A mate betrayal

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JUst want to say im sorry once again for the confusion, i have all the chapters now and i hope everyone will enjoy the chapters, chapter 9 Wendy pov Jasmines pain was real, the look on her face said it all, she was holding her chest crying she screamed for us to make it stop to kill her to make it stop, what the hell is going on, why is she being like this what is making her be in pain, i looked at Stephan, i couldn't handle her screaming, i ran to her and held her in my arms rocking her back in forth trying to calm her down, i was talking to her asking her what was wrong, “Jasmine honey, try and calm down, whats wrong babygirl, talk to me,” she screamed again telling me it felt like someone was stabbing her in her chest and stomach, she could not handle this to make it stop, i had no idea what that meant, i didn't know how to stop it, i looked at my mate once again with pleading eyes, he whispered to me, Con is cheating, when the bond is so strong that when your mate is being disloyal you can feel like it knives going into your chest and stomach, the pain could be so bad that it could actually kill them,” i looked at him in horror, i picked her up and rushed her to the pack doctors Stephan was right behind me, he linked the doctor told her to be there we are rushing Jasmine into the hospital, we got there in ten minutes with the doctor waiting at the door, we rushed her to a room and laid her on the table, she seemed to lay very still, like she was scared to move, like if she moved the pain would began again, but it did, one last time it was so bad that she screamed so loud that we had to cover our ears, the doctor ran out the door and came back with a needle, “This is to just calm her down and have her get some sleep,” we had to actually hold her down so Emma could give her the injection, once done she threw the used needle in the red bucket that said danger on it, It took about ten minutes for Jasmine to calm down, and i was very thankful for this, i was not going to leave her by herself, “Why don’t you go home to try and get some sleep, I'm not leaving her. the trucks will be here to bring the tables and chairs tomorrow with the gift bags and decorations.” “Wendy im not leaving you here or her here, we are in this together, i can Get Brian my beta to wait for those trucks tomorrow, He linked Brian and he linked back to him, he told him he will be watching out for them tomorrow, Stephan looked at Wendy, “its done, he will be looking out for the trucks tomorrow,” i nodded and held onto Jasmines hand tightly, i wanted her to know that she was not alone that someone was right here with her, Stephan set on the couch watching me trying to sooth her as Jasmine whimpered off and on all night long, tears kept running down her face as she slept, i whispered to her ‘I am so sorry sweetheart, I just hope I'm helping you through this.” Con pov the next morning I knew right away when i got out of bed where i was going, i took a long hot shower to make sure that bitches scent was off of me,it would be hard to explain why another female scent was on me while she was away, i already felt awful, but what could i say, it's already done, i got dressed in jeans and a button up shirt i put my shoes on and got my cell, still no message from her, i clicked on the number and called Alpha Stephan, it took a few rings but he answered, “Hello Alpha Con, how can I help you today?” “Stephan, i'm coming today to take back my mate. I want her home with me now, i will be there in a few hours,” i thought it was strange that he did not say anything for a few seconds, i had to look at the phone to see if he had hung up but nope, he was still there, “Stephan, did you hear me, i said i was coming,,,,” “I heard you Con, but you are not going to like what i have to say to you, Last night Jasmine was in the hospital because of you, you was cheating you are disloyal to her, and she felt it she felt it so badly that she almost died because of you, is this was your punishment was for her, you told her not to accept your rejection just go back home,” my heart stopped beating, oh s**t, i had forgotten about this, with the lust i was feeling, she felt it ten times worse like shooting pains going through her body, i took a deep breath, i forgot to breath, ‘Stephan, i will be right there,” i didn't give him a chance to say anything, i hit end, grabbed my keys off the dresser and hauled ass out the door, Jannie pov I knew last night would be really bad for Jasmine, well hell it wasn't bad for me, i enjoyed last night, i knew right away once Con and i started having s*x that Jasmine would feel it, she would had felt the stabbing pain of her mates unfaithfulness, my job was done, but i still have another duty, i was walking down the hall way when i saw Con running toward me with a blank look on his face, he stopped right in front of me, i thought we was going to go another round, hell why not it was fun last night, but i thought wrong, Jannie listen, what happened last night was fun, but it should had never happened, i put Jasmine in the hospital, i almost killed her last night,” “Where are you going now, are you sure you do not,,,,” he stopped me mid sentence, “No thanks, i'm going to my mate, i have a lot of explaining to do, before i could say another word, he was gone, i had to laugh, if we would had done it more then we did last night, she would had been dead, and he would had been beaten, i linked the spy that was in Stephen hospital, told her to meet me up on the hill in an hour our mission was done we were going home, i knew i would be there before she will, i went to the room and dressed in black i went into the woods and ran toward our meeting spot, it wasn't far at all, when i got there i climbed the tallest oak tree and hid until Emma got there, an hour later she was there, she shifted back to her human form and got dressed, she was ready to go home, i watched her for a few minutes, we were such good friends, but the alpha said, we could not have any witnesses, I took aim with my pistol, i don’t know why i was stalling, she was leaning against another tree waiting for me, a slight breeze went by and i felt the cool breeze around me, this is now or never, she will smell my scent now, she looked around and then slowly looked up right at me, im sorry i whispered to her, i pulled the trigger and shot her between the eyes, she went down, as i jumped out of the tree and shot her in the head, i had to make sure, i waited for a few minutes and turned her body around, i had to make sure, the alpha told me to always make sure, she was not breathing her heart was not beating, she was gone, i took my fingertips shutting her eyes, “I’m sorry my friend, until we meet again one day, i dragged her into the hole i dug a few nights ago tossed her in there and buried her, its at least i could do since im the one that killed her, i hurried back to the pack took the clothes off that i was wearing, took a shower to get everything off of me, dried off and got dressed in jeans in a tshirt, and pretended like nothing ever happened, Con pov I made it to Stephans pack house in no time at all, a trip that would had taken me a few hours only took me an hour to get there, the guards let me inside, they must had been told to let me in when i pulled up, i drove by then nodding to say thank you for letting me inside the gates, i pulled up at the pack house parked and turned off the car and jumped out, i was walking up the steps when Stephan walked out the door he held his hand out to me telling me to stop, ‘First of all she's in the office, second, do not start s**t and there will be no s**t is that clear, you respect my house you are on my land Con,
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