How dare she do this

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Chapter 31 royals Hayley pov I was sitting there with William watching everyone enjoying the ball, i have seen so many find their mates, some have not, but it's always tomorrow and the last day, some more packs were coming and i knew they still had a chance, I noticed that Jamine finally found her second chance i knew all along that he was her mate just by the way he talked about her, I'm sure that Ryan will love Jasmine the way she deserves to be loved, i watched as Con stomped over to her, oh this should be good, but Tate was heading over there as well. they were talking, seeing that Con was going to start a fight i jumped down off the stage and rushed over there getting between them, “Con, I know you are not going to try and start a fight at the annual ball are you? What seems to be the problem here?” “this woman my mate is telling me that you stripped me from my title of Alpha and made Tate the alpha of MY pack,” “Yes that is correct Con, since you are forcing someone to help you be stronger, you have not done what i have told you to do, you treat your mate like she is a tool for you, that's not how mates work Mr Con, so i gave my approval of her rejecting you, Your alpha Voice does not work on her anymore because well, you are not an alpha any longer, Tate is now the alpha of the Jackal black moon pack, oh Tate, by the way, your more then welcome to change the name of this pack as well,” Cons hands were balled up in fist once more he was getting pissed off, who the f**k does this b***h think she is taking my pack away from me, He raised his hand up swinging to hit Hayley, William got infront of his queen taking the punch, he growled. Con backed away, then charged at William, he stepped away when Con rushed at him, he fell right on his face, Con shifted into his wolf growling with drool coming down from his face, his eyes red snapping at the royals and at Jasmine, he linked her one last time before he ran off, “I’ll get you b***h, i will kill you in your mate, then i will take his pack like i did the other, he ran toward her snapping at her arm biting her before he ran out the door, she grabbed her arm, winching in pain, Mondo was healing her, “Do not worry its just a bite, there was no poison in his bite, he was just making it clear that he is coming after us when he gets ready to, after the commation died down, the dance started back up, after a few minutes there was a crowd of she wolves surrounding a area were a few guys walked into the door, Jasmine and Wendy knew what it was, the strippers, Jasmine rushed over to Wendy, “Oh no, Wendy, I forgot to cancel the dancers!” Wendy laughed shaking her head, its fine, lets just hope they don't get their ass beat before they start to do their thing here, the unmated she wolves stood back as the music started the guys started dancing moving there hips but it stopped shortly when two unmated males claimed two of the females as their mates, Jasmine waved the dancers off, gave them their money, and told them if i was you, I would leave right now,” they took the money and rushed out the door, they didn't know what was going on but they were not going to stay there to find out, Con pov When Hayley stood in my way from hitting Tate, this pissed me off, How dare she strip me from my alpha title and give that son of my b***h the alpha title, before i ran out the door in wolf form i bit down onto Jasmines arm, i wanted to rip that bitches arm off, but i didn't have time, i knew they would kill me before i could do that, i rushed out the door swearing i would kill them all, I will go after her mate first, then her, then i will go after the royals, that b***h traded my seat for this beta s**t, he doesn’t know a damn thing how to be an alpha, i ran outside away from the grandhall, guards were coming toward me growling,” i’ll show those mother fuckers” they had swords in their hands,i ran jumping over a couple of guards hitting thier heads with my back feet, i ran into the dark woods, but not to far, i didn't want to become rogue, instead i ran toward the human town, when i came to the edge i climbed a tree and noticed there were clothes hidden in one of them, thankfully my size, i reached into the pants pocket and thankfully i found money, enough for a four day stay at a cheap hotel, i didn't have any shoes, so hopefully i can grab some from some place, i walked into the shaddy little hotel and rented the room, they didn't even notice i didn't have shoes on, i took the key they gave me and went to my room, i had a plan, i don't even think any rogue thought of this, but i need females, females that would want to join my pack including males but mostly females, i will have a pack before anyone even knows whats going on, and i will have my luna back, then i will make her pay with her f*****g life, she will regret ever rejecting me, walking into the room i rented out i took a fast shower dried off walked back into the room to relax, i have a lot to do tomorrow, and hopefully i can get people to join me, even rogues that will be best, rogues love to join packs to seek reveange on the ones that they think did them wrong, i need a female, just a female to play with for a few days, Della pov I can not believe i found my mate, i am still not sure how to do this thing, i'm still new to everything, my bags where all packed and we where now driving back to his own pack The Blood River Moon Pack, that sounds scary, Thorne was excited i was nervous, she was wanting him to mark us so the bond can be strong between us, i have no clue about this marking thing is all about, but I guess i will soon find out, i knew i had fallen asleep because i felt him shake me gently, ‘Della honey, we are here we had arrive home, come on wake up so you can see your new home, i slowly opened my eyes when i heard his voice, Throne was purring from his voice, he helped me get out of the car, when i was standing i took a look around, this place was beautiful he had orange trees and lemon trees, he had rose bushes all kinds of different colours, his flower gardens were beautiful, he had houses in the back even log cabins, a huge guard station with a house a few feet away, there was even houses that were in the far back, i wondered who stay in them, he took my hand to lead me up the stairs to his house, i was surprised how big it was, i had to bend my head back just to look all the way up, he had a four story house, that was a beautiful shade of sky blue with white trimming, he had a huge porch swing on the porch with a small table and a few chairs, when he opened the door to the house i saw a whole line of people standing in a line side by side waiting for us to come inside, he kept holding my hand as we walked inside, each person we walked by bowed their head to us, i had never seen this before, We reached the end of the line, he turned around with me at his side, “Guys, you really didn't have to do that you just did that because of my mate,” they all laughed, one of the guys that was standing in line walked up to us, “you know i had to boost you up since you had found our luna” Ray only could smile, “i'll introduce her tomorrow right now i want to get to know more about her, they all nodded then went their own way to whatever they were doing before we showed up, we walked toward the living room, when we walked inside sitting down on this white couch, in front of it had a black marble coffee table underneath the table had a white throw rug on the wall was a huge flat screen tv with a entertainment center with lots of different game systems, we set on the couch for a bit, he smiled at me with that beautiful smile, then asked me ‘Della, how long have you known you been a werewolf” “Not long, about a few months now, i just shifted last week into Throne, she keeps purring in my head,” he couldn't help but laugh, “Same with Napa he keeps pouring, i think they are talking to each other while we talk, im sure you are wanting to rest, so come on lets head upstairs,” i took his hand getting up from the couch, we went to the elevator went inside i felt it move, the doors opened to the top floor, “this floor is only ours, we have work out gyms and i have my own kitchen up here, but i never use it, i eat with the pack to bond with them, every morning i wake up at five am and go train, if you want you can join me, i like my luna to be strong like i am, we will fight together and for this pack, we will both protect it,” i kept listening to him trying to take in everything he was saying to me, training and protecting this pack, i like the sound of that, “oh you will be meeting the pack tomorrow so lets get you rested up okay,” he unlocked his room walking inside i walked in the room with him, i wasn't expecting what he did to me, he pushed me against the wall kicking the door shut with his foot, he pressed against me inhaling my scent, i could hear him softly growl in my ear then he licked my neck, i thought that was strange, but i felt very calm when he did this, a sensation went all through my body when he did it again, and then he bit me, that ass hole bit me, but once he did, my wolf fangs came out biting him right where he bit me, i bit down hard on his neck, he tensed up and then held me even closer to him, i had no idea what i was doing but Thorne new she told me to let go the mark would stay on his neck our mark, i let go licking his neck, damn this man was hot as hell and i wanted to do more to him then just bite him and lick him, he did the same to me and my legs felt like they would just buckle underneath me, “i know, i feel it to love, but let's wait until tomorrow if we mate now we would be to tired to get up,you wont be able to meet anyone because you would be to sore,” i hope he didn't think i was a virgin because i wasn't, i don't think he was one either but his hands did roamed around my body,
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