Girls Night

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Alex Holy s**t Elle, that's the biggest one yet; you are officially ready. This is the end of your fairy training. I don't think that there is anything else for me to teach you. You are stronger than any full-blooded fairy I’ve ever met; you are a natural. You, indeed, are of the royal bloodline. Elle Thank you, Alex. I couldn’t have done it without you. I ran over and gave him the biggest hug. Alex has become such an important part of my life. He is a full-blooded fairy from the faerie realm and the grandson of Mrs. Rose. They fled faerie along with Mrs. Rose, but his mother decided to stay here. I waved goodbye to Alex, snapped my fingers, and was transported to my room. It's been almost three years since that fateful day. I thought about the most relaxing bubble bath. I snapped my fingers, filling my tub with the best-smelling tropical bath bomb. I slowly climbed into the bath water. I push myself so hard. I was sore; the warm water made my body relax. I closed my eyes and thought about when I first got here. My life is entirely different from what it was before. After Mrs.Rose brought us here on the night of my birthday and explained everything to us, it was a hard pill to swallow. The only thing I wanted to do was wallow in depression and self-pity. For the first few days, I was numb. I stayed in my room without eating or drinking. I felt an immense sense of guilt about what happened. I felt as though it was my fault. My fault; my parents died, my best friend's parents died, and our homes were destroyed. I stayed in my room for one week without leaving. I pulled the curtains and stayed in the dark. I couldn’t eat, and I couldn’t sleep. I just kept thinking about how my parents felt when they perished in the fire. I kept seeing their faces in my dreams. I missed them so much. I felt as though my life was not worth living anymore. How could I move on without them? They were my whole world. It was the worse days of my life. In that one week, I had lots of time to reflect on my life and where I would be headed. It all makes sense now, the way my parents were acting the last few days. The reason why my mother was crying uncontrollably. I just wish I had known the truth sooner; maybe I would have been able to save them. I was sitting on my bed, hair disheveled, wearing baggy clothes, and with red puffy eyes, when I heard a knock on the door. Everyone has been trying to get me to come out of the room all week, but I just couldn’t face them. I was the reason for their pain. The knocking stopped, and a letter appeared under the door. I stood to my feet immediately. It was the same letter that my mother had given me. I couldn't believe it. How did it get here? I thought it was destroyed in the fire. I quickly picked it up with shaking hands. I looked at my name on the front of it, written in my mom's handwriting. I shed a single tear. It was the last thing I had remaining from them. I hugged it to my chest. I proceeded to tear it cautiously, only on one side, because I wanted to save the envelope and letter for later. I slowly opened it and read the letter: My sweet Elle, by the time you read this, it might be too late; we may not be here anymore. I just want you to know that we love you so much, my angel, and we are so sorry that this is what life will be like for you now. We have wanted to tell you the truth about us for many years but wanted so much for you to have a normal life. We wanted to make sure that you weren’t burdened with responsibility at such a young age. The truth is that your father is an alpha wolf and a descendant of one of the first alpha wolves. I am the princess of faerie. I am the future queen and would have been if I didn’t leave with your father. I was supposed to be in an arranged marriage, but when I saw your father, it was love at first sight. I just knew that I didn’t want anyone else but him. Our bloodline is powerful, and you are the first of your kind. The first alpha wolf and royal fairy hybrid. This is unheard of, and if you are found by the wrong people, God knows what they may do to you. We just knew that we had to protect you. We are very sorry for hiding this for all of these years. We thought that it was best that you didn’t learn about this until you became an adult. Just always know that you are special; you are meant for greatness. Whenever you feel like you cannot go on anymore, just reach deep down inside of yourself and remember who you are. You are Elle Isabella White, the future Alpha of the sapphire pack and the rightful heir to the fairy throne. We will always be with you because we are a part of you. We love you to the moon and back, my sweet angel. Your Parents, Iris and Desmond. I read the letter over a few more times; this was my last connection to my parents and also confirmed that what Mrs.Rose told us was true. I sat on the bed, staring at the letter. My parents were dead. I am an alpha wolf and a royal fairy hybrid. Repeating this to myself made it all too real. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Remembering my father's last words to me, “Please always remember how strong you are and that you can get through any obstacle in life. Just remember who your parents are and who your ancestors are. Your bloodline is filled with strength, courage, and endurance. I know what I’m saying doesn’t make sense now, but when the time comes, just remember what I told you. Just remember to always listen to your head and your heart.” It all made so much sense now; it was his way of trying to tell me to stay strong. What are my head and my heart telling me? As I sat there thinking, I thought about what my parents would want. What they would want me to do? They wouldn't want me to feel sorry for myself. To sit in this room and be lost away from the world. That is when I made the decision that I would make my parents proud. I would take my rightful position as Alpha of the sapphire pack, and I would find my parent's killer even if it's the last thing I do. With this newfound energy, confidence, and a new outlook on life, I wiped the tears from my face. I got off the bed, placed the letter in the drawer, and swung the door open. Whispering a silent thank you to my parents, I made my way to Talia’s room as I quickly texted Arie to meet us there. When I arrived at her room, I was instantly greeted with a hug I didn’t know I needed. I was too guilty to face them because I felt directly responsible for their parent's deaths. Arie We are so happy you finally left the room, Elle; we were so worried about you; we love you and don’t blame you for anything that happened to our parents. It isn’t your fault that they were killed. We just wanted to let you know that. Elle Thank you, you don’t know how much I needed. That guilt was almost unbearable. I am still very sorry for everything. I am sorry for hiding away from you both. You must be dealing with your own grief, and I was being so selfish. How are you two holding up? Talia Some days are better than others, but we will all get through this. As long as we have each other, we can get through anything. Please don’t ever hide away from us again. Elle I promise I won’t anymore. I promise to be the strong leader that everyone deserves. With you two by my side, we will overcome everything. I also decided that we should learn more about our abilities from Mrs. Rose and work on becoming the strongest hybrids known. We will work on rebuilding our pack, becoming strong and fearless leaders, and finally, we will find our parent's killer and make them wish they were never born. Talia F*ck yeah, Elle, that's what I’m talking about; let's be the badass bitches we were always meant to be and show everyone what we are made of. Arie I agree with Talia; let’s take this world by storm and show them that we are not to be messed with. Talia But first, I love you, Elle, but you need to get in the shower. I didn’t say anything earlier, but girl, you reek! Arie Yeah, Elle, your hair looks like a bird's nest. I don’t even know if we can even get a brush through it. Elle I guess I did let myself go a bit. Talia A bit?? Elle Okay, fine, a lot. I’ll go take a shower and fix my hair, and then we can go talk to Mrs. Rose. ********* Elle After a long and much-needed shower, I decided to use a flat iron on my hair because there was no way I would get a comb or a brush through it otherwise. After a few hours of self-care, I finally met everyone downstairs, having lunch. We were now living in a realm made by some of the fairies who fled with my mother. This place is hidden and cannot be accessed unless you have fairy blood. Alex said that it was a smaller version of the faerie realm, the exact replica. The first time I ever went outside, I was stunned. It was beautiful; the grass was greener than any grass I had ever seen, and all the trees and flowers flourished without needing any extra help. It was truly magical. All of the fairies here were supporters of my mother's and father's love. They fled when my mother was denied the throne after she decided to stay with my father instead of agreeing to an arranged marriage. After eating lunch, we walked out to the garden, where we sat down with Mrs. Rose to tell her our plans for the future. She agreed to help us every step of the way and arranged for us to be trained by her grandson Alex. He agreed to help us with combat training, and he also helped me with my fairy training. There wasn’t much he could do about my or wolf's side, because no one here had wolves. Training started the very next morning for all of us; it was brutal and tiring. Alex did not go easy on us because we were girls. In fact, he ramped up the training, stating that, as girls, we would need to work extra hard to defeat male opponents. Talia had a major crush on Alex until he had us run 10 miles every morning before training at 5 am. I can’t blame her. Alex is pretty easy on the eyes. He is close to our age twenty-four. He is "6'0" with blonde hair and blue eyes, and with all the training he does, Talia and Arie always find ways to touch his abs during training. All of the younger girls here are in love with him. I've even seen Arie flirting a little. It must be the fairy allure; not many could resist it. I won't lie and say he isn't attractive, but after what happened with Liam, I've decided that I won't be dating for a while. I will focus on becoming the best at what I do. Apparently, alphas are mostly males who are usually not accepting of female alphas because it is very rare, so I will always have to prove myself time and time again to these sexist pigs. I had a lot to learn in a short period of time, so in between combat, training, and fairy training, I was also reading and studying as much as I could about the history of wolves. Arie and Talia studied the history as well, and since we were the only wolves here, we would meet and try to work on getting in touch with our wolves. So far, we are able to talk to our wolves and bring them forward. My wolf Amethyst has become my best friend; we talk every day; she is very strong and opinionated, sassy even, and doesn’t take sh*t from anyone. I really wish I had known how to connect with her since the age she surfaced. She tells me that we are rare and truly powerful. Usually, most wolves do not surface until the age of sixteen, so the fact that I got my wolf at ten is a huge deal. The only thing we haven’t done is shift. To be honest, I'm not sure how to, and I am also slightly terrified of the pain. According to the books, the first shift is extremely painful. I know I need to do it soon, though no one will respect an alpha wolf who cannot shift. I can communicate with Talia and Arie's wolf. Talia's wolf rain is the total opposite of her; she keeps her in check and is very level-headed. Arie's wolf Ivy, on the other hand, is a wolf version of Talia; she is wild and hot-headed, the total opposite of Arie. I think it's a good thing it gives them balance. I finally finished my training with Alex this afternoon. I've officially finished the highest levels of combat and fairy training. I am able to take down multiple people at once without using my powers. As for my powers, I learned that I could make a protective force field to protect myself and other people, along with being able to snap my fingers and being transported to a different place. I call it snapping; I can also heal an injured person, though I never tried it on anything more than minor cuts and bruises for the fairies during training. They do not have our wolf healing like me, Talia, or Arie, and only a few royal fairies have the power to heal, my mom being one of them. This is why she always sang to me when I was sick. It was a song that helps with healing. I can manipulate the elements such as water, fire, air, and earth. The most important and coolest power I recently found out that I have is power mimicry. I have the ability to copy anyone's powers as long as I have witnessed them. I recently found out this afternoon when I was trying to block Alex's fire blast, and instead of blocking it with my force field, I was able to make a bigger fireball that engulfed his smaller fireball and almost set him on fire. Shocked was an understatement for both of us. Alex has never seen anything like it and thinks I am the only person alive with this power. Alex thinks that I also have powers that I haven’t discovered yet and thinks that I will be able to access them later on. As I got out of the bathtub, I realized that my fingers were wrinkled because I had been in for so long. I slowly climbed out and got dressed. After fixing my hair, I decided that I wanted to spend the rest of the day studying more werewolf history. I was finally on the chapter on mates. It is said that all wolves have one. I guess it’s kinda like a soul mate for humans. However, the connection is supposed to be stronger because they are the other half of your soul. It states that when you meet your mate, you and your wolf are able to sense them. You are hit with the most intoxicating scent that drives your senses wild. And when your bodies touch, it’s electric, like sparks or tingles. You would not be able to resist your other half. I don’t know how I feel about this after everything with “he who shall not be named”. I don’t think I even want to meet my mate. What if he is a jerk who strings me along all over again just to rip my heart out and stomp all over it? I couldn’t help but think about my parents. Were they mates? Is this why my mom gave up her whole future as queen to be with dad? I hope to one day find a love like theirs. My parents had the greatest love, and I always admired it. I was just about to turn the page when I heard a knock on my door. Come on in, I called. The door opened, and in walked Talia and Arie. Talia had a mischievous smile on her face. Elle Oh no, Talia, whatever it is, it’s a big fat No! I already know what that smile on your face means, and it’s not going to happen. Talia Is there any way to treat one of your best friends in the whole wide world? Besides, I don’t know what you are talking about, Elle. I just came in to say hi and see how fairy training went for you today. Elle Yeah, right, and my name is Bozo, the clown! I’ve known you guys since we were in diapers. Remember, I know when you are up to something and when you are lying, so spill it. Arie I told you she would see right through it and to just go on telling the truth right off the bat. The truth is, Elle, is that we want to do something for your twenty-first birthday. I know you don’t like celebrating your birthdays anymore, especially ever since what happened almost three years ago on your birthday. But this is what your mom and dad would have wanted, Elle. They always went all out for your birthdays each year, and they wouldn’t want you moping around every year on your birthday. You don’t even want us to do our birthday tradition for you anymore. Just please think about it, Elle. It's your twenty-first birthday; it's a major milestone and deserves to be celebrated. Talia Yes, Elle, you deserve this; you deserve to have fun; for once, we literally train and study every day from sun up to sun down. And you know what they say, all work and no play makes Elle a sad little shell. Elle Arie and I busted out laughing. I don’t think that's the saying Talia. But I guess you are both right. I have been very sad each year on my birthday. I know it's not healthy, but it’s just so hard to be happy on that day. What do you two have in mind for this birthday? Talia I thought you would never ask! Since you are turning twenty-one, it’s only right that we celebrate it the right way by going to the club!! Elle Talia, I hate to burst it to you, but we are literally in a made-up magical fairy world. There are no clubs here. Talia Yes, I know that's why we are leaving this place and going out to a club for shifters. And before you say no, just think about it for a second. We’ve all completed training and can defend ourselves without any issues. I even convinced fine-ass Alex to come with us just to feel extra safe. It's not like we need him for protection, but some eye candy wouldn’t be so bad. We can’t hide here forever, Elle; we need to go out there and take this world by storm. Elle I never thought I would say this, but you are right about everything you said. I will go out and celebrate my twenty-first birthday. Arie Wait, was it that easy to convince you? It took her longer to convince me to come with her to ask you than it took for you to actually say yes. Are you getting sick? Let me feel your forehead. Elle I couldn’t help but laugh. I'm not sick, Arie. I just want to reclaim my birthdays and make them a happy days again. It’s what my parents would want. **** Elle It was now the night of my birthday, and we were all in my room getting ready. I was excited to go out but also nervous. This was the first night time we would be leaving this safe space, and I was not sure how it would go. I just know that I need to be ready for anything with my training, my beta, and gamma by my side, and Alex, I’m sure we will be fine. Talia Okay, so I picked out our outfits for tonight, and since you can do that awesome fairy magic, I figured you could just snap out outfits on. Elle How could you let Talia be in charge of outfits now we are going to go out looking like streetwalkers? Talia Well, I wasn’t going to leave it up to any of you two, or we would be looking like little church girls. Now get to snapping, Elle! I have pictures of outfits for each of us. Elle I knew there would be no getting out of this one; once Talia had her mind set on something, she would do everything in her power to make it happen. Fine, let’s see the pictures. A few minutes later, I was able to snap us all the exact replicas of the dresses that Talia picked. Mine was a silver sequined low V-cut dress that was backless. It was paired with silver Balenciaga Buckle-Front Ankle-Strap Sandals. Talia wore a black, hollowed out see-through V-neck sleeveless dress where you could see everything underneath. The only thing covering her n*****s were two pieces of black tape; she paired this with some square toe high heel stiletto sandals. Lastly, Arie wore a lace nude illusion corset mini dress with some lace-up leather combat boots. I even managed to snap our makeup and hair done too. I am getting better at this fairy thing. It makes me excited to see how much I have progressed. We all looked at ourselves in the mirror. I won’t lie; we looked pretty damn good. Talia had good taste, but I would never let her know that. We all headed downstairs, and Alex was already waiting. He wore a simple black t-shirt and black jeans. Talia’s eyes were about to bulge out of her head when she saw him. Talia I know I said I hated him for making us run 10 miles every day, but tonight is an exception. Forget the snack; he looks like a whole friggin meal and is hungry. He can definitely get it. Arie Are you drooling? You need to get laid. It's been too long for you, clearly. I need rain to keep you in check tonight. Talia What a girl can look right! Even a blind person can see how hot this man is! Elle Come on, Talia, let’s go. I think we have been away from the real world for too long. Let’s go look at some other eye candy. Smiling, we all grabbed hands, and Alex transported us to a dark alley. Arie Umm.. guys, why are we in a dark alley? This is not a shifter club! This is how bad things happen to people. Dark alleyways are a no-no. Alex Relax, Arie, the club, is right around the corner and brought us here because I didn’t want anyone to see us just appearing out of nowhere. This may be a shifter club, but it is in a human town, and we don’t need them finding out about us. Arie Oh, I guess that makes sense, but can we hurry up and get out of here? It’s giving me the creeps. Elle We walked out of the alley and onto the sidewalk; there, we saw a long line that wrapped around the corner. Is this the line for the club? Well, we won’t be getting in here any time soon. I guess we had better go somewhere else because I am not standing in this line for that long in these heels. Alex Relax, I got this. He started walking towards the really tall, intimidating bouncer, and they started talking; before you knew it, he was motioning for us to come over. The bouncer let us in, and we heard yelling and complaining from other people in line. Elle When we got in, it was not what I expected. It was huge on the inside and looked like it was owned by someone who had expensive taste. It was packed, and the music was loud. Alex walked us to the VIP area, where we had our own section. Alex, how did you get us in here so fast, along with getting us VIPs? Alex I have my connections. Now less, questions and more dancing; go have fun; you guys deserve it. Talia You don’t have to tell me twice where are the shots! Elle One hour later, we were already four rounds in for shots. I was having such a great time with my friends, and I was so happy that I decided to come out tonight. The distraction is greatly needed. Arie was already tipsy since alcohol still gets her wasted. She dragged both Talia and me out of VIP and to the dance floor. Dancing to one of our favorite songs and not having any care in the world. The alcohol was really affecting Arie, and now she was dancing on top of the bar. Talia was about to join until some random shifter decided to pull Arie off of the bar and tried forcing her to dance with him. Both Talia and I sprang into action. Talia quickly grabbed Arie away from the ass hole while I got into his face about what he just did to my best friend. What the f*ck do you think you are doing? Do you think that it is okay to just grab on girls and force them to dance with you? “Sounds like you are a little jealous!” “Did you want me to dance with you instead?” Talia F*ck off, dude; the fact that you need to force a girl to dance with you is giving little d**k energy. I suggest you get out of here if you know what's good for you. "I'll show all of you little d**k energy." He lunged forward towards the three of us. I immediately got into defense mode, ready to protect myself and my best friends by any means necessary. In the corner of my eye, I could see Alex rushing over to get to us, but he was still too far away, but it didn’t matter. I trained for this. We all trained for this. I just had to figure out whether I wanted to use my wolf strength or fairy magic. Either way, this guy was f*cked; he just didn't know it yet. Little d**k threw the first punch, and I easily dodged it. I was getting ready to throw a punch when I heard the loudest growl that I'd ever heard in my life and the words "MINE"!
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