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"We will see." I smiled innocently and went around the kitchen counter to go in the hall. Taking a seat in one of the couches, I put the coke on the table and turned the TV on.  "Horror movie?!" I exclaimed excitedly as the theme music started. The movie 'Oculus' was just getting started. Reaching for the lights on the side table I turned it off, ready to have a theatre of my own. "What are you doing?" I heard Elijah's voice right next to my ear, his breath blowing my hair away. Flinching in surprise, I turned my head sideways instantly, coming face to face with his handsome one. I gulped down in nervousness as his familiar scent made its way inside my conscious, making my heart race. Them blinking away the sudden occurrence of his attention, I turned my face back towards the TV, my hands trembled a little as I fumbled, "Can't you see? I am watching a movie." "Go see your face in the mirror," Elijah came around the couch and dropped down right next to me, touching me with his body to extreme closeness, "with that bandage around your head, you can even scare a mummy right now." "Stop making fun of my pain!" I gritted and try to shift sideways, a bit away from his touch that never did anything good to my body, "you did this to me." "I did not. You were the one excited to jump on the road." "Shut your mouth. I need to watch this movie." "You can start that and I will not need to respond." Gritting my teeth angrily, I tried to tame down the frustration. This man was infuriating! The movie started, and ten minutes into the scenes, I was clutching a pillow up to my eyes barely seeing anything at all. But even the sounds were scary. "Wh... what are you doing?" I heard Elijah say. I did not respond. Instead, gulping down the fear, I forced myself to look up at the screen. And gosh, was that a big mistake? As soon as I did, the possessed woman inside the movie who was eating crushed glasses in her mouth turned her face around and jumped forward to lunge at her innocent children who were watching her from the doorway. "AHHHHHHHH!!!!" I screamed, the sandwich flew over the table, my body jumped on the couch and up into Elijah's lap. And through all that time, my mouth did not stop screaming. Elijah's hand covered my mouth, "HEY!" he shouted above my screaming and turned the TV off. I was breathing down so heavily as I had just run a marathon. My heart was still thudding loudly in fear. "Why do you watch horror movies if you can not watch horror movies?" I blinked in the dark, still trying to forget the face of horror I had just seen. And since Elijah's hand was covering my mouth completely, it was not like I could really say anything at all. Once my breathing slowed down a bit and I came back from the high of fear, I realized I was still in his lap, his one hand clutching my waist while the other covered my mouth, and his eyes were on me, his face too close for the comfort. Lifting my hand up to cover the back of his hand, I pushed his hand away from my mouth. "Let me off." I requested, trying to wiggle out of his grip. "So soon?" he grinned, "aren't you afraid there is a horror lady lurking in the corner somewhere right now?" His words were quick to bring a shudder down to my spine. "Stop scaring me!" I cried out, honestly feeling more scared by each passing second. Because I was in an incubus' lap, and there was no f*****g way there are no poltergeists in the world if there are other supernatural beings. "I am not scaring you." Elijah whispered in a low tone, "our mansion is centuries- old place and there have been countless deaths here. I have never seen a poltergeist but it could be because I am not a human." "S.. stop bluffing." I stuttered, horrified. My fingers fumbled to find the damn light switch which, to my surprise was nowhere at all. The table was now empty. "Wh... where is the table lamp?"  "What lamp?" Elijah murmured in confusion. "There was a table lamp here that I turned off when the movie started." I fumbled, my fingers trembling on the cold surface of the now empty table, "where did it go?" "There was no lamp here. Are you sure that you are awake and not dreaming right now?" Elijah's words were like a cold splash on me. My tremors suddenly turned to completely horrified terror as the dreams of Solomon's t*****e returned to my conscious, reminding me of the dreams that had felt too real, too sad... too inhumane. "Don't say that," I whispered, my voice turning to an immediate low tone, "Elijah, I... I am going to cry." The tears came even before I finished the words. The droplets dripping down from my eyes and falling on the back of the hand of Elijah that rested on my waist, holding me. "Ally...?" the sound of his voice had immediately turned to a soft murmur, instead of the cold one now, "hey... I was joking. I just put the lamp down on the ground from the table so that you could not find it. Don't cry!" He bent down a bit before the soft glow of the lamp was turned on. I was sobbing. I could not help it. The scene of the horror movie was forgotten and its place was taken by the t*****e I had gone through for the past three months. "I am sorry," I whispered, putting pressure on his hand to remove it from my waist. It held on to me tightly but then gave in as I put more pressure, letting me slide out of his lap and shift back on the couch. I buried my face in my palms, hiding the tears and trying to control my sobs. I wanted to cry aloud but I did not want Elijah to see me like this. I felt his hand on my shoulders, his face coming close to mine as he whispered, "are you alright? Why are you so scared over a stupid movie?" "I... it is not because of the movie, damn it." I cried out, trying to stifle my sobs that broke out of my lips. The remainder of the pain and fear in my bones through those dreams was so real and terrifying. I did not want to experience them ever again, but I knew I did not have any other way to stop them, "I... I just remembered something." Elijah fell silent for a few moments. There was no sound there except for my broken sobs. And then before I realized it, I felt arms engulfing me in a deep hug. His scent covered me along with his arms and pulled my face closer to his chest, hiding me. And god... I had never felt so at home in what felt like centuries. "Don't cry." Elijah whispered in my ear softly, "I am here now. Don't be scared." I whimpered and hid my face in his chest, my sobs slowly dying down. I did not want to be scared. Being with him just brought the relief I never knew I needed so desperately. "Ally," I heard him say in a soft tone, "what exactly happened?" I blinked my eyes, trying to move the tears away. His soft tone was a welcome peace to my conscious. But it was not enough for me to forget that he was the reason I had to suffer through the nightmares for over three months. "My head hurts." I whispered softly, trying to find an excuse to dodge his question as well as his arms, "let me go now. I am sorry."
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