you're not the Alpha anymore

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chapter 30 Jasmine pov I was with Jannie and Caroline while the guys went around looking to see if they could see Alpha Smith that is the one that is wanting the pack, but what he doesn’t know Con isn't the alpha anymore, i didn't know what he looked like but the guys did, and i was looking out for Con making sure he didn't sneak up on me forcing me back to him, but this time he could not alpha command me, i was having a glass of wine when Mondo started going crazy, i was confused wondering why she was being like this, we had no mate now, I smelled this strong scent of Pine and Cedar, i knew i smelled this scent before but it could not be him. I knew Ryan could not be here could he, i started sniffing the air, Jannie and Caroline turned looking at me wondering what i was doing, i took a few steps away and I needed to find out where that scent is coming from. all along i was looking around for Con, I did not want to run into him at all. i knew he had to be angry but i just needed to get to where that scent was, i knew this man was at the bar his back was to me, when i got close enough he started to slowly turn around to face me, it was him, the man that i went to, to talk to so i could vent, i was a little shocked but i recovered from it fast, Mondo was going crazy mate mate, he is our mate, how come i can reach his wolf now,” “I don’t know Mondo, but if you can speak to him talk to him now,” i was face to face with Ryan at this very moment. “How come you did not tell me?” I watched as he knew he had to tell me, he held his hand out to me, i place my hand in his, he pulled me close as we began to dance together, “Because you already had a mate Jasmine, i did not want to confuse you because you was already confused as it was, I came here today to challenge your mate for you to be my mate in luna, i'm not leaving here tonight without you Jasmine,” Mondo was smirking, and almost started laughing, he will be challenging himself then for your hand Jasmine,: i too wanted to laugh but held it back, i wanted him to just look into my eyes and just hold me close, this felt so right, he would listen to me for hours just sitting there listening to me vent about things, i never knew he was my mate, “how come we could not sense your wolf?” “because i blocked him from coming out, he would had told you and your wolf, but tonight he is out and he is going nuts in my head, so where is this other mate of yours, so i can challenge him for your hand Jasmine?” this time i didn't hold it back, i chuckled, “if i was you, i wouldn't worry about him, he is no threat to you nor your wolf, he looked at me with an eyebrow up, i knew he was thinking but still did not get the hint, “And what is that supposed to mean, do you think he can kill me Jasmine?” I honestly did not know if he could or not, i had never seen him fight before, i've seen him angry but that's about it, “all i'm saying, you have nothing to worry about, i had rejected him tonight, he was just getting to be to much to handle, and how he spoke to me on the way here just did not cut it anymore, so you tell me, is the only reason why you want me by your side because you want to be stronger and your pack as well” “it is true finding our mate makes us stronger, but i want you more then just that, i want you for you, to build the pack with me, to help out to be by my side,” i could tell he was telling the truth, when i spoke those words, “mate mine” Con pov i was f*****g pissed off, How could she reject me like this, didn't I just tell her on the car ride here that I needed her to be stronger, I really thought she understood, i was taking steps toward her, I saw her dancing with that son of a b***h. i’m going to command her to come back to me and reject his sorry ass, then i will mark her and make her wear her hair up so her mark will be shown so none will ever try and take her from me, doesn't she understand that the pack needs her to make the pack stronger as well, i was stepping toward them when i heard the commotion at the doors, it was Alpha Smith in his pack, oh so he came to take my pack away from me like i did him so many years ago, i stomped over to where Jasmine and this man were dancing, I Jerked her away from him, Jasmine as your alpha i f*****g demand that you reject this son of a b***h and come back to be my luna, I thought you knew i needed you, this pack needed you” we need you to be stronger Jasmine, i told you this, with out you, we will be weak, what the f**k are you doing Jasmine?” she stood there jerking away from me, she had no love in her eyes for me like she had done once upon a time, now she was looking at me amused at what i just told her, she made no move to reject him, So i said it again growling, “Did you not hear me Jasmine, as your f*****g alpha i demand that you reject this ass hole and come back to me?” this time she laughed at me, stepped back to stand beside this man holding his hand in hers. “Con, didn't i tell you, oh how sorry i didn't tell you what the queen wanted me to say to you, you are not the alpha of the Jackal black moon pack anymore she had stripped you from that title, would you like to meet the new alpha, he's standing right behind you.” I slowly turned around looking at the very man that i called my best friend for so many years, Tate he had a wide smirk on his face his hands were balled in fist, Tate pov I heard all the commotion over by where Jasmine was standing at with her new mate, i didn't know what was going on, i just knew this woman has been put through enough Caroline And Jannie with her mate Coon followed me, it's going to take some time getting use to being alpha but i like being a leader, it's time for a change anyway i need to get that pack back in order before Con took over, i still remember how he did it, Con challenged him to a duel for his pack, they were going hand to hand combat, i knew Con had dipped his hands in wolfsbane,it made him weak, but a few punches in the guys face, the wolfsbane blinded him. so Con had the upper hand on him, he won by defeat that the other could not see anymore, it took the man a day to get his wolf back so he could heal his human, once he could see again he swore to Con he would destroy him, now Con isn't the alpha anymore, i am and i plan on making everything right, when we all got up to were Jasmine was standing with her new man, we heard her say, Con, didn't i tell you, oh how sorry i didn't tell you what the queen wanted me to say to you, you are not the alpha of the Jackal black moon pack anymore she had stripped you from that title, would you like to meet the new alpha, he's standing right behind you.” Con slowly turned around looking me right in the eyes, i had a wide smirk on my face, i should had been pissed for what he had done with me and my old mate, but she is happy now and so am i, so i decided to say what was on my mind, “Maybe i should thank you for doing what you did to me so many years ago, making me believe that my mate slept with someone else,” I pulled Caroline towards me holding her close in my arms, “But i decided not to, i have found my second chance mate, and i am now alpha, i plan on making everything right, to make sure this pack doesn't go without like you have made them, you have destroyed this pack making them think this was all Jamines fault, but it wasnt her fault, it is yours, all your fault.” Con was pissed off, i knew what he was going to do before he knew what he was going to do, At the corner of my eyes i saw Hayley the queen jumping down from the stage, she was sitting there watching and listening the music had stopped everyone had stopped talking and dancing they all where watching us now, She got in the middle of us before Con could even throw one punch, she glared at him, he had no choice but to put his hand back down,
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