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I tried to get up and run from him but his arms suddenly engulfed me from behind, pulling me back as I landed in his lap. His arm wrapped around me while his other hand slipped up to my cheek to turn it towards him,  "Tell me the truth." he murmured, his voice was not harsh this time, instead there was some kind of vulnerability there that made me almost give up on my stubbornness, "I am trying to make sense here. Just tell me the truth. Did you really leave me to die that day? Did I make you that much sad that you had to let them bury me?" My eyes were staring in his dark ones. I wanted to lie and scream that yes, he was the one who had made me upset and I wanted to kill him, just to annoy him and get a reaction out of him. But then he and I had already been fighting for weeks. I did not want to argue anymore. "Would you believe me if I told you the truth?" I asked, covering the back of his hand that was on my cheek with my palm, "would it be easier for you to understand whatever I did was for your own good? Would you believe me if I said that I left you to die so you could live?" His eyebrows scrunched up in confusion at my statement. And then as I opened my mouth to tell him about the dream I had when I had fallen unconscious, he suddenly grabbed my hip and harshly threw me off his lap, on the couch,  "What the f**k are you even saying?" he blasted, shooting off of the couch to stand up and face me, "do you think I am a moron who would believe whatever you say to convince me to let you go?" My hands clenched into fists at his response. He did not even try to hear me out.  "You tell me to explain why I made that decision," I seethed and stood up from my seat, walking forward in big steps to close the distance between our bodies, "you tell me that you want to understand me, and now when I try to tell you the truth you behave like I am nothing but a liar."  I grabbed the collar of his shirt as frustration gripped me, "you have already made up your mind that I am a liar, and a cheater, Elijah. Try to at least believe what is in your heart and say that to my f*****g face." I scoffed and let his collar go with a push on his chest, "you don't want any truth and you don't want any explanation. You already have that in your brain and you just want to satisfy your f*****g ego by keeping me hostage here, right?" Elijah did not reply to me, but his silence was louder than his words.  "Hah..." I gave him a smug smile, my hands pushing the hair out of my face and gripping them at the top of my head in a tight hold, "go f**k yourself!" ****** The house felt pretty cold and empty when I walked out the next morning. I was still wearing my pajamas. What was even the point of dressing up when I was going to remain in this freaking haunted house all day? After the fight, I had gone to sleep in the bed. He had not come in the room when I had fallen asleep and when I woke up at nine this morning, the bed was cold and empty. I did not know if he even came to bed to sleep or not. I had brushed my teeth and taken a bath, but worn the same night dress that I had worn while going to sleep because they felt super comfortable. The wet, wavy tangles were falling over my shoulders when climbed down the stairs to eat breakfast. As I made my way towards the hall, my feel halted as my gaze fell upon a figure sitting on the couch. It was not Elijah for sure as his body build was very different along with the back of his head. I hesitated for a moment but then gathering courage, I took small, hesitant steps and came around the couch to see the face of the person. "Ryan?" I called out. His head looked up to see me and he instantly got up from his seat, "Hey." "Hey." I greeted back, it was super early to see him here, "what are you doing here?" "I came to meet you." Confused, I looked around the house to look for Elijah, but there was no one in the sight. "I already told Elijah that I will be talking to you," he grinned wickedly like he had achieved a task no one in the world had, "he was pissed off and walked out to get some air." The wicked smile on his face was so infectious that it made me suppress the laughter, "wow." I praised. "What do you want to talk about with me?"  He looked around the house for a few seconds and then like coming to an understanding, he came forward and grabbed my hand, pulling me towards the exit of the house, "let's talk outside." I was not sure but when he was dragging me out with his hand grabbing mine, I did not really have any other option than to follow him. As soon as we were out in the open, he led me out towards the woods, the same as the previous day so there was no one around us.  "Could not take the chance of getting overheard by spies in that house." Ryan let my hand go and turned around to face me, "Sorry about that."  I shook my head in understanding and gave him a small smile, "I understand, of course." He nodded his head and then stared at me from head to toe for a few seconds, then his eyes met mine, "Ally... Elijah... he is not doing anything to you without your consent that I should be concerned about, right?" ********* EXTRA BOOK ALERT! Title: ' Dating My Stalker ' "Do you love me?" I asked.  I was tired of his game. Tired of his ruthlessness when it came to treating me. I needed someone. Desperately. "No." He replied without waiting for even a second and pulled the girl that was in his arms closer to his chest. Kissing her deeply in front of my eyes. He followed me to every place that I went to since the day I had stepped inside this college. He threatened and hit every man that dared to come close to me. Who dared to ask me out or behaved too friendly with me. And on the other hand, he went about his way putting his mouth on every girl that came into his sight. Except me. Why? Because I was his mate. I sighed heavily at his words. This was it. This was the limit of my patience with him. I stepped forward so that I was just one step away from him. I extended my hand and pinched the lock of hair softly that was falling on his forehead. He was gorgeous.  But he was not meant to be with me. "Then you won't be able to find me ever again." ~~~~~ After what had happened with him ten years ago, Damon, the mysterious 'True Alpha' had decided that he was never going to mate. He found his mate, Bella, the moment she stepped inside her college. And then the battle between his heart and his vow of never taking a mate started. It made him do things that he wasn't proud of. But his ego was more superior to ask for any forgiveness. But then, he loved her too, in his own f****d up way. When she leaves, he finds what tragedy she had gone through. He searches for her as desperately as she had begged him that day. While at the same time, someone has started going through clans, leaving kills in its way like a ghost that can't be seen. The mysterious kills bring back the one who was never ever destined to be this strong. Will Bella and Damon ever meet? Or will this be a tragic end to their love story? ------- Want to support me? Want to read the story I have posted the blurb of above? 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