Why did you hide this

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chapter 20 Della pov i was heading home from work tonight, it seemed that Mister Con was in a much better mood since him and his wife had made up, he even invited me to the annual dance that his friend Stephan was going to have in a few weeks, he told me i never know i might find someone and fall madly in love, well that's a fat chance, who in the hell fall madly in love at first look, that confused me, i knew he was a werewolf and he lived in a pack, what i understand he is a alpha and his wife is a luna, this confused me so much, because they looked like regular people to me what do they do wolf out when there is a full moon or something, i just don’t understand at all, i had talked to my parents, they said they would be going as well, now why would they be going did they know about alpha Con and his wife luna shoot this all confused me, so when i got home i took a long hot shower dried off got dressed in my jamma shorts and shirt, i was relaxed, i had finally got a day off and it was tomorrow so i plan on looking on my computer so i know what the hell i was heading into, i had no clue what was going on, i feel like i am being lied to, and i want to know why and what the hell is really going on, so i looked up names that i had heard during my mothers stories, and sure enough in full bloom photos of them standing there with two children sometimes four or five, holy s**t, it says sometimes when a wolf is very powerful that they sometimes shift at the age of six through ten, what does shift mean, does it mean shifting into a wolf, what do they look like when they turn into a wolf, i typed that into the sreach bar and out came all kinds of information and photos of all kinds of wolves and their people there was even photos of them shifting, photo after photo it was like flipping through pages really fast watching them shift into each part, i felt like i was going to throw up the time i got done looking at them, when i saw the photo of the wolf they turned into, i was like holy s**t that looked like a real wolf, but it was a lot larger and looked a lot stronger, this one was beautiful, the wolf was all black but the top of its head had a white little spot on top of his head, wow i thought to myself, he sure is beautiful, it makes me wonder if he was still alive and would i see him at this dance thing, apart of me was drawn to him, this was f*****g crazy, i kept reading pages and looking at photos of people that i actually thought was just humans, this is really crazy but really cool as well, i thought i would read a few more pages and then head to bed, i was getting a little tired from reading so much and my eyes where starting to hurt from the computer screen, i was reading a page that was talking about a man and a woman named Tally and Aaron, i was thinking to myself, that this could not be talking about my mother and father i kept thinking about this while i was reading, it says that they had lived over five hundered years and they have one child there her name is Della, i rolled away from the computer so fast that i almost knocked myself over, i was shaken up big time, i slowly rolled back over to the computer ad clicked on an image, i closed my eyes hoping i would not see my parents, no, no, no, this can not be happening, why did they not tell me. what is going on, what is really happening right now, is this all a f*****g joke, i slowly opened my eyes, and sure enough, my mother and father was standing there looking back at me, in beside them was a little girl it was me when i was only five years old, i didn’t want to read anymore, i shut the computer off, moved away from it and went to bed, i dont know why but i fell a sleep, i just did not want to think about any of this right now, Tally pov the next morning i had a bad feeling about something, i told my husband about it, he said it could be nothing so don’t worry, i had someone hack into my daughters computer so i know what was going on at all times, just incase some crazy ass son of a b***h was trying to stalk her, but so far i had seen nothing, it had been a full week for me not to log into her name and passwords, i was looking through everything i just needed to make sure everything was okay before i relaxed, i went through her searches, i screamed for Aaron, “Aaron GET IN HERE RIGHT NOW!!!” he ran into the office he had a look of worry on his face, “What is it Tally, what happened are you okay?” shaking my head no i pointed at the searches, i could tell she had read during the night for hours then landed on a photo of us,, “Aaron she has figured it out, she has figured everything out, what the hell are we going to do now?” ‘What we are going to do is head to her house and try and talk to her, i know she must be freaking out right now so lets go,” we got into the truck and sped off, thank the goddess that she was only thirty minutes away, when we got there she was sitting on the front porch swing, she was just looking out at the woods, walking up the steps i set on the swing beside her and so did her father, I did what any mother would do, i told her the truth, “what do you want to know?” i had asked her, she looked over at me with those beautiful pleading green eyes “Why did you not tell me from the start, did you think i would not believe you, do you think i would freak out? I'm not a child anymore mom, dad, i can handle anything, i knew for a while about Con and Jasmine, I even knew for a while that there is a king and a queen, i even knew about Stephan and Wendy, but why didn't you tell me about you and dad. or even me, am i a werewolf as well, and if so why haven't I turned, whats wrong with me, do yall live in a pack as well, if you do why don’t i live with yall,” we took this in while she was asking all kinds of questions, i was suspecting this all along, the many questions that i would have to answer, so i tried to answer them as much as i could and if i didn't have a anwer her father gave her the answer, “We didn’t tell you because we thought you wouldn't be ready to know, yes we live in a pack thirty minutes from here, Your father is the alpha i am the luna, we take care of the pack together, you don’t live with us because you have your own place, and sometimes it skips a generation, you might just be human, but we can take you to our pack hospital they can take an xray and draw some blood, we will be able to tell if you have a wolf, she might be there, you just have a mental wall up honey, we knew you was going to find out sooner or later, i was just hoping it would be much later,” “Well, let me get ready, i want to get this so called xray done, if this is all true, im not sure what i am going to do, i might just freak the f**k out,” ‘Language Della,” her father had said “Don’t language me father, your the ones that hid this s**t from me for years, and i am just now finding out about it,” he nodded and said “Good point, come on get dress and we will take you, we will deal with it as it comes,: we watched her go inside she got dressed and came back outside, ‘Alright im ready, lets go i want to get this over with,”
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