I can not wait that long

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hey guys, im really not feeling that good right now, so if i do not post for a few days just know i am resting, and trying to get better so i can give you amazing book to read, i want to also thank you for reading and keeping up with the books, hopfully i'll start feeling better fast and i'll be writing again. take care everyone and have a wonderful bless day. chapter 12 Beta Tate pov i was heading home from yet another treaty meeting, this one was a little rough due to the alpha wanting money for the treaty, i called on his bull s**t, i also told him the treaty will be voided and when the rogues come to destroy their land its all on them, so i left and now on my way home, i linked Con to let him know what had happened he told me i did the right thing,, after i shut the link off, i could not help but think of Carolin, all i could do was think of her, i been trying to avoid her since that day she touched my arm, i felt the mate bond, i felt my arm tingling up and down my arms, i jerked away from her, i wasn't and probably am not ready for a mate, She wasn't surprised that i jerked away from her, it made me wonder how old she was, because it seemed she had not felt it at all, some she wolfs do not feel the mate bond until they are twenty five but get their wolves when they are eighteen, if they are powerful wolves they will get them at sixteen, my stomach growled i was getting hungry, when i finally reached home the guards opened the gate for me, i nodded saying thank you as i drove by, i pulled up to the house parked my car in the drive way got out and headed into the house, I didnt see Carolin like i normally do when i get home from a meeting, i was a little disappointed but i was more hungry then anything else, i went into the kitchen to ask the cook to fix me something to eat, but he told me he had already sent something up for me, alright, but i dont remember telling him to do that, so i took the elevator up to my room on the eighth floor, when i stepped off the elevator i could smell the food from the hallway, i didnt know what it was but it sure smelled good, going to my room opening the door i saw what was waiting for me it was a candle light dinner steak bake pattoe greenbeans my mouth was watering from the looks of it, i looked up i saw Carolin she was wearing a beautiful babyblue dress i could tell she was nervous, Caroline pov I had to make sure the food was up here when it was i hurried to get dressed to look really nice, i went back into his room lit the candle placed it in the middle of the table, i set down for a few minutes when the door slowly opened, my heart started beating faster and my hands started to get sweaty, my wolf only could smile on how nervous i really was, why was i so nervous i thought to myself, my wolf Christy said, i would find out in a few months, now what the hell was that all about, Tate pov I thought it was cute how nervous she was and i kept smelling her scent, s**t i thought to myself, she is really my mate jackson kept howling and going nuts, f**k this i needed to know how old she really was, so i asked her, ‘Carolin how old are you really,” she looked at me with an odd look, she then told me she would be twenty five in a few months. damn i can not wait that long, i decided it was now or never, i stood up walked toward her i held her hands in mine bringing her up to her feet and looked into her eyes, f**k, yes she is my mate, dam it i can not wait that long, i pushed her up against the wall inhaling her scent blueberries and whipcream, with a hint of mint, i licked her marking spot, before she could stop me i bit down hard so my cannies would go into her marking spot, she started punching me begging for me to stop, once i knew it would take affect i let go, licked it to heal and stepped away, i saw the tears in her eyes, then she asked me “But why? why did you do that? what did I ever do to you for you to mark me?” “Because Carolin, you will find out in two months but we are mates, i want all the unmated males know you are taken and not to even be near you, you belong to me Carolin,” i saw the look in her eyes when it dawned on her, “Is this the reason why my wolf kept telling me i would soon find out in a few months, she is going nuts and howling like crazy,” ‘Yeah you can’t feel it but we sure can, it's the reason why i marked you, i could not wait that long but we will not mate not until you turn twenty five,” she nodded when she looked at his neck, he nodded he brought her head to his neck she licked his marking spot and bit down hard, damn that s**t hurt, he held her tightly until she got done, he felt her lick his neck so he would heal, they set down and began to eat, Carolin was thinking to herself, This is all so f*****g f****d up, This is the man i was suppose to betray to set up to sleep with and then toss aside when everything ends in a down fall how am i suppose to look at this man with so much love in my heart for him, how am i supppose to betray my mate, i knew Jannie had killed Emma, that was the alphas rule once the mission is done you must kill them no witnesses that's when he said, so when i fulfil my misson i will be next, well atleast i wont be tortured to tell them anything, i rather be gone then to be tortured, i had heard that torture could be ruthless they use silver chains to lock your arms and legs up and make you drink wolfbane to make your wolf weak, i wanted and needed to tell him everything that is going to happen but i just couldn't, this will be so bad for him and for me, We ate dinner without saying a word, when dinner was over i was wanting to leave this room but he had other plans, “you don’t have to leave tonight. you can stay with me if you want.” i took a deep breath my wolf was pacing wanting to stay, wanting to feel his arms around us, but i just could not, not on the first night, so i let him down gently, “i know you said we are mates, and that we marked each other, but i feel the first night is not a good idea because we will want to mate and just like you said, i want to wait as well to mate when i turn twenty five, but it doesn't mean we have to avoid each other like you have with me, i understand you have to go to meetings and work with the alpha. just find a little time for me every now and then,” “Of course, now that I know we are mates. you bet your sweet ass i will be making time for you, but first come here before you leave, he pulled me to him, he kissed me so passionately that i felt that my legs were rubbery, i kissed him back my tongue played with his as i bit down on his bottom lip, he softly growled, “you keep that up and i won't be able to wait love,” he slowly opened the door i walked out he slowly closed it, i knew he was fighting it i leaned back against the door hoping i could feel him, my wolf howled wanting back inside, "No Chirsty, we need to wait okay, we need to figure out how we are going to do this without having to betray him, i slowly walked back to my room, thinking of only him, how could i really do this to him, to the man that is supposed to be my mate, i walked to my room showered and laid down, i need to train tomorrow so i could keep my mind off of him, but i have heard when mates mark each other they could link each other, Maybe i should try but not tonight, tonight i wanted to sleep, maybe all this is just a bad dream and i will wake up any minute, Jasmine pov when we finally got home everyone was in bed i got out of the car with my one suitcase i had, i kept the other at my old pack just incase this happened again and all i had to do was pack this one backup, he pulled up behind me and got out of his, coming toward me he took the suitcase out of my hand and held my hand, when we got up to our room i could not smell another female in here, i looked at the bed it looked brand new, turning to look at him he chuckled, “while we were still at Stephans i had them burn the bed and bring up a brand new bed with new sheets with a blanket and new pillows with new pillowcases, i want you to feel comfortable not uncomfortable,” I could only nod when i walked to the bathroom took a shower dried off then opened my suitcase took out my shorts and shirt putting them on and went back out, “i will unpack tomorrow if you don’t mind, i am just to tired from all the drama of the day, he nodded lead me to the bed i laid down he covered me up then went to lay down beside me, i still wondered who the b***h was he f****d in that bed, i told Mondo tomorrow she will need to take over i still was tired and need to heal a little more, she said no problem because if anyone even touches him i will rip their hands right off their arms, i couldn’t help but smile Mondo was just to ruthless sometimes, just like me, one day she will know i have learned everything from her, until then all i want for him to do is keep his hands off of me, i am still pissed off, if i did this to him he would had chained me up with silver and torture me for hurting him that way,
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