getting set up

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Chapter 4 Jasmine pov When Con told me he wanted me too come train with him. I was like hell yeah let's do this. He knows I go at it just as hard as he does. We were trying to out do each other when one of the weights fell off the bar and we both started laughing so hard. Finally our training was over so we headed back inside the pack house. I wanted to shower and talk to him about going to his office in the city. I'm sure he wouldn't mind at all. When we were walking down the hallway we saw Bonnie coming out of our room with the cleaning cart. That's odd because I don't remember telling her to clean our room maybe Con did, she was always around the other rooms cleaning up their rooms and always making sure everything is dusted, we stopped in front of her and Con spoke, Bonnie sweetie, thank you for cleaning the room up, go and eat if you haven't already eaten just yet, then go rest up take the rest of the day off, she bowed her head to him looked at me and hurried away. what was that about, we went inside the room stripping off our sweaty clothes, i knew Con had other plans when we got into that shower, he had me pinned against the wall so fast that will make your head spin, “you think your going to get away from me that fast, my luna?” i giggled when he picked me up my legs wrapped around his waist, tomorrow he will be going back to work and leave me here, but i just wanted to see where he worked, he was always getting up real early to head to the office check emails sign paperwork make phone calls then he was gone to the office, my mind went blank once he shoved his thick c**k deep inside of me, he always loved to suck hard on my n*****s i loved it he always had me screaming out his name once he bit down on them it drove me crazy, i wanted more and i knew he did to, finally after our two hour long shower we finally washed up and got out, we got dressed and that's when i remembered to ask him, “Con, is there anyway i can go with you to the office to see what you do, we could spend more time together, i could tell he was thinking about it, for years he has gone into the office alone, and now i am asking, he shrugged, “if that is what you want, we will go into the building tomorrow, that way i can introduce you to the crew and you can meet Della, i put her ahead of the baby food chain i told you about, you will love her, she’s human so you have to be careful,” i nodded, i couldn't wait to meet her, she sounded like she was a hard working, she just better not be trying to get my man, i’ll f*****g snap her f*****g neck in a heart beat, while we where heading to the dinning hall one of the girls brushed up against Con, touching his shoulder “Alpha i hope you enjoy dinner i made the menu myself, its crab legs and lobster tail tonight, i got the biggest ones for you,” Mondo wanted to growl but i held her back, he didn't even mind the touching, “Thank you Emma, i’m sure I will love it.” i watched her smirk as she walked away to head upstairs, i could only shake my head how come he could not see that, i took a deep breath to calm down, because if i acted on this he would have a fit, i have to be calm and never react, this is hard when these stupid bitches rub up against him, it’s not right, Would he like it if one of the unmated males rubbed up against me, he would rip their f*****g heads off, i sighed took a deep breath and just let it out, My wolf was speaking a million miles “kill that b***h, i want to rip her head off, set her up Jasmine, i want her out before she makes you leave, that's what she is trying to do, i've been watching her for years making eyes at our mate, either you do it or i will,” i sighed as i tried to calm her down, “there is no use Mondo, just stay calm. He wants to spend more time with me now. Tomorrow we will go to his office and everything will be fine I promise.” “Fine but if that b***h touches him one more time im going to f*****g snap, we set down at the head of the table, watching everyone, they waited for us to say something before they dug into their food, “ thank you all for being here today, enjoy your food Con had said,” we dug into our food and damn this was good, i cracked the shell on the legs and pulled out the meat, i dipped it in butter and horseradish then ate it, it was a little spicy but i didn't care, i loved it, after we ate we talked a little bit about how to act around the humans, everything was find when Emma walked back inside the dining hall Emma pov i knew i pissed her off by rubbing against the alpha, just by the sound of her heartbeat her heart was beating fast when i touched his shoulder, it was a matter of time when she snapped, i walked away swaying my hips, if a man can not tell a woman not to touch her that he is taken then i know for sure, he will snap at his woman for what i'm about to do, i watched from the corner they were laughing and talking about something, i tried to listen to what they were saying something about humans, what about them i say kill them if they try and kill you no big deal right, i watched as Cons hand slipped underneath the table to rub in Jasmines leg his hand slide up and down toward between her legs, i wonder what those fingers could do, i had to shake that thought off, alright here i go, i walked into the dinning hall i walked right up to Alpha Con touching his shoulder then slide my hand over his back, “Alpha Con, i hope you liked your dinner, like i said i did the menu today, i watched Jasmine look up at me,. she wasn't smiling anymore, she stood up and raised her hand, she swung as hard as she could slapping me in the face growling in the process, ‘Do you think you can rub up agaisnt my mate and then touch all over him with out me doing anything you f*****g b***h, you wanted a reaction out of me well b***h now you got it,” that slap was so loud it could had been heard from outside, I held onto my face as i got knocked down on the floor, I was stunned because i didnt know she could hit that hard, Con stood up angry as hell, he looked from me to Jasmine, growling he grabbed her arm and snatched her out of the dinning hall, but she snatched her arm back, “you sit there and you let her do this and you get pissed off with me because i acted on it, i am your mate she is not, she growled at me and then him and stormed out of the dinning hall, i got up smirking as Carolin hurried over to me helping me off the floor, she whispered to me, “damn girl, if she slapped you any harder your head would had hit the ground hard” ‘I know Carolin, its going to leave a bruise but it was all so worth it,” everyone was watching us in shock they knew not to touch him, but me i didn’t care i did whatever that i wanted to do and i didn’t care, once my mission was over i was out of here, but first i had to take care of some business first, Con pov i can’t believe this we were having a wonderful time to day, first we had fun in the gym we where trying to outdo each other until one of the weights fell off and Jasmine was laughing so hard she almost fell off the bench, We had hot ass s*x in the shower and then suddenly everythiing went down hill right when Emma only touched my shoulder Jasmine stood up and slapped the s**t out of her, she slapped her so hard that Emma fell on the floor, she held onto her face, i wanted to help her up but i was so f*****g pissed off that i jerked Jasmine’s arm and started dragging her out of there, but she stopped me, snacthing her arm back from me, she face me then looked at Emma acussing her of wanting Jasmine to act on her jealousy, she growled at me, she actually growled at me, she stormed off back up to our room, she slammed the door in my face, i knew she was pissed off, i did not speak with her that night, the next morning i woke her up with kissing her cheeks then her lips, “Do you still want to go to the office with me?’ She nodded yes, got up she said she would be down in a few minutes to go do what i needed to do, so i went to my office downstairs checked the email signed the paperwork made a few phone calls, and i was done, i knew i could finish up down town, i was just walking out of my office when Carolin walked by me smiling she winked at me smirking, i wondered what that was about when Jasmine came storming down the hall toward me, she did not look happy at all, i sighed wondering what the hell happened now,
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