
What Dreams May Die


Is this chance reunion a bizarre fluke or an act of providence? And does it make any difference?

She’s a full-time missionary.

He’s working at a Christian ministry thousands of miles away.

Will a summer reunion k****e old flames or bury them both in painful memories?

When Megan flies out to Orchard Grove, Washington, her only goal is to connect with her brother and his pregnant wife. The last thing she needs is a chance meeting with the man who broke her heart years ago after she left the States to become a full-time missionary.

Brad’s taking his summer off from teaching to care for his elderly grandmother. He’s looking forward to some time away from his intense ministry at a home for troubled teens.

What he’s not expecting is to run into Megan, the woman he fell so hard for many years ago. The woman who left him to follow God’s call to the mission field.

The woman he can’t get over no matter how hard he tries.

What Dreams May Die is a heart-touching, inspirational story about two Christians who have devoted their lives to serving others and are about to find out that God’s plans for his children are far more glorious than anything we could ask or imagine.

Read it today.

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CHAPTER 1 Megan reached up to hug her brother. “It’s great to see you. I’m still so sorry I missed your wedding.” “You can stop apologizing.” Scott plucked her suitcase out of her hand and tossed it into the backseat of his car. “How was your flight? Everything go okay?” She nodded and tried to hide her yawn. “Everything was fine. But I’m ready to hide away from the Costa Rican heat for a while.” “Well, don’t get your hopes up. Orchard Grove’s been in the nineties every day for the past week.” Scott gave her one more hug. “I’m so glad to see you. The last time we were together you were still crying over that jerk who ...” “It’s been a long time, hasn’t it?” she interrupted. She stopped herself from apologizing one more time for not being able to fly out to Orchard Grove when he and Susannah got married last winter. Megan sat beside her brother and buckled up. Scott hadn’t stopped grinning since baggage claim. “Are you hungry? We could grab something for the road.” “Starving.” “You in the mood for anything in particular?” Megan paused to think. “Anything that’s not a legume.” She never knew until moving to Costa Rica to work with Kingdom Builders how black beans could turn into breakfast, lunch, and dinner staples. Her taste buds were ready for a nice, juicy burger or greasy slice of pizza. This felt just like it had when she was a teenager and spent her spring break with Scott while he was getting his Bible certificate. Just the two of them, together again. Except now he was married and about to become a father. “How’s Susannah?” she asked as they pulled away from the curb. Scott maneuvered through the congested airport traffic. “She’s adorable. Like always. Being pregnant hasn’t slowed her down a bit.” “And what about her sister?” Megan asked. “How’s Kitty doing?” She glanced over at her brother and for the first time saw his smile diminish. “She’s hanging in there,” Scott answered. “She’s one tough cookie, that’s for sure.” “Well, I’m excited for the chance to get to know her.” Megan didn’t want to admit she was nervous. Not about meeting Scott’s wife. She and Susannah had shared plenty of phone calls and video chats, and Megan had heard enough about Susannah from her brother that she felt like they had known each other for years. What she was less certain about was Kitty, Susannah’s sister who had cerebral palsy and was recovering from pneumonia. Scott had tried to sugar-coat Kitty’s recent sickness on the phone. That was just his way, but Megan knew her brother well enough to suspect that things weren’t as optimistic as he made them out to be. Which was one of the main reasons Megan had flown all the way to Washington state to be with her brother and sister-in-law. Susannah could use the extra hands around the house, especially now that she was pregnant in addition to taking care of her sister. Megan was past due for a furlough anyway. Most of the other missionary teachers at the Kingdom Builders school and orphanage left Costa Rica once every year or two, but Megan had stayed on the field over four years straight. So much had changed since then. “I still can’t believe you’re about to become a dad.” Megan winced when she said the words. Scott would be a great father. She knew that with certainty, but she still couldn’t picture him settled down with a family of his own. Would there still be room left in his heart for her? He looked just as casual and at ease as ever. “Well, I’m sure you had a long day. Feel free to take a little nap. We can stop by Zips for some food on our way out of town.” Megan leaned back in her seat. There were so many things she wanted to ask her brother. How did he end up falling in love with Susannah before they’d even met face to face? Was it hard sharing his home with a sister with disabilities? Had it been a difficult choice to give up his frequent mission trips with Kingdom Builders to settle down? Did he ever regret his decision, even a little? But there would be time for all that later. Megan wouldn’t be heading back to Costa Rica until September. It was a much-needed break after four and a half long years on the field. Scott knew more than anyone how difficult her first few months had been. Eventually the two of them would end up talking about all of it, but for now she just enjoyed his nearness. She rolled down her window, sighing as the wind whipped through her hair. She’d never set foot in Washington state until now, but still it felt good to be home.

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