Just don't accpet it yet

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Chapter 5 Jasmine pov we were having such a good time at the gym and then all hell broke loose when we went to eat dinner, i know Con had this pack before he had me, but enough is enough, i have had enough of these f*****g head games, when he asked me if i still wanted to go i nodded yes, I told him to go do what he had to do I would be down after my shower i watched him walk out of the bedroom shuttng the door, i got up went to the bathroom did my bussniess took a shower got dressed and went to my jewerlly box, i wanted to wear a couple of my favorite bracelets, but when i opened the box i noticed some of them were missing, this really pissed me off, Con bought those for me the first year we were together, did i misplace them some place i looked in my dresser and the bathroom i could not find them, f**k this, i put on my shoes and stormed out of the room down stairs toward the alphas office, I saw Carolin walking passed Con, i rolled my eyes, i knew what she was up to she just wanted to piss me off, Con was standing there with his arms crossed, i really didnt care at this point, i was just to pissed because i couldnt find my jewerlly, i walked up to him asking him if he was ready, ``Are you ready to go, sorry to keep you waiting i was looking for something and I couldn't find it.” ‘What were you looking for?’ “It doesn’t matter because nothing will be done anyways, i will look for it when we get back home,” i could tell he was annoyed that i didn't tell him, but right now i just wanted to get out of here and enjoy my time away from this house, i plan on learning as much as i could while i am there maybe he will let me work there instead of staying in the house watching after the pack, that's what Beta Tate is for, and Gamma Ava. We got out of the car and didn't talk on the way there, i didn't feel like talking since I was still thinking about where I could have misplaced my bracelets. Where the hell could I have put them and did someone take them? i don’t even want to think on that, but i knew i hid some jewerlly because i didn't want anyone to take them, maybe i put them in the box with the rest that Con gave me, i will have to take a look when i got back home, when we got to his work place, we headed up to the top floor, this building was f*****g tall as hell and it felt like it took forever to get to the thirthteen floor, the doors finally opened and the first thing i saw was tons of people working in their own office’s, the place looked amazing, He took me to his office and had me sit down on his lap, the door opened slowly and a cute woman walked into the office, “Jasmine, i would like for you to meet Della, the lady i told you about, Della this is my wife jasmine, i brought her here to show her around to see how busy we actually do get sometimes,” Della smiled at me, she had a pretty smile, i liked her right away because she had looked at me first instead of my mate, “Mister Con, i wanted to let you know i got the baby food chain, the contract is signed and ready for your signature, you never would guess how much we bought it for, i had to will and deal with him, but at the end i finally got him to lower the cost of his business.” I could tell Con was impressed, he was smiling from ear to ear, “Well Miss Della how much did you get it for, i did tell you fifty million so tell me how much lower?” ‘Well first he wanted more then that, he thought since i was female i was easy prey well he thought wrong, i talked him down to 35 million, i could had talked him down more, but i thought that was a fair price since he was trying to talk me up, i told him 35 million or nothing at all, so he took the deal,” i heard him clapping and i couldn't help but laugh, “I’m sorry Della me laughing is nothing against you i promised, my husband here clapping that's what made me laugh, i wasn't expecting that, i could tell he is very impress with you, and it's very nice to meet you, i am very impressed for what you did for him.” “Thank you mrs Jasmine, well i need to get back to work, and Mr Con i have some paperwork for you in a few minutes,” He nodded and smiled, “Just bring it in when you are ready; she left shutting the door behind her, Con pov When we got to the building i showed her around a little bit, then went into my office i had her sitting on my lap i was about to get her to talk to me about what was wrong when Della walked into the office, she shocked me when she told me how much she bought the baby food chain, only 35 million, wow i was really surprised, shocked, and very impressed, this human was my hero for the day, she told me she had some paperwork for me so i told her to just bring it in when she was ready there was no rush since i was going to be here all day, Now that we were alone, i needed to find out why she was so upset for when i saw her coming down the hall, i had her turn and straddle me so i could look into her beautiful eyes, ``Jasmine baby, i know you do not want to tell me what's going on in that pretty head of yours, but why did you look pissed off earlier today, what happened and don’t you dare lie to me?” i knew she was thinking fast she was thinking if she could tell me or not, i knew she could handle this, but i wanted her to also tell me, i knew i should had never gotten pissed when she slapped Emma, but i had my pack before her, and it is my job to protect them, so yeah i am taking up for my pack whether they are in the wrong or right, so i asked her again, Jasmine what made you so upset?” ‘I wanted to wear some of the jewellery that you had bought me when i first moved in with you, but when i went to get it, they weren't there, i was thinking i might had put them in the box with the rest of the Jewellery, so i will look for it when i get back home, but i could had sworn that i left them in the Jewellery box, and don’t get pissed when i say this, but i think Bonnie probably took it, i will ask her when we get back,” Now i knew this should had not pissed me off when she had said this, so i linked Emma and asked her to go ask Bonnie herself and to let me know, I sorta gently pushed her off my lap so she could stand up, i stood up as well and started pacing back and forth, ‘Jasmine do you know the rules about stealing in this pack, its life in a cell, are you telling me you think Bonnie stole from you, are you sure that is what you are saying?”I knew right away that i should had never said that because the look on her face after i said those words i would never forget, Emma linked me back, “Alpha I asked her she said she would never take anything out of your room without permission, i did go look in your room and i found a small box hidden in your walk in closet in the box was a necklace and some bracelets, she might had put them there to set her up, i did hear that she was wanting to get rid of Bonnie” this really pissed me off i ended the link and looked at her with anger in my eyes, “So you accused someone in my pack about stealing and you hid a box of jewellery in my closet, you said you hid it in yours, why mine, Jasmine, i have had enough of your jealousy in my pack, there is no reason to be such that, and again, i said the wrong thing, because the look on her face yet again i would not forget, she walked up to me slapping me as hard as she did Emma, ‘ I am not f*****g jealous, i said, i was going to ask Bonnie not accuse her, i am so sick of this s**t, yeah i have done some f****d up s**t but i had never tried hiding anything, just do me a favor Con, and take me back to the pack house,” i was so sick of this fighting all the time, its one thing after the other, and I really hated to do this, i really did, but she gave me no choise, “I alpha Con rejects you Jasmine, listen do not accept the rejection right now, I just need some space and time to think okay, just go back home to your old pack i will call Stephan and Wendy to let them know that your coming back home,. just give me time and some space and in a week or two i will come and get you, i already have a car for you, they will take you and your things are already in the car, he will give you the keys if you want,” Jasmine pov did this son of a b***h really reject me and just told me not to accept it right now, he already has a car waiting for me, f**k this, i said nothing to him, i stormed out of the office almost running into Della, i gave her a small smile and walked into the eleavator and hit the one button, this really pissed me off i told him i might had put it in a box i did not tell him i hid it in his closet, i had some place else i hid it in, but of course he was going to believe Who ever he was talking to instead of me, i got out side and the man handed me the keys, i got into the car and sped off, f**k this, i’ll go home, i will give him all the space he needs,
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