meeting the queen

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chapter 19 Jasmine pov I was the walk in closet looking at the dresses i had, i had nothing to wear to the ball, i didn't really want to go, but the unmated are going with some of the mated, i will need to buy a dress, the ball is in two weeks, walking over to my computer i set down and started searching through the sites for dresses, i found the perfect one, it was light green with a slit on the side, a strapless dress with little diamonds down the front. it showed a little cleavage but not to much it was prefect, this will be here in a few days, i placed it in the cart found the shoes purse and jewellery to match, i bought all of it, standard shipping so i changed it for just a few days, i couldn’t wait for it to be here so i could see how it fits, it was my size, but i still wanted to see how it would look on me, I walked into the office and saw Con on the phone, he was talking about the unmated going but most of the mated will stay home i knew he was telling the truth because i talked to some of them, they rather stay home instead of going I wasn't going to make them go, walking over sitting on his lap running my fingers through his hair, he always loved when i did this, he said it makes the tension leave him when i played with his hair, when he was done with the phone call he held me close, ‘So what are you doing today, he asked me” “I looked for a dress online, it should be here in a few days, i got the shoes and the purse to match, i already have makeup and hair things for my hair, i can’t wait for it to be here to try it on,” I watch him smirk, when he said, “oh i bet the dress would look even better when i falls off of you as well,” I couldn't help but blush when he had said that, lately he's been paying me more attention, i wondered if he was scared if that other one would try and steal me away, there was no one wanting to steal me away, but at least he is being more attentive to me now, and i sorta like it, no one has tried to start fights these days, I know the queen would love to hear that i do not try to cause drama any longer, sometimes i kinda start a little to make the day go by better, but its fun drama not bad drama, i have some of them laughing so hard that they end up choking to catch their breath, Con leaned into my neck inhaling my scent, his hands roamed up my shorts caressing my thighs, the damn office door opened as Gamma Ava walked inside the room with a pile of folders in her hand, stopping when she realise i was in here as well, raising an eyebrow at us, “I could come back later for the work we need to do” we both started laughing, “No that's okay Ava you too have fun, i am heading to take a warm bath to relax my bones,” getting up kissing his cheek, i whispered to him, “I’ll be waiting when you get done here” hugging Ava, walking out of the room shutting the door behind me, i knew they had a lot of work todo and i didnt want to disturb them while they worked, i went up to the room ran a hot bath, i loved a steamy bath relaxes my whole body, tossed my clothes in the hamper getting into the tub, i yelp it was a little to hot but i got in there anyways, i set back laid my head back and started to relax, the steam from the water opened my pores, i just loved it, I started getting a link it was really weird i never heard this voice before i knew i was dozing off because i was so relax so i was thinking it was just a dream,. the voice was saying, “I am coming for you Jasmine, and you will be mine all mine,” Wendy pov I was just coming out of the hall helping the others decorate we built on to make it even bigger and it looks so much better, we had enough to decorate plus more, we had streamers and more tables and chairs, we have pink blue and white table clothes, i really think it looked really nice, we had a candle on each table that was placed in the middle, we can light them when it is time, the chairs looked really nice with a bow on the back, i liked it, because there is a plastic flower in the middle of the bows, that reminds me the flowers will be here the day of the ball as well, they will arrive in the middle, i'm not so sure about how people are going to react toward the strippers., i need to call Jasmine and see if she could cancel them, i will do that after i order my dress, i keep forgetting to do that, i headed toward the office so i could get on the computer, i opened the door stopping in my tracks, i didn't realise Stephan was in a meeting, “Oh I’m sorry,” turning to head upstairs to the room i should had done that in the first place,Stephan stopped me, “you don’t have to, i'm sure you don’t remember meeting them, you was human when you did, but this is Hayley and William they are king and queen of the supernatural,” turning to look at the beautiful woman, she had long dark hair with hazel eyes, her smile was so sweet, she was dressed in jeans with a button up white shirt, the man was wearing the same but wearing a pullover black shirt showing off a dragon tattoo on his left arm, nice i thought to myself, i always wanted a tattoo, i didn't know what to do, should i bow, should i kneel i didn't know what to do, Hayley pov We were sitting in Alpha Stephans office, i knew we should had been here weeks ago, but we had so much to do, we had guards that were training and William had to train them, we had lunas in training so we had the best lunas training them in class, we also had them training to fight, that was my rule, if your training to be a luna, then you will learn how to fight so you can help protect the pack as well, if you can no fight you will not be luna, we also have them party planning and flower making, i rolled my eyes on that one, you can make flowers any time, training to fight has to come first and party planning who wouldn't want a good party, we were sitting in his office when the door opened, a woman walked inside looked at us and was about to walk back out saying sorry, she did not know he was in a meeting, i knew who it was, it was the human that turned wolf to help during war, i was really impressed, i knew why she did it, she stabbed her self so he would change herself, it was a crazy stunt because she might had died, but she didnt, i saw her confused, she didnt know what to do when Stephan interduced us, i stood up stuck out my hand, ‘Hi Wendy, we didn’t get a chance to talk when you turned, im Hayley, its very nice to finally meet you, and this is my mate king William, you can call us Hayley and William, she looked at my hand then back up to me, she finally took my hand and shook it, “It's very nice to finally meet you as well. i had heard so much about you, with your father and mother and what had happened, i love hearing stories,” “Well, i'm glad you heard about us, we came here to check on the hall to see how everything is going, im sure the stage is set for us, i saw the look on her face, i don't think she knew we were sitting on stage watching everyone, i know this is the first for her, and it's okay, ‘Don’t worry honey, just put a table and two chairs for us, we stay up on stage to watch everyone, this is what we do at every mating ball,” i saw the relife she had on her face, i bet she thought we set on thrones, we don't do that at other packs, just at our kingdom when we have meetings with others, “I would love to take you to see the hall, i just got done helping the others, the food and flowers will be here the day of the dance, i want the omegas to have fun and hope they find their mates as well, i will have hired help to serve the food and drinks,” I nodded i was very impressed she thought of everything, she showed me the training ground, the gardens, i loved the gardens they looked perfect, they even had goats and chickens, she told me she always wanted a small farm, so she got a few goats and chickens, i thought that was really cute, we finally got to the hall, opened the doors, i was stunned, there were different kind of lights hanging up, white blue and pink tablecloths, ribbons behind the chairs with little plastic flowers in the middle, what i loved the most was the candles in the middle of the table, tables were set up on the far walls for the food, ten different kind of bars, they were stocked with all kinds of different liquor, i was very impress, she had thought of everything, when i was done looking at everything, we went back to the office, ‘Well Stephan, you got yourself a super sonic Luna here, she has thought of everything, i am very impressed, we need to get going, but we will be back for the mating ball, I hugged Wendy, and whispered in her ear, “Honey, you should never hide your power, just learn to control it and you will be just fine okay, she nodded and said, she was scared,” ‘Don’t be scared, you will be fine i promise,” William and I left that day, i knew she had a power, a power that someone would want, so she needs to learn to control it so she could use it
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