the day of the meeting

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chapter 13 one week later Della pov Today was the day i was suppose to go to Cons house, i called him and asked him if the meeting was still on at his house, he admitted that he had forgotten all about the meeting, to give him an hour and he will call me right back, and sure enough he did, he called me back right when it hit an hour, he told me the meeting was still on and i should be there at two pm, i said “yes sir, i will be there, it made me really wonder why he wanted me at his house, i had heard him and his wife was back together, good but something was off about it, he sounded tired, it was only ten am so i took my time, i cooked me some breakfast ate, relaxed, cleaned, by the time i was done with everything it was about twelve pm, s**t i had to hurry to take a shower so that's what i did,i took a shower, dried off,got dressed in tan slacks with a button up gray shirt, i did my hair in a bun making sure no hair was out of place, i put light makeup on, put my flats on then i was ready, hurried out got into my truck and put his address in my gps it turned out he was only thirty minutes away from me, wow i didn’t know he lived so close, i texted him told him i would be there in thirty minutes, he texted back told me he will be waiting for me, i turned the truck on back out of the driveway and sped away, Aaron pov i had completely forgotten about going to Cons pack house to see our daughter, that's when Con called and asked if we was still on that he completely forgotten as well until Della called and reminded him about it, he said she would be there at two so we had to hurry, shower and get dressed and haul ass to his pack house, we hurried inside when we got there we wanted to surprise her before she got here, we where in his office and i knew something was off, there were tension in the air as his mate walked into the office and stood beside him, “i am sorry that i am late, i had some business to take care of, Con looked up at her confused, he was wondering what business was she doing, he even linked her and asked her but she told him that it was her business not his to just stay out of it, and it has nothing to do with the pack, Con knew she often went into the woods to go for a run so that is probably what she was doing, was just going for a run by herself, she often didn't come back for hours to let off some steam, today is the day he will go for a run with her after this meeting is over with, he got a link from one of the guards telling him that miss Della was here for the meeting, I linked back told him to not shift to act normal to let her inside the gate,” he said yes alpha she is already on her way, “that is fine, i will alert the rest of the pack” i linked everyone that a human is on her way to the pack house do not shift, they all linked back saying yes alpha, he looked over to her parents, “she is on the land now she will be driving in the driveway in a few minutes, Aaron and his mate nodded, they were both nervous but also wanted to see their daughter, Della pov, the Gps took me in a wide circle at first, i passed by the same store twice before it took me down a path in the woods, i was wondering where the hell was this thing taking me, i felt like i was going down a wrong turn, you know the movie the wrong turn, yeah i felt like that, it was creepy, tall dark trees everywhere i could hear weird noises, i was about to find a way to turn this car around in haul ass back home when i came into a clearing, people were everywhere, they would turn looking at me while i drove by, this was pretty weird it's like a cult or something when i drove up the driveway i saw other people they looked like they were wrestling around, i saw others running, seems normal to me as long as this place isn't a cult or something, i'll just remind myself not to drink anything that looks a little weird, i parked the car got out shut the door and started to walk up the many steps, when i got up to the door i knocked a few times, a woman opened the door smiling, “Hi, Alp,,,I mean Mr Con is waiting for you he said he can't start the meeting without you being there.” i nodded “well, this is the first time I have been here. Will you please lead the way?” she only softly smiled and walked on, “just follow me sweetheart, i will take you to him,” “thank you so much, this place is beautiful,” “Thank you, we do our best to keep the place clean. well, here we are. She knocked on the door, opened it then let me walk inside, she shut the door when she left. The first thing I saw was Con’s wife, she looked tense. When she saw me she remembered me and smiled, “Hello Della, it’s very nice to see you again it's been awhile,” “Yes it has, i'm glad i got to see you today.” i didn't notice my parents at first they were listening to our exchange of words, I saw Jasmine looked over to the people that were sitting in their chairs, my eyes wide, “Mom, Dad, i ran over to them almost knocking them over by hugging them, “So there wasn't really a meeting? Con laughed smiling for the first time since i stepped foot in here, ‘No, but i had to get you here somehow right, they wanted to surprise you, see Your dad and I are old friends, i did not know you were their daughter until your father told me, so i had to set this up since your mother told me they have not seen you in years, phone calls are just not enough sometimes,” “Yeah, i do agree, i was starting to get homesick, i’m glad i got to see yall, i was wondering why you was having a meeting in your home instead of the office downtown,” thank you Mr Con,” we set there and talked for hours, my parents took me out for dinner and shopping, i showed them how the house looked now, i even built on to it, Jasmine pov I was out for a run, I really needed to clear my head. i got stronger and i was a lot better now, i often let Mondo out for runs on a daily basis, there was once i ran onto a pack land but the alpha told me it was okay i was allowed to run on his land anytime i wanted to, lately i been going there talking to him telling him what had happened, “I wasn't a very nice person at first, but i was never unfaithful to him, he could only shake his head, and told me this, if he takes his rejection back, it means you have never been rejected in the first place, but have you forgiven him? have you accepted him taking his rejection back?” i had to think about this, then i spoke to the kind alpha, I don’t think i have, i know i have forgiven him but i don't think i had accepted him taking it back, i think i am just worried he's going to do this again,maybe i'm just waiting, this woman keeps staring at me and smirking at me, i have a feeling it was her that he slept with on that night, she tries her best to get under my skin,” “well just do this, when she keeps looking at you, reach over and kiss him make it known to her that you know it was her, but don’t make it easy for her to get to you, always reach out and touch him, caress him and play with his hair, i bet she will be fuming and wanting to challenge you before you even know it, once she does accept the challenge, what do you have to lose, you can come here to live,” i agreed with him, if she banishes me all i have to do is come here, this man has not asked for anything but to listen while he listens to me, he is my friend, my thoughts got interrupted when Con started speaking with me, ‘Jasmine, would you like to go for a run with me, we can let our wolves out they could hunt while we sit back and let them hang out,” i was thinking to myself, why not, it could be fun, i was still standing beside him when there was a knock on the door, the door opened it was her, what the f**k does she want, she walked right inside, I remembered what the man said, i held onto his shoulder my hand ran down his back then played with his hair as i set down on his lap,.oh boy she did not like that, I saw Con smirk, “What do you want Jannie, we are a little busy right now as you can tell” i knew she had to make up something, “I’m sorry Alpha, i was looking for Carolin, i thought she would be in here with your beta. They seemed to be hanging out a lot lately.’ “I hurried to speak for him, “I’m sorry, what is your name again young lady, Carolin isn't here, i'm not sure where she is, but i'm sure she will turn up sometime she looked at me with a look that made her upset because i asked what her name was, i already knew her name, but she didn't have to know that does she, “my name is…” “honey, i really don’t care what your name is, do me a favour before you leave can you take the trash with you, your alpha has a lot of work to do,” the look she gave me if looks could kill i would be dead by now, “ i’m no omega luna,” with that she walked out of the office with me laughing at her, Con stood up angry, “you did not have to do that to her,she was only looking for Carolin.” i only had a smirk on my face, i really didn’t care what he had to say to me anymore, i had to put him in his place if i do not then he will be right back the way he once was, “first, did you forget i am the luna of this pack, second, i know it was her that you slept with i am no f*****g fool, the way she looks at you any one can see how she does,” he had nothing to say after i spoke because he knew what i said was true, im not trying to control things here, i am just trying to stand up for myself, and i wont let others walk over me again including him, i set back on his lap, ‘When do you want to go for that run, it seems you need to run some steam off,” he blinked a few times and told me he was busy and needed to work,” “fine, if you want to go this route, i will just go for my run by myself then, your pissed because i won’t let things bother me, and once i stand up for myself you do not like it,” again he got angry, stood up grabbed me pushing me up against the all, “i don’t give a f*****g damn if you stand up for yourself. but when it comes to my pack members you will not disrespect them.” i nodded i was not scared of him, i only nodded, i knew he would show his true colours again, so i simply reminded him on what he said to me when we were in Stephans pack, “i surely remember you telling me that you will not do this again, you would put me first, but now you are going back on your word, just because i am home with you, you do know i can change that right,”
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