what the heck is a mate

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chapter 29 Della pov I was sitting down at a table watching everyone, i was new at doing this, i sure as hell did not have a clue what to do, should i get up and mingle? should i go get a drink, my parents were up on on the dance floor dancing like the rest of them laughing and joking around, and i felt like i had no clue what i was suppose to do around here, f**k this, im j not just going to sit here all damn night and not doing anything or talking to anyone, I don’t do this at work, so why should i do this here so i got up from my chair and started walking around, Throne started wimpering and pacing in my head, i was so confused why was she sad was she upset? and what was that smell i was smelling? it smelled of the forest and cut grass? she finally spoke to me, and it confused the hell out of me, “mate, our mate is here, we need to find mate,” what the hell is a mate and why do we need to go find this mate?” i was so into walking around and looking to see who she was talking about, When I ran right into something really hard, it wrapped his arms around me so i wouldn’t fall on the floor, i looked into the most amazing beautiful hazel eyes, and then i said it without knowing what it meant, i said those words, Mate mine, he was shocked at my words, as he spoke the same words, mate mine, what is your name beautiful mate, i was awestruck, his voice was like music to my ears, “My name is Della, what is your name?” i couldn't help but look right into his beautiful hazel eyes, while he spoke his name, my name is Ray and you are my mate and i am yours, do you understand what that means?” i was thinking to myself, i really do not know what that means, but all i knew i could not be without this man, my wolf was howling up a storm, so this must be what Con was talking about, i would meet someone that i would fall deeply in love with, this was so strange to me, so i told him the truth, “No, i honestly do not know, i am knew to all of this, please explain and then i will explain why i do not have a clue what i am doing,” the man chuckled, like he while telling me what mates where all about, “mates are one of a kind that the moon goddess gives us to spend our lives with to be together forever, to love one another to marry have pups to help with the pack and grow stronger together, but most of all to help each other,” so tell me young mate, why do you not know any of this?” “My mother and father kept this from me for years, but it's okay, there pack died because their alpha did so many years ago,. we lived in the human world for a very long time, they thought the wolf gene skipped me, but Thorne was behind a mental wall, it hurt like hell when she broke through, but i have her now, and she is going crazy screaming mate mate,” i heard him softly laugh, as he looked into my green eyes, “Napa is going crazy as well, he is wanting to talk to his mate, you see not only us are mates, our wolves are mates as well, that's what pulls us together,” i looked around for my parents, i watched them walk toward us smiling but with worried looks on their faces, when they reached us my father put an arm around my shoulder to protect me, ‘Alpha Ray, its a pleasure to see you again, i see that you had met our daughter Della” “Yes i Have Alpha Aaron, we are mates, i was just explaining to her what it means to have a mate since she did not know, she explained to me what happened, it was wise of you not to say anything until the time was right, but she is my mate, and i am her mate, he pulled me to him to hold me in his arms, his arm went around my waist, “I do not want you to worry Alpha Aaron, she is safe with me, i will always put her first, and i will always protect her, i will have her train so together we will grow stronger together so we will protect the pack together,” my father smiled from ear to ear, ‘That is all i ask of you Alpha Jay, but if i hear you hurting her in any kind of way, you better pray i don't rip your head off your shoulders,” “Noted sir, but if you don't mind, i would like to dance with Della, to get to know her a lot more before i take her home with me,” my father nodded he looked at me smiling, “i’ll have the omegas pack your things and have them here before you leave okay, we will be there in a few days to see how you are doing, i promise, my parents hugged me tightly my mother kissed my cheek, told me she was so proud of me, they turned and walked away to the dance floor, i was still a little confused, but i will be alright, as long as i still had Thorne with me, “I will always be with you Della, we are one, and with our mate we will be stronger,” Con pov It had been a long night, and I still had not seen Jasmine, i know she had rejected me earlier, i felt the pain, it made me wonder if she felt it as well, i had noticed that her mark was only a scar on her neck, now mine is gone, when i find her in this dreadful awful ball, i'm going to drag her ass out and demand an answer, better yet i will mark her again force her ass to obey me, i will give my alpha command to her to make her listen to me, i was outside about to walk back into the door when i noticed four black Suvs driving up, goddess here we go, An Alpha thinks his s**t don’t stink, rolled my eyes walked back inside hoping i would be able to see her, she will pay for what she had done, i told her only an alpha is strong with his mate, why didn’t she listen to me, doesn't my word count for her, of course she only understands drama, she wouldnt give a rats ass if i was weak now, she thinks of only herself, there is no wonder why i did the things i did to her behind closed doors, i didnt touch her face because then people will know, but it didn’t mean i didn’t do other things to her, she deserved it, i told her were her place was, and she still rejected me, i’ll make her pay for this shit Alpha Ryan pov We had made it to Stephans pack, i had noticed a man standing outside the grand hall, then walked back inside, he looked really familiar I wonder who he was or is? he didn't look too happy to be here, i really didn’t care, my mission is to find Jasmine inside this ball, i know she will be here, we got out of the Suvs and headed inside, i knew first thing is frist, we had to greet the royals, i once knew Haley's father, i was at the kingdom training to be alpha so when my father stepped down he would appoint me alpha, i have been alpha for almost six hundred years now, when i have a son he will be alpha when i decide to step down, My whole pack walked inside with me and Aj walking in side behind them, i didn't want Jasmine to see me right now, i wanted her to scent me to know i was her other mate, lets just see how this goes, walking over to the Queen and king, i knew i had to greet them first, then the luna and alpha that is holding the grand ball, Hayley nodded and told me that she hoped i find my mate here, and that she is waiting for me,” did she know that Jasmine is my mate, does she approve, once i find her or her find me, i will make it known that she is my mate, i will let my wolf talk to hers, that way they won’t be wondering why they could not hear my wolf,. Balor was still pissed at me for blocking him from talking to her wolf, but i just did not want her to know we were mates, i wanted to keep that a secret at least until i found out how she felt about her first mate, i knew she was here i could smell her scent i knew she was close by, i think she was looking for me, i knew she could smell my scent because Balor was going nuts, “Mate is close, she is looking for us, her wolf’s name is Mondo a very powerful wolf, I feel her coming toward us, i was a little nervous when i slowly turned around i saw her stop in her tracks her eyes wide, as she came forward, and asked the very question i knew i had to answer, “Why didn't you tell me”?
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