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CHAPTER 7 “This is some delicious bean soup.” Megan wiped her mouth with her napkin and smiled at her sister-in-law. “Well, it’s not much,” Susannah answered, “but I figured you’d be hungry after that long flight.” Scott nudged Megan in the side and grinned at his wife. “You know, babe, it was awful nice of you to make beans tonight because Megan was telling me on the drive over from the airport how they never seem to serve enough of those in Central America.” Susannah frowned. “Really? That’s surprising.” Kitty sneezed, and while Susannah was busy wiping her face with a napkin, Megan gave her brother an annoyed glare. Halfway into the meal, Scott got up and stood behind his wife’s chair. “You’ve done enough now. I’ll help Kitty finish the rest of dinner.” “No, I’ve got it,” Susannah insisted, bringing the bottle of formula back to her sister’s lips. Scott leaned down and whispered, “Move over, babe. I’ve got it.” Susannah sighed loudly as her husband helped her to her feet. It had been a good afternoon. Once Megan showered and changed out of her travel clothes, everyone had piled into Kitty’s room to listen to Adventures in Odyssey, Kitty’s favorite radio show. Susannah sat on Kitty’s bed, cuddling and massaging her the whole time. Silly as it was, Megan had choked up, wondering what it might be like to grow up in a family this close to each other. At one point, she met her brother’s eye and was almost certain he was thinking the same thing. As it turned out, Kitty had a fabulous sense of humor. The fact that she happened to have cerebral palsy didn’t change the way she enjoyed listening to the Odyssey stories, laughed at every silly joke, or loved her family. A family that had opened their doors to Megan for the summer. She had been so afraid of coming back to the States on furlough, which was why she had postponed the trip for several years. Up until recently, Scott was traveling the world with his mission work, and it wasn’t like there was any other family worth visiting back in the States. Megan and Scott were each other’s family, and now by extension so were Susannah and Kitty. After switching their seats, Scott helped Kitty with her formula, and Susannah was finally able to eat more than a bite every two minutes. Megan tried to think of some way to fill the empty silence. “So how are you feeling? Do you have much morning sickness?” Susannah beamed at her. Megan had already noticed the way she practically glowed when talking about the pregnancy. “Oh, it’s not been too bad.” She patted her stomach. “And I know when he or she comes out it’ll all be worth it.” “Don’t listen to her,” Scott mumbled. “She was upchucking five times a day until just a few weeks ago.” Kitty snorted on a laugh while Susannah exclaimed, “It wasn’t that bad.” How did she always look so peaceful and demure? Megan couldn’t picture anyone else more fit for motherhood or more perfect for her brother. “I still feel bad I missed your wedding. You know we’re going to have to watch that video after dinner.” From her wheelchair, Kitty let out a massive snort, spraying milk out of her nose. What had Megan said wrong? She turned to her brother, hoping he’d make the necessary apologies on her behalf, but he just wiped Kitty down and said, “Oh, you just want Megan to see how pretty you looked in your maid of honor dress, don’t you? Didn’t we talk about what the Bible teaches about vanity?” Kitty made the same sound. Megan had to remind herself it was a laugh and not something to worry about. While Scott cleaned up the sprayed milk, Susannah let out a surprised-sounding, “Oh,” and jumped up from the table. “Are you all right?” Megan blurted. Scott hardly glanced at his wife. “Bathroom?” he asked with a grin. Susannah nodded. “Sorry. Gotta run.” She darted off down the hall. Kitty snorted again, and Scott closed the lid of her formula bottle. “All right. I think that’s enough for today. What do you think?” Blink, blink. Scott nodded. “I think so too.” He turned to Megan. “Not to get all mushy or anything, but have I told you how glad I am you’re here?” His smile sent a pang through her heart. During their childhood, how much healing might it have brought them both to see into the future and get a glimpse of Scott here with his family, so loving, so adored? She shoved the thought quickly aside and returned his grin. “I’m glad I’m here too. It’s going to be a great summer.”
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