Mysterious Stranger

4661 Words
*****Warning This Chapter Contains Sensitive Topics Read With Caution******* Zane I sat at my desk, covered in paperwork. If there is one thing I hate about being an Alpha, it's this! I am the alpha of the largest werewolf pack consisting of ten-thousand werewolves. Most packs are never more than five hundred members. The crimson moon pack was one of the most feared packs worldwide, not only because of our size but because of our abilities. Every member is highly trained; training starts at the age of thirteen and is required for everyone, regardless of if they are male or female. This is very unconventional since most wolves do not believe in training women, but we do not follow all of the laws and rules of the elder council. Other packs are stuck in their old ways, and that is their downfall and why they cannot grow in strength and numbers. I even have a female delta which is practically unheard of. She is the only child of the former deltas, and she is deserving of the position, and I will not deny her birthright just because of her gender. Even the omegas are highly trained and can defend themselves. Our pack has always been a force to be reckoned with, and this is why we are so large and have grown in number over the years. I have been the alpha for four years now. I took over the pack from my father when I was eighteen. I have trained to be an Alpha all of my life and had no issues becoming alpha at such a young age. My father believed that I was ready and had no doubt about my abilities. As I finished the last dispute for the day, I received a mind link from my delta. “Alpha, please head down to the dungeons; we have an urgent matter.” I knew it was important my high-ranked members and friends never addressed me as alpha unless it was dealing with pack affairs. I quickly got up and headed to the dungeons. I met Keira standing in the interrogation room with a disheveled male sitting in the chair. His face was bleeding, and he looked like he had seen better days. I mind-linked Kiera to get some background information, as I never question my ranked members in front of anyone. I trust them enough to know that if they decided to unleash a beating on someone, that person deserved it. “What happened with this one?” Kiera “He was caught trying to force himself on an omega; he is a visitor from the black mountain pack. He is related to some of our members. I guess he doesn’t know that our omegas are well-trained, and she is the one who has his face looking like that. I only did the lip just for good measure.” Zane As Kiera caught me up via mind link the fucker had the audacity to speak without permission. “I knew you would be in trouble, you b***h; now the alpha will discipline you and let me out of here.” “Women should know their place, and their place is in the kitchen, our under us men in bed….” Kiera’s fist connected with his face again as he coughed and spat out a tooth. I was impressed; this is why she is my delta. I looked at her approvingly, and then I grabbed the bastard by his throat and took over. I walked him over to the torture chamber. No one comes to my pack, violates my members, and disrespects my delta! I dropped him to the ground as he gasped for air. “What the f**k is wrong with you?” “You let women treat men like this in your pack?” He was going to say something else when I let out my alpha aura, and he started to gasp for air. He couldn’t hold my gaze, and his body started to tremble. Soon there was blood coming out of his nose and ears. “Please, Alpha Zane, have mercy!” He managed to squeak out, but I had no sympathy the minute he came into my pack and committed a crime that is punishable by death. All mercy went out of the window. I do not tolerate crimes against women. I’m sure by now; my eyes were not their usual gray color. In fact, I am sure that they were red. My wolf was trying to surface, but I kept him under control. He would rip his throat out without hesitation if I let him forward. I wanted this fucker to suffer to take back his words and to know his place when he is in the Crimson Moon Pack. I grabbed the silver knife off of the wall; for most wolves, silver would cause excruciating pain, but for me, I was immune to the effects of silver. His eyes widened as soon as he realized what was going to happen. Zane No one comes to my pack and disrespects any of my pack members, and more importantly, no one disrespects their Delta or Alpha. Here in the Crimson Moon pack, respect is very important; in fact, it is one of our most important values. Apparently, at the black mountain, pack, they do not teach you guys respect, but no worries. Today is your lucky day. Fortunately for you, I have lots of free time today to teach you a lesson about respect. Unfortunately for you, that lesson will be your last. He let out a shrill cry, and I ordered my guards to strap him to the metal bed. Kiera Are you crying? Like a little b***h. For someone who is so manly, I thought you could handle this like a “ man”! Zane With that, I started making small cuts to his arm and legs, being very careful not to cut major veins or arteries. I wanted this to be slow and painful. His screams were music to my ears. Fortunately, the dungeon walls were soundproof, or his screams could be heard throughout the whole pack. This lesson today is called flaying; it’s one of my favorites. This is where I slowly and painfully peel all of the skin off of your body, leaving your muscles and organs exposed, making sure to keep you alive the whole time so that you can feel every single slice from my knife. But first, I grabbed a syringe filled with wolfsbane and injected him with it. This will prevent his body from healing and repairing itself. Then I poured hot water on his body, just hot enough to burn but not kill him. This will soften the skin so that it’s easier for me to remove it. I started with his fingers, first removing the nails one at a time. These hands were the same ones that you used to try and violate one of my omegas and who knows how many other women before that. I then remove all of the skin from his fingers and hands. I worked my way to his legs, doing the same with his toes and feet. I worked my way up his body tearing and ripping his flesh, not caring about the screams leaving his mouth. All the while, my guards were applying quick clot powder to his muscle and flesh to prevent him from bleeding out. I saved his face for last. I want him disfigured if he ever survives this, which I highly doubt. I want him to look in the mirror and see what disrespecting the alpha of the Crimson Moon pack would bring and to think twice about his actions against women. After tearing off one of his ears, the pain became unbearable, and he passed out. I took an electric taser and shocked him back awake. I mind-linked the omega that he tried to assault, and when she arrived, I let her do the honors of flaying his d**k. I wasn’t going to do it, and I thought it was only fitting that a woman did this job since he despises them so much. His eyes widened he started screaming, crying again, and, this time, even cursing. “You f*****g b***h, you lied to your alpha about what happened; you know you wanted it; in fact, you begged me to do it, and now look at what your lies did to me.” “If I ever get out of here, I swear I will….” I quickly grabbed the knife out of the omega's hand and, in one swift move, stabbed the knife into his hand. As he opened his mouth to scream, I ripped out his tongue using my bare hands. That's enough out of you; no one wants to hear you screaming like a b***h; take your punishment like a man. I handed the knife back to the omega and nodded for her to continue. I mind-linked Kieara to hang him from a meat hook in the torture cell after the omega was done. I wanted him to suffer until he died. If he doesn't die by tonight, the infection will set in, and he will be dead in a few days. Then we will ship his body back to the black mountain pack. I made my way upstairs to my floor. I quickly got out of my clothes and headed to the shower. I watched the blood run down the drain as the water ran down my body. I know that my methods and ways are cruel, but that is just how I was raised and trained. It is how it has always been in my family for generations, and I have intentions to change. I turned off the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist. I started walking over to the walk-in closet to find some clothes when my Wolf Knight stirred. Knight, what is going on? You have been on edge for a while now. He didn’t answer. Knight is a stubborn wolf, and sometimes he pisses me off to no end. It’s hard to control him; he is very powerful. When I first got him at sixteen, he tried to overpower me; he came forward and refused to give me back control. It almost worked and I thought I would be trapped in my mind forever, but then I managed to reel him back in. Ever since then, I only let him out when I have to. My father said it’s because of our bloodline, because our alpha blood is special, but he is a pain in the ass if you ask me. It has taken us years to get to this point of where we are on the same page, so when Knight gets like this without telling me what’s going on, I get worried. I put on some gray sweatpants and decided to finish up my work on my laptop in my room and call it a night. My Beta Allen and Gamma Luca are both out of town on a work trip, so the work was divided between Kiera and me. I was finally finished with the last email confirmation for the alpha summit that myself and my high-ranked member members would attend when there was a knock on my door. I smelled her scent immediately. It was Katie, my high school girlfriend. We grew up together and dated until I got my wolf at sixteen. Knight wanted nothing to do with her when he emerged, since she wasn’t our mate, so I broke it off. I felt really bad about it but I figured that she would get over it when she found her mate. Unfortunately for me, she still hasn’t found her mate and refuses to move on. I sat on the couch hoping that she would leave, but the knocking continued. I sighed and stood up from the couch and walked to the door. I opened it and saw a smiling Katie looking up at me batting her eyelashes. “Zane, I mean Alpha, I just came to say hello and to see how you were doing.” “I know that your parents left for a vacation along with Liam and Luca not being here, and I just wanted to make sure that you didn’t need any company.” She said while quickly looking down at my sweatpants, then looking up while biting her lips and twirling her hair. Knight wasn’t happy about this. He hated it when I even looked at girls who weren’t my mates. He is a c**k blocker if you asked me, but I also had no interest in Katie anymore. He growled and whispered in a cold, threatening tone, “get rid of her now or I will.” I sighed, I didn’t hate Katie. She was a nice girl. I just wish she would find her mate and leave me alone. Zane I’m fine, Katie. I was actually about to call it a night, so I’ll see you around. “But Zane, I just wanted to hang out like old times.” “Plus, you know how much I like it when you wear gray sweatpants.” She reached out and rubbed my abs as I wasn’t wearing a shirt, and I could smell her arousal. Listen, Katie, I’ve told you this many times before go find your mate. Now I am going to bed. I suggest you leave my floor before I have the guards escort you. She huffed and then stormed off. This woman was giving me a headache. I closed my door and locked it, then headed towards my bed; as I was about to lie down in bed, Knight finally responded to me. Knight “We need to go to the club now!” Zane What the f**k do you mean, Knight? I am not going to the club now. I may own the place, but the shifters who frequent it are all f*****g idiots. Unless I am going to the office for something, I am not going. I am going to bed. I am f*****g exhausted. You have been a pain in the ass all day today. Knight Fine, you can go to sleep, and when you do, I will take over and make you go to the club, and maybe while I’m at it, I will finally kill that w***e of a she-wolf, Katie. Zane Fuck you, Knight; why the f**k do you want me to go there anyway? He didn’t answer, instead, he just retreated to the back of my mind. I angrily got dressed, putting on a t-shirt and some shoes. I didn’t care how I looked. I mind-linked Kiera that I was leaving, then I drove my car angrily to the club. I went in through the back door and headed up to the office. I figured I might get some work done since Knight was forcing me to be here. I was looking at invoices and receipts when I started feeling restless, and soon, I couldn’t focus. I mind-linked the bartender to make my favorite drink and started heading downstairs to get it. When I made it downstairs, I was hit with the most mouth-watering tropical scent of mangoes, coconut, and vanilla. Knight immediately perked up. I followed the scent and saw a male shifter attacking the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen. Her long curly hair and little silver dress were driving me wild. Knight immediately lost it; he pushed forward, growling and grabbing the man and ripping his spine out from the back without hesitation. Then he growled out the words "Mine!"As the body fell limp beside me, my eyes were glued to hers. An angel on earth, a heart-stopping beauty, the one I've been waiting for my whole life, my Mate! She looked at me wide-eyed. Was it shock because of what I just did? Or did she feel the mate pull? I quickly tried to rein Knight back in so that I didn’t scare her, but he was being stubborn. Elle A mysterious man came out of nowhere; one minute, I was preparing for a fight, and the next minute, I was staring at the most mesmerizing eyes I’d ever seen. They were dark red. Any normal person would sense danger and be petrified, especially after what he just did. I knew that I should be careful, scared even, but I wasn’t. Instead, it was drawing me in. I wanted to get closer. I reached my hand out to thank him for what he did, and as soon as our fingers touched I was hit by a jolt of electricity, and his eyes immediately changed to gray. I gasped. It felt like time slowed down, the music faded and it was just us two at that moment. Amethyst was going crazy in my mind. She was howling something she had never done before. He held my hands, ready to pull me closer and I willingly let him without a fight. It was like I was in a trance. His simple touch did things to me that I could never imagine, and I quickly found myself blushing. I looked up into his handsome face, and just when his lips parted, Alex made it over and, with a flash, snapped us out of there. We arrived in the living room of the main house. I couldn’t wrap my mind around what had just happened. I was a little upset at Alex for getting us out of there. I did not want to leave but I got his reasoning. It was for our safety and that's what he was there for in the first place. I wanted to snap myself back to the club and look for him, but I had to be there for my best friends. Arie threw up on the couch, and on Talia's shoes; Talia let out a shrill scream while gagging. I sighed and snapped everything clean, thanked Alex for going with us tonight, and then snapped us upstairs. We changed Arie into her sleeping clothes and put her in bed. I made sure she was sleeping face down in case she threw up again so she wouldn’t choke. I told Talia good night, and we both walked to our rooms. When I arrived at my room, my mind was reeling. I couldn’t get my mind off of that mysterious stranger. The sad part about it was I would probably never see him again. I looked at my fingers, and I could still feel the tingles. How could someone I had just met have such an effect on me? I sighed and slowly climbed out of my dress. I needed to take a shower to clear my mind. His simple touch had me feeling things that I never felt with Liam. And I soon realized that my lacy thong was soaked, his touch made me wet, and I won’t lie, I wanted more. I took a cold shower and got dressed. I lay in bed and tried to fall asleep but I couldn’t get those gray eyes out of my mind. After hours of tossing and turning, sleep finally took me. Zane I was in the camera room combing through footage trying to find the minute my mate arrived at my club. I couldn’t believe that this had happened. One minute she was almost in my arms, the next, she was gone. How? Who was that guy that took them away? Knight had lost it and was fighting for dominance. Knight, I know that you want our mate. I want the same too, so I need you to trust me. We will find her no matter what it takes. I watched hours of footage, and finally, I saw her arrive with two other girls and that guy. I immediately called my beta Allen. He was the best IT person I knew, and, besides, I didn’t trust anyone else with this information. Being the alpha of one of the most powerful packs meant that I had a lot of enemies, and finding out about my mate would give them an advantage against me. I needed to find her as soon as possible. Allen, I need you and Luca home immediately. I will give you all the answers when you arrive. I know your mission is not complete, but this is more important. I quickly hung up and looked at the footage of my mate. She had all eyes on her when she was dancing. Every man wanted what was mine, and the thought of that alone made my blood boil. I wanted to rip the throats out of all the men in this video. I will find you, my angel, and when I do, I will never let you go! When I arrived home, I walked through the kitchen of the pack house and, unsurprisingly, Katie was there. I kept walking. I didn't have time for her s**t. I wasn’t in the mood. Now that I have seen my mate, I can’t imagine what I have ever seen in her. “Zane, wait! Where are you going?” Listen, Katie, I don’t have time for this, and besides, last I checked, I am the alpha of this pack. You do not get to question me. Now get out of my way and do not come to my floor. Katie moved aside, and I walked past her. I heard her grunt in frustration and stomp away. I got on the elevator and headed to my floor. I used my fingerprints and unlocked my door; then, I made sure to lock it as soon as I got in. I removed my shoes and shirt and threw them on the floor. I looked over at my king-sized bed, wondering if I would ever be able to sleep tonight. Thoughts of her kept running through my mind. Her bright hazel eyes, soft caramel skin, the way her face looked when our fingers touched, and her scent, the delicious tropical scent that drove me and Knight wild. But most importantly, the smell of her arousal when I held both of her hands; she was dripping wet just for me, just from my touch. I could smell how much she wanted me, and I almost lost it and wanted to take her right there, but she was too good for that. I was going to whisk her away, get her out of the club and bring her here to her home in our pack. I wanted to tell her that she was mine, my other half, my mate! And now she is gone! I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration. I walked over to the bed and slowly got in, knowing that I wouldn’t be able to ever get any sleep tonight. Elle I awoke to the feelings of tingles on my fingers. I smiled, and my eyes slowly fluttered open. I was again met with those mesmerizing gray eyes, and my breath hitched. He was here in my room on my bed in only gray sweatpants. And by the looks of it, he was very happy to see me. “My eyes are up here, beautiful.” “Do you like what you see?” I blushed furiously, and I couldn't speak. I was tongue-tied. Wha..what are you doing here? “I am here to claim what's mine!” With that, I was immediately pinned beneath him; his touch sent shivers down my spine, and soon his lips were on mine. What started off as a passionate kiss turned out to be hungry and desperate, and soon my lungs were burning, and I needed to come up for air. That didn’t stop him; he quickly started peppering kisses down my neck and collarbone. I could feel his manhood pressing against my leg, and my eyes widened. It was huge, and I found myself wondering if it would ever fit. I was scared he would rip me in two. A small moan escaped me, and his kisses became even more heated and possessive. I felt his teeth graze at a sensitive spot on my neck that sent shivers through my body and made my core clench, and this time, I moaned loudly. He growled into my ear, “f**k, yes, beautiful, you smell so f*****g good.” “If you don’t stop me now, I won’t be able to control myself; tell me what you want?” I was speechless. I tried to speak, but words wouldn’t come out. “Open your eyes and look at me!” “Tell me what you want?” I… I please, I want you! I panted desperately. With that, he growled, his gray eyes grew darker, and he ripped off my shirt and bra. He licked his lips and placed his mouth over my n*****s, sucking and licking the sensitive flesh. At that point, I saw stars. I didn't know anything could feel this good. I was a moaning mess and felt as if I was going to come apart. He made his way down to my shorts and gently removed them. He looked and smirked at me. You will be the death of me lace underwear, beautiful it’s like you knew I was going to be here. He then slipped the thong to the side and ran his fingers up and down my sensitive core, paying special attention to my cl*t rubbing small circles on it. I felt as though I was going to burst, and my moans were becoming louder and louder. He removed his fingers and sucked on them. You taste divine; now I am going to make you scream my name over and over again! He licked his lips and dived down toward my sensitive core; I arched my back and screamed…. when I was awakened by the sound of my alarm clock. I sat up quickly and was gasping for air. I looked around me, and I was fully dressed. I gulped. I have never had a dream like this before. What was happening to me? I was startled when I heard a knock on my door. Get it together, Elle. I sat up and realized that my pants and underwear were soaked. I quickly snapped on a new pair and answered the door. It was Mrs. Rose. Mrs. Rose Good morning Elle. Are you okay? Elle Yes, Mrs. Rose, I am fine. Why do you ask? Mrs. Rose I heard your screams and wanted to check on you! Elle My cheeks turned red. I was so embarrassed. I cleared my throat. Yes, I am fine. I was just having a nightmare, but I'm all better now. Mrs.Rose Okay, good; I would feel horrible waking you up after the night you ladies had Alex told me all about it. I gave Arie my special cocktail drink again. She practically begged me for it. Anyway, I am here to tell you that now that you are finished with your training and are ready to take over your pack, I have RSVP'd you, Talia, and Arie to one of the most important meetings that happens annually. It is where all alphas from each pack meet to discuss current events, come up with solutions, make peace treaties and alliances, and also where new alphas are introduced. You will be attending with your beta and gamma. I will give you all the materials and teach you about everything that you will need. It will not be easy, as you will be not only the first female alpha but also the first female hybrid alpha. Elle My eyes widened. I have to go into a room full of sexist pigs and prove myself to them. I hated the sound of this. When is this meeting? I asked. Mrs. Rose The meeting is called the alpha summit, and it is this weekend!
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