes, he is better than your frustrating... mhmmm." Before I could finish my words, his mouth was on me, cutting off my words and taking my lips in a punishing kiss. My hands went to his shoulder, my fists colliding with his chest to hit and push him away but his hold was tighter on me and strength was stronger. His hands grabbed my fists while his legs started taking steps forward, forcing me to step backwards until my back collided with the wall behind me. His one hand gripped my wrists over my head while his mouth moved over mine, kissing me passionately and harshly. His other hand pushed off the coat that was on my shoulder, and slipped directly inside the open shirt, touching my skin with his cold hands. The hand slipped up, finding my n****e as his thumb and index finger gave it a punishing pinch before caressing it softly. My struggle turned harder feeling the tingles running over my body from his touch, rendering me almost helpless to fight him off.  I could not even breathe anymore and he did not let me get away from the kiss until I was completely out of breath and on verge of fainting. "Stop it." I instantly breathed out, his hand still massaging my breast and his fingers playing with my n****e. His mouth dropped down beside my ear, his tongue touching my earlobe and he whispered, "he can not do this better than me, darling. You bet your ass." He then let my body go like he had not even touched me, stepped back, turned around and walked away. My body was still recovering from his actions as I slumped against the wall, trying to breathe in until this feeling of trying to chase him and make him do more of those things to me went away. ***** The night fell before I even realized it. Elijah was not in the room when I shut my eyes in the darkness and went off to sleep. And then before I even realized it, I was slipping into a dream that I had been dreading... A girl, that was me, screamed in pain. Her body was covered in blood and open wounds. Solomon, whose face I could now see clear as day stepped out of the shadows, his hands covered in blood while his eyes looked down at a bleeding Bella like she was the sexiest thing he had ever seen. "Don't be afraid, my little angel," Solomon grinned and whispered as he looked down at me, "there is more pleasure to come that you have never even known it existed." I shivered and my heart thudded in fear so loud, I could almost wish it would jump out and end my suffering. I was wishing for someone to come inside the room barging in and stop Solomon. I was begging to god in my heart to just kill me and end my suffering and pain. "There, there..." Solomon smiled sinisterly and grabbed a bottle of alcohol. Drinking half of it down his throat, he slammed it against the white table, breaking the bottom of it. "Now... see, I am going to teach you how real men f**k good girls like you." "No no no no no... please.. please. No. I am begging you. Not this." the girl desperately cried out, her eyes drenched with tears as they fell down on the marble ground covered in crimson blood, "Please... I... I thought you loved me, Solomon. I will not tell about this to anyone.. just let me go. I promise. Please let me go." Solomon gave a wide grin and crouched down behind the girl, looking at her bottom, "I want you to feel pleasure, my darling. What are you even complaining about?" And then without a second of delay, he thrust the broken glass bottle inside her v****a. I screamed like never before. My lungs were not even able to consume the level of pain I was experiencing. Then the lights went on and I was still screaming. My hands fought with someone, pushing them away, trying to fight my way out of everything, this pain, the restraint that I had been tied to. My surroundings had been lit up with too much brightness, my heart would not stop beating hard, and as my hands flew blindly in the air, I realized that the pain was not there anymore, only a low, throbbing, painful memory of it was there. My eyes finally focused on whom I was fighting off and as my shaking hands stopped forcing away the person in front of me, I found a badly injured Elijah looking at me with the most painful expressions I had ever seen in his gaze. "Ally..." he whispered, his voice hoarse, his voice shaking even when he spoke only one word.
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