Cancelling orders

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Hey guys sorry i messed up on chapter seven so i had to redo it, so the chapter you saw was actully chapter 8 and this is chapter 7 right here sorry once again for the confusion chapter 7 Jasmine pov I got up early this morning wanting to be outside to start my training, years ago I was the top warrior, i wanted to become that once again, i knew it would take me awhile to do so, jumping out of bed walking into my walk in closest took out my black leggings a sports bra and my tennis shoes, i put everything on, put my hair in a high ponytail and i was good to go, heading out side i looked over to see if anyone else was there, sure enough there were about a dozen standing in line, i hurried over to stand beside this short blonde hair girl, she was 5.6 with green eyes, looking over at me she smiled, i don't think i knew her before i left, “My name is Radi, training to be a warrior, what is your name?” I knew she was new because i never heard of a Radi, “I’m Jasmine, nice to meet you, nodding at each other, i noticed that Kimmie was walking to the crowd, so she is still in training, i thought she was suppose to be training for the top trainer, i guess,.,, but i thought wrong, she looked over at me smirking oh s**t i thought, she did graduate to be the top trainer, she is going to make my life a living hell but she didn’t. she did got all of our attention when she started speaking in a very loud voice, she is supposed to do that, this is going to be hell week, s**t here we go, Kimmie pov I heard the Jasmine was back, but i didn't think she would be out here wanting to train with the rest of the group, when i saw here i couldn't help but smirk, i wasn't going to be only tough with her, i'm going to be tough with the rest of the group as well, i knew she was made to come back, lets see if she can handle being back in the toughest pack out there, “ALRIGHT! LISTEN UP! If you think your going out tonight, change your plans, there are no going out, no dates no nothing during hell week, if you go to school, then your only allowed to go to school, if you work, then go to work, and head home, there will be no drinking, no eating junk food, Hell week is roughtless, you will be sweating you might even get sick from time to time, you might even not come back the next day, and i am counting on that, only the strong will make it, so get your asses in line, i want sixty laps,” she watched as everyone started running even Jasmine, it seemed she could keep up, so being luna did not make her weak or lazy, good for her lets see how everything else she will take, Jasmine pov goddess this girl had us wear out the time training was done, eighty squats, let's lifts, push ups pull ups, jogging in place the four hour training was painful very painful but i made it through. I finally made it to my room showered got dressed and decided to go see where Wendy was at, maybe i could help her with something and hopefully i won't be hanging by my throat, an hour later i found her in the library looking at the computer, what was she doing and why was she ordering stuff, I saw a chair beside her so i set down i saw her stiffen up then relax, i knew she was fighting for control with her wife, thank the goddess, i don't want to be knocked out because i set down beside her, i noticed her email address was easy to remember and the password, would makes a password out of that, after a few minutes i decided to ask her, Wendy, I was wondering if you need any help with anything? are you searching for something, why are you ordering all of that for maybe i can help?” she didn't answer me at first, she was finishing up what she was doing. turned looking at me, ‘Jasmine, why are you really here? I know you do not like me, and I really do not care if you don’t, so tell me why are you really sitting here beside me?” I was a little shocked when she spoke to me like this, did i really bother her that much, good i thought to myself, she deserves it, “I was only wondering why you was ordering so much stuff, and see if you need any help on finding something on there,” i heard her take a deep breath letting it out, she was trying to calm herself, before she spoke, “Well Jasmine, since you are determined to know what i'm doing right now, i am trying to order things that we need, it is our turn to hold the annual ball so i'm ordering everything, i am wanting the omegas to take that night off so they can have fun as well maybe even find their mates, Jasmine you might even find your second chance,” i shook my head, ‘The only mate i want in my life is Con,” we talked for a few hours then i excused myself, i was getting hungry, I was surprised that we talked that long,we found out we had things in common, maybe this could work out, but na after she talked to me the way she did,. it was on, it was so on, heading to the kitchen i made a grill cheese and some soup, took it to my room to eat, after i ate i got on the computer, i knew what i was about to do, i went on every sight she went on and cancelled everything, gift bags, what the hell are we going to do with gift bags, are we going to hold them while we dance, drink and have a good time, i cancelled that, she ordered a s**t load of food as well and i cancelled that as well, i knew she wouldn't look at her email for a few more days, so whens he reads them she will see the cancelling and have to order them again, it will cost her more money to do so, this is going to be funny, when Stephan yells at her for spending so much money, I looked on my phone, i was done with everything so i turned the computer off got up and laid in bed i was wide awake i knew i needed to sleep for training tomorrow, i was still a little sore my arms ached just a little,. i will be fine in the morning im just gaining muscel when i train, i missed it maybe tomorrow will be a lot better,
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