respect my house

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chapter 10 Stephan pov I knew Con was on his way, when i got off the phone with him i had to go back into the office to let Jasmine know, she's already been put through so much already, i know the girl isn’t perfect but damn he should had made her accept the rejection if he was going to do this to her, when she finally awoke we had to explain to her what happened to her, tears flowed freely from her eyes, Wendy held her as she cried, when the doctor came inside she had her sign the papers to go home, then she told me she was going to see some family in another pack and she would be back in a few weeks, i agreed to this since we had serval pack doctors, we took Jasmine home and set her in our office, when I got a call from Con, I told him that she knew what he did if that was her punishment, if so that was ruthless, he should had made her reject him if that was the case, he told me he had forgotten, and he would be there shortly, i had to go back inside and tell her that he was on his way to come get her, she kept shaking her head, “i don’t want to go back home with that cheater, all along he took up for his pack and chose me second, i know i did some wrong but i would had never done this to him,” Wendy kept holding her hand i knew it was too late to call him not to come because he was already on his way, we alphas are determined to get what we want even if we did the wrongdoing, Jasmine pov when i awoke in the hospital i was surprised to see Wendy by my side holding my hand to comfort me they told me what had happened, all i could do was cry, i hated crying, but i just couldn't stop the tears from coming down from my eyes. Stephan had to go to get some work done but Wendy had stayed by my side, we talked for a few minutes and i knew i had to tell her what i did before anything had got here, by the time i told her everything she was a little upset about the things i cancelled but she told me she ordered them again and they should be here today but the food would be there when the time of the ball, the other half i told her she laughed so hard she almost fell out of her chair, she told me that the pack could have some fun with the items that will arrive but the strippers well they would end up either beaten bloodied or some unmated females would be having some fun that night, When Stephan came back i signed the paperwork to go home, and now we where in their office, Stephans phone rang and he excused himself when he saw who it was, a few minutes later he came back, told me that Con was on his way to come and get me, i kept shaking my head, “i don't want to go home with that man, i know i have done some dumb things, but i had never done this to him ever.” we were wondering what i was going to do when he came, I loved him i came here to give him space and time to think, so this is what i get for doing the right thing, I felt Mondo pacing in my head she was pissed off, she had never seen me that hurt before, and she was hurt as well, she felt it, this could had killed her, we had several hours for him to arrive so we ate lunch, Wendy told me to try and take a nap on the couch, she put a blanket over me, but i was still to worried about the pain coming back, i might had slept about 2o minutes, and then i was up, Mondo kept packing in my head she could not sleep at all, Stephans eyes clouded over and then came back to normal i knew someone was linking him, he sighed and looked over a me, “it only took an hour but he is here, let me go get him that way i can calm his ass down before he walks into my house. i looked at Wendy for support, she held my hand squeezing it to comfort me, “you will be just fine, just say what is in your heart Jasmine, if he cares he will listen,” and if he doesn't then you need to do what you feel that us right, Stephan pov When he arrived i heard the car door slam shut, i knew he was going to show his ass so i hurried outside, When i opened the front door he was running up the steps i stopped him so i could talk to him, “Hold on Con, before you walk in there in show your ass, she has already been put through enough, the pain you caused her and her wolf could had killed them both, so before you walk in there, this is my house my land do not show your ass in my house show some respect, the alpha actually growled at me wanting to see his mate, i had him against the front door so fast that would make your head spin, i had him by the throat, Again do i make myself clear Con?” he nodded and tried to speak, so i let his throat go, “yeah you made yourself clear, now let me go see my mate Stephan,” “be careful with those words Con having a mate should be something special for you but you treated it like trash, you may go see her, but it is up to her if she wants to go with you,” Con pov I knew i should had never growled at another alpha on there land, but this was pissing me off, i wanted to see my mate and all he could do was talk so it made me growl, i was slammed against the door by the throat, i agreed to stay calm and be respectful in his house, fine just let me go so i can see my mate Stephan, mate, be careful of those words Con, having a mate should be something special for you but you treated like trash, i knew he was right, i did and i regret what i did to her, even if she did f**k a few things up i should had never done this to her, he opened the door walked inside, i walked behind him, we walked to his office opened it up, the first thing i saw was my mate she was sitting in a chair with her hands on her lap, Luna Wendy was sitting right beside her, when she saw me she did not smile at me at all. She did not get up to hug me, She did not ask to take her home, i knew it was true what Stephan had told me, that she felt the pain of betrayal, i ran over to her and tried to hold her hand but she moved it out of the way, i bent down on my knees and tried to look into her eyes, “Jasmine, i'm sorry i had forgotten that i told you not to accept the rejection yet, i am so very sorry that i did this to you, i could say it's what you did i could blame this all on you, but i can’t its because i am the one that did ithis not you, im sorry Jasmine, i take my rejection back, I Con take my rejection back, i want you with me Jasmine,” She raised her head up to look up at me, i knew it was not Jasmine, this was Mondo and she was pissed off, when you spoke I was shocked. “So, you got mad because she got jealous of these bitches in your pack, did you even notice how they all looked at you? did you notice that they dressed the way they did when you was around? did you even try to brush off the female's hand when she touched you right in front of us? No you didn’t because you did not care enough to do so, instead you told us to come back here to give you time and space to think, and look what you did, it took you what, a week to do this, all because you had needs, i wondered what Rocky had to say about this?” you take back your rejection, that does not mean anything right now, not a damn thing, You could had killed us Con, but all you could do was think about your f*****g d**k, who was it, who was the b***h that took our place after a f*****g week gone from our home?” “it doesn't matter Jasmine, i did not want her by my side, you are the one that i want beside me and in my bed, i will burn the bed if need be, i will do whatever i can to make this up to you please forgive me and come back home with me, I could tell she was thinking Mondo and her were talking, then once again i tried to hold her hand and pleaded to her once more, “Jasmine, i am truly sorry for everything, i truly am, i stopped talking and started thinking everything that Mondo was saying, flashing back to the women that had tried with me while Jasmine was there, all i could do was shake my head when i realise i took up for these women because they were my members, would she believe me if i tell her that i would be by her side for now on, i had to try, “Don’t be a fool Con, once when we have her back in our home, you will have to do what you tell her, and then what, when one of those sluts come up and brush up against you, you won't stop her, you won't be able to do a damn thing when Jasmine beats their ass, she is the luna she has all the right” “I know Rocky, things will change in time, I will make sure of that, i promise it will,” ‘Yeah we will see, if i have to take control and show you how it is done i will, do not try and hurt her again, or i will never let you shift again, even during war,”
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