Getting a raise

2018 Words
chapter 8 Della pov It had been a week since Mr Con been in his office, i had to call him on his cell to see if he was alright, he answered the phone and when i asked him if he was ill, he said no, that he would be in the office today, and sure enough he was, he called me inside his office and i set down, “Della, i wanted to tell you that your paperwork was awesome, you wrote everything that needed to be wrote down, and the amount you said you bought the company for was the right price, you didn't let him talk over you and you didn't let him talk down to you as well, since you been in this company for awhile, i want to give you a raise, instead of getting 24 dollars an hour, you will be getting 35 dollars an hour, does that seem okay with you?” i was doing everything i could not to jump and hug him, instead i nodded, “Yes sir, that is awesome, thank you so much,” “Your welcome Della, i also want to invite you to my house in a few weeks, i want you to be there for a meeting im going to have with another company, i will text you the address when it's time okay,” i nodded yes,” “alright now get out of my office so i can work, he had a smirk on his face that made me smile, he was back to his old self again” i walked out happy i got a hell of a raise, and i'm excited about it, but why is he having a meeting at his house and why does he want me to be a part of it, that's a little weird, Joe pov i knew it has been a few years since we had seen Della, but I also knew that Alpha Con is her boss, so i set it up with him so we can see her, it will be at his house its really a surprise for her, but we explained to him that she had no clue, her wolf is locked behind a mental wall, so right now she is human, her mother had told her stories of our kind, but she never asked any questions, she was only a little girl when she heard those stories, He told me not to worry, his pack knows not to do anything stupid or shift around her, my Mate Tally Dellas mother is excited to see her, she says sometimes phone calls are just not enough, she wants to see our daughter, so thats the reason why we set this up, our pack, The Blue oval moon pack has been doing great now, the whole pack is together again, they had the alpha and luna ceremony for us and we are offically the alpha and luna of the pack, Della will be the alpha once i decide to step down, but she has to get her wolf, she has her, but has not came out just yet, we are going to need to tell her what we truly are but im not so sure if she would believe us, would she be upset would she ask questions, we have to be perpared for anything, even how she would react when she finds out she is one as well, but right now i just want to see our daughter, Con pov it has been a few day since Jasmine has been gone and i am missing the hell out of her, things have been quite, i can not help but think about her, i was in my pack office when Jannie walked into my office wearing next to nothing, i tried not to watch her clean she bent down to take the trash out of the trash pal and i noticed she wasn't wearing a bra, she bent over to dust and damn it, my d**k was hard as a f*****g rock, i stood up from my chair walked over to her grabbed her by her hips, she stood up fast turning in my arms, “Alpha, what are you doing?” i could tell by her eyes she wanted this as well, it’s the reason why she dressed the way she did, f**k this i thought to myself, im a single man, and i have needs, i picked her up placing her on my desk pulled my pants down and looked at her, “What do you think i'm doing, Jannie, she smirked, oh i know what you are doing,” she opened her legs wide for me wanting me to shove my d**k deep inside her honey hole, my d**k stood up at attention, yep i so need this right now, i need a release and some stress release, she was already dripping wet wanting me to f**k her hard, i shoved my c**k deep inside of her, and i was so glad that these walls were sound proof, she was a f*****g screameer and damn it drove me crazy, i ripped her shirt open showing her plump breast, damn they were sexy as hell, her n*****s were hard i reached to suck on them bitting them hard, i stopped turned her around and f****d her from behind, my hand slapping her ass hard leaving my hand print on her right butt cheek, she kept calling out my name, when i cam i pulled out took the trash can and let it drop into the trash, i pulled up my pants and dragged her to my room, ‘Oh i am not done with you yet sweet heart, when we got to my room i shut and locked the door, bent her over on the bed and f*****g the hell out of her, i had one of her legs up side ways f*****g her hard and deep, she screamed for me to stop it hurt, so i put her leg down, she was fine after that, but damn she was so f*****g hot, i couldn’t help myself, when i cam on her ass and shoved it into her asshole, damn she was so damn tight, and she was loving every minute of this, when i finally cummed i cummed all over her ass, i fell onto the bed exhausted i got up went to the bathroom took a shower to get her scent off of me, i wanted her gone, when i walked into the room she was gone including her clothes, good, i didnt want her in my room anymore, i opened the windows to let some air inside and to get her scent out of her, Jasmines scent is fading now, and i am truly missing her, i knew i should had never done this, but i needed to let some stress out, i took my phone out to see if she had texted, there was no text, damn, alright i will text her, “Jasmine, why haven't you texted, i looked at it, i decided not to send it, she might be busy, or sleepy. That reminds me, I am getting up early tomorrow. I needed to get some sleep, I turned over and I was wide awake, agh!!!! I knew what was wrong. I needed my mate, Jasmine pov I had to do this in a hurry, i decided to do this up and my room because i knew Wendy was in the library, she was reading books about the annual mating ball, she still was not sure how to do this so she's reading about it, pretty crazy, but hey to each their own, i went up to my room got on the computer and went on a site the $ex site that i knew all too well, i ordered there from time to time when need be, this was going to be freaking funny as hell, so i ended up ordering in Wendys name s*x toys with blow up dolls i also went to a site for strippers, they will show up later that night, when i give them the signal they will start stripping, its going to be f*****g funny when everyone turns around and see five guys start to strip, they will end up being thrown out or get their ass beat, i was finally done, i decided to take a shower so i turned the water on in the shower waited for it to get steamy hot and got inside, i stood there letting the water run down my body, i been so stressed out lately due to me missing my mate, i feel like i have lost my other half, when i was sure that my fingers were wrinkly and looked like prunes i turned the water off, dried myself off, i got dressed in my jama shorts and shirt, brushed my hair out, and stood there for a few minutes looking into the mirror, i started to feel uneasy, i knew Wendy wouldnt find out about any of this until the mating ball, so i really wasn’t sure what was going on, I decided to lay in bed and try to watch some tv, since there is no training tomorrow i plan on staying up late and maybe sleep in but knowing me, i will end up waking up the same time like i do every single day at four am. I laid down in bed cut on the tv. I flipped to forty eight hours, i loved that show, i kept feeling this pain in my chest and stomach, i thought it was gas and it would soon pass but it didn't. It got worse. Suddenly I felt a shooting pain in my chest. It felt like someone was in here stabbing me in the chest and twisting it, It felt like I could not breathe when I felt like I got punched in the stomach. What is going on? at first it stopped for just a few minutes i was thankful, i could breath and the pain stopped, but it started up again, it was so bad that i fell out of bed screaming for it to stop, Wendy pov After reading i got on the computer and started looking at my emails, at first i thought i was seeing things all my things that i ordered got cancelled, each and every site said, “We are sorry that you cancelled your order, if you decide to order with us again we will make sure you get a healthy discount,” but i didn't do that, I did not cancel anything, So again i went on every site and ordered again everything that was needed, the food i ordered will take three days to cook i was so happy, i decided to read these emails or i would had been f****d when it was time for the ball, i decided to have most of the items one day shipping, eveything will be here tomorrow but the food, the food will be on the day of the annual ball, i clicked off the computer and went upstairs to our room, i took a hot shower,dried off and got dressed in my jamms, i walked into the bedroom where stephan was already sitting on the bed and clicking on the tv, i was about to go on my side to sit down when we heard screaming, we looked at each other then ran out the door, we couldnt figure out who screamed, everyone came out of thier rooms to listen, we knew all rooms were soundproof so who screamed? and then it happened again, someone screamed we ran down the hall as we heard it again this time it came from Jasmine's room, how could that be, but it had to be bad if she was screaming so loud that even the soundproof walls could not cover that up, Stephan knocked down her door, and when we got in there, i would never forget the look on her face,
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