Getting lifted off my feet

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chapter six Della pov I was just about done with my work for today, it was getting late and i wanted to get home so i could call my parents, to day is the day that i needed to call them, I was heading to Mr Con’s office when i heard him yelling, the only person that i knew was in there with him was his wife, and why was he saying he was rejecting her, that's weird, the door suddenly opened and she almost ran right into me, she gave me a small smile and hurried out, i took a deep breath, walked into his office, “Mr Con here is the folder i was telling you about…. i could had sworn his eyes were the perfect shade of brown, but now they are black, i blinked a few times and they were brown again, i shook my head slowly so he wouldn't see, he took the folder out of my hand, said thank you and please shut the door behind you, I didn't know what was going on, but something was and i was not getting into the middle of it, i clocked out on my computer and headed home, when i was driving home i started thinking about the stories my mother used to tell me about werewolves, like i said before i thought it was nothing but folk tales it's the reason why i loved listening to them all the time, i got home and i got on my computer after i called my parents letting them know i loved them and that i was okay, we talked for a bit then hung up, i decided to get on the computer to just look on sites for a bit, and then i said screw it, let's take a look. so i looked up Layla and logan, i looked up Hayley and William, i even looked up Wendy and Stephan and there they where, as bright as day, staring right back at me on this page, it says that layla and Logan were the first royal couple when Logan was going to die, Layla prayed to this moon goddess to take her instead, once she passed away, Logan could not handle it he jumped into the fire with her, Hayley is their daughter and she picked William to be her king, though he had to go through a lot of test to prove his loyalty to her, wow i thought to myself, they have been together for a very long time so all this is all true, but how did my mom know about all this, i cut the computer off, i didn't want to read or look up anything else, tonight was a double whammy for me, i took my shower dried off and laid in bed to watch tv Stephan pov i just got off the phone with Con and could only shake my head, i looked over at Wendy she was wondering what was going on, so i ended up telling her everything, “i know your not going to like this but she really hasn't done anything to us for right now that is, but Jasmine is on her way back to us, Con rejected her, but yes there is a but she didn't have to accept the rejection, he said he only just needs time and space to think without any arguments or drama. he will come get her in a few weeks, i heard the guards link letting us know she is here, ‘Get ready because she is pulling up Jasmine pov i finally made it back to my old pack, when i pulled up at the gates i knew the two guys, Fox and Barin, Fox came up to the car “hey Jasmine, are you staying or are you visiting?” “Oh, i'm just staying for right now, but its only for a few weeks, he nodded l could tell he was linking Stephan he opened the gates and i drove passed them to head to the pack house, once there i set in the car for a few minutes, the last time I was here, was when I told Stephan that i wanted to be his mate, but i ended up finding my own mate at the mating ball, now look at me, i turned the car off got out of the car and looked around, so much had changed, the carport and the driveway got repaved and it looked like it got painted, sighing i walked up the many steps, i don't remember having these many steps before, but then again i never went out the front door, i went out the back door toward the training ground, when i reached the door a woman answered it, ‘Hi, you must be Jasmine, The alpha and luna are waiting for you in the office,” i nodded smiling at her, i walked inside looking around, i could tell this place had a womans touch, the living room looked really nice with a marble coffee table with a black leather couch, with a white throw rug, i turned walking down the hall i felt like it was taking forever, i reach his office door not bothering to knock i walked right inside, Thats when i got pushed up against the wall with a hand around my throat i was being raised off the floor. Lola Wendy’s wolf pov I heard so much about Jasmine over the years, i have heard that she was sleeping around with Stephan before she found her mate, and now she is coming back home, i growled Wendy told me to calm down and i wasn't going to and she knew i wasn’t Wendy was standing next to Stephan when the door slowly opened and Jasmine walked right into the room, i took over Wendy didn't have a chance to fight me on it, i had Jasmine up against the wall by her throat i was bringing her up off her feet, That's when Stephan stopped me, “Lola what the hell are you doing put her down now?” I growled i knew i shouldn’t had done that, but i was to pissed off, how dare this b***h not knock and just walk right into the office, if she thinks she is going to take the alpha away from us, she's got another thing coming, but then Stephan used his Alpha voice on me, and i had to let her go, “Lola as your f*****g alpha, I deman that you f*****g let her go and let Wendy back out, i mean this Lola!” i had no choice but to do what he told me to do, i let her go letting her fall on the floor hard, i went back inside and let Wendy back out, i told Wendy i was sorry, i just do not like that woman,” “Its okay Lola, just control your anger, and next time do not push me back, next time i will fight you,” i whimpered in went to sit in the corner of her head, Jasmine pov I felt being dropped and i hit the floor hard, i held my throat coughing trying to catch my breath, when i did i stood back up on my feet, ‘What the hell Stephan! are you just going to stand there and watch her grab me like that and then just let me drop on the floor,” “Jasmine, you need to remember that you just came back home, Wendy here is your f*****g luna, so yeah im going to stand here and watch her do that, for some reason Lola does not like you, but i made her let you go and go back inside, so you better be lucky that i was here, now Con had called me and told me what had been going on over the few years you were there, he says he will come get you in a few weeks, so you better start thinking what the things you have done and get your act together is that clear?” all i could do was nod, because i knew he was right, yeah i was fill on jealous of those bitches there, but still, i had every right to be, ‘yes Alpha you made it loud and clear,” “Good, well your room is still your room, so head there unpack and get some rest, training is still at five am in the morning until ten am, so if you want to join us then do so,” She nodded walking out the door to head to her room, she knew she was tired and needed a shower after the long drive, she got to her room looking around walking over to a window she opened it to get some air in the room,
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