We dont want to do this anymore

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chapter 18 Jannie pov Caroin and i with a few other she wolves were at the mall we were trying to find dresses, Carolin just went because she wanted to help me find my dress but i also know her mate Beta Tate was going as well, so she really wanted to find a dress, she will be twenty five soon and she will be able to tell if Beta Tate is really her mate, “she has told me its been getting hard not to mate with him, its been getting harder and harder, my wolf goes crazy when we are near each other and i know his wolf does as well, i’m about to say f**k it throw him down and have my way with him, but i don’t because he says he wants to wait, it's driving me nuts already,” My phone started Buzzing i looked at it rolled my eyes told Carolin it was Jay, i checked to see where the other girls were they were busy in a different dress store so i put it on speaker cutting the sound down just enough for me and Caroline to hear, “Hello girls, i have a brilliant plan and i know it's going to work our pack is going to the mating ball, and my girl here is wanting to help, she is going to seduce the alpha while i grab his luna, either he will submit his pack to me and him bow down to me or i will kill her,” we both looked at each other in horror, what the f**k is this man thinking, we had forgotten all about ruining the alpha and luna, we have been doing our own thing, s**t, f**k, i had to think of something fast, really really fast, “Alpha, I think that is a brilliant plan,” Carolin looked at me shocked, i shrugged and put my finger to my lips to tell her to hush, we had to think of something really fast, we had to admit to them what we had done, s**t f**k, how are we going to do this, because i think i had found my mate in Coon, we where training together just a few days ago, he grabbed my arm and i felt the sparks of the mate bond, i think he felt it as well, because then he couldnt stop touching me and being easy on me, i had to told him, ‘Don’t be easy on me, we are out here training, am I correct?’ he nodded then started training with me hard, i think he liked a mate that was as strong as he was, ever since then we could not stay apart, now i had to remember what we are here for, he was still on the phone and i had to listen to this crazy fucker, “listen girls this is going to work, just leave it up to us now, i know you are doing your part there, Jannie remember what needs to be done now, finish and your job is done there,” he hangs the phone up with both of us looking at it, i had to slide it in my pocket when the girls came out of the dress shop with their dresses we had to go in the other store to find ours, i knew Carolin was wondering what he meant by my job is done, i had to tell her but we needed to be alone so i could tell her, i dreaded it but i just can not lie to my friend anymore, after we found our dresses, we were hungry so we went to the food court so we could eat, we noticed many other she wolves where there to find their dresses, she wonders if they would find their mate on that night, who knows, i have heard that many do not on that first night, the ball is suppose to last three days so if you find your mate you can leave, so others might can come and enjoy the night, others might stay11 and enjoy the dancing and drinking, so it could be a fun three to four days it all depends what packs will come, and thats not including the queen and king, so we will have to be on our best behavior, after we ate we all decided to head home, we had our shoes, jewerlly, purses and hair things plus new makeup for the ball, and i was exhausted, but i also knew Carolin still wanted to talk because she kept looking at me wondering what Jay meant, i had to tell her, we had grown close these serval months since we been here, and then we have to find a way to stop him from getting Jasmine, Carolin pov I couldn't wait to get home for two reasons, i wanted to see Tate plus i needed to talk to Jannie, i know we had decided not to do what Jay had asked us to do, it was just way to much, we hadn't rejected him by him being our alpha just yet because then he would come after us, we were going to wait until we pledge our loyalty to the alpha, because then we would be safe from Alpha Jay, when we finally gotten home, i placed my dress on my bed and went to Jannies room, i knew she would be waiting for me, the door was opened, i walked in shutting the door behind me, i set on the bed with her, ‘Care to tell me what the alpha meant by take care of business and finish it.” i saw her sigh, i knew she didn't want to tell me but if she didn't then i would keep on until she did tell me, she looked at me she did not smile, ‘Do you remember Emma. she told Stephan that she was going to go see family and would be back in a few days, well, i know for a fact that she didn’t, Jay told me i had to get rid of her because if they found out they would torture her and she would tell everything that has been going on. and then we would end up being caught, well he wants me to do the same with you to get rid of you, i don’t want to do this anymore Carolin, and i know you do not want this either, we can not tell this to Con or Jasmine, but we need to watch them both at the mating ball, to make sure nothing happens to her,” ‘I was pissed off, Emma was my friend and hers as well, but it's too late to do anything now, “is there anything else you want to tell me so i wont be so dam f*****g surprised,” “Jay was going to chose me to be his luna when i got back, but i guess he had picked someone else since we been gone, im kinda thankful for that, because then i would had never met Coon,” “alright, well at least you are honest with me, What did you do with Emma body, please do not tell me you tossed her in the river when you finished her off?” “No, i buried her, i couldn't just throw her away like that, so i dug a hole deep enough so no one could ever find her, unless a vampire was looking for a fresh body,” we had shivers going up and down our arms when we thought about that, well lets just keep this between you and I, when the mating ball begins we will have to keep an eye on everyone including Jasmine, we need to keep her safe,” “agreed But how Jannie, when Jay is around we will have to do this on our own, if he knows that we have told Alpha Con and Jasmine we are the ones that are going to end up dead?” ‘I don’t know, we will just have to figure that on our own,”
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