we go with the plan

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chapter 11 Mondo pov I couldn’t help but take control, Jasmine was still weak from last night she would have given in so easily. but not me, i was going to let him sweat it out, i said the very words he said to me even though i was going to go home with him today, i just wanted him to feel what we felt, so i said the very words that he said to us when he was angry, “Go home Con, Go home and think of what you had done to us, Give us some time and space so we can think about things,” the look on his face said it all he knew what he had done to us, I was seeing flashes of what he saw when he was flashing back in time when he knew the woman was touching him and brushing up against him, he had done nothing but be angry with her, he held my hand and pleaded with his eyes before he spoke to me, he did not know i was going to stay in control for a while to let jasmine heal, he pleaded with us again, “Please Jasmine please forgive me, I promise you I will make it up to you, i am truly sorry for everything, please!” i sighed and shook my head trying not to roll my eyes, all i felt was pity for him because Jasmine is gone for right now, she doesn't want to come out, she is trying to heal, so i had to be her for right now, “Fine, i will come home, but i will say this right now, the first time some b***h brushes up against you or even touches you, i will f*****g f**k her up with out a second thought, and i will not care if you are angry or not,” he nodded and took my hand, i looked at Stephan and Wendy and thanked them for letting me come home, i hugged Wendy, she knew who i was, as she whispered in my ear so noone could hear her “Give him hell Mondo, but not to much don't go into the darkness of no return okay” “I promise i won't go there, but i will give him hell he has a lot of making up to do.” one of the omegas had my bag when she knocked on the door, i smiled up at her, hello Carrie, it is so nice to see you again, thank you for my bag. I turned looking at Con, “I will take my car you can take yours, that will give you time to think on the way home, i hugged Stephan and Wendy once again then left, I don't know if Jasmine will come back out but I do know she needs to heal, and there is a lot of s**t that is going to change he just doesn't know it yet Con pov I knew i was in some deep s**t with Jasmine, but if i can convince her that i was sorry for what had happen, then she will calm down and be by my side, this is the first step she was coming home with me, she was in the car ahead of me, i knew that i had hurt her i could easily just do my thing when she is busy with hers, she doesn't have to know it was Jannie, but i had a feeling once they come face to face she is going to know all about this, i'm going to need to let her know to stay away from Jasmine, so i linked Jannie “Jannie, Jasmine is coming home, just for a few days stay away from her, i have a feeling if you come face to face with her, she is going to know and she is going to go bat s**t crazy,” it took a few minutes for her to reply to me, “well, there goes my fun, just remember to keep her away from me, too bad she's coming home we could had more fun together” ‘That's not going to happen again, it was fun, but no more, my mate is coming home and i plan on making up for what i had done” she sent me a mental picture of her pouting it was cute, but still i have a mate, and im not going to f**k it up, not again, Jannie pov i was laying in my room after training today, i just wanted to relax, i knew i had to call my alpha to let him know how things are going, i decided to call him in a few minutes, Con suddenly linked me told me to stay away from Jasmine for awhile until she had calmed down, i sent him a mental picture of me pouting, i knew he liked it because he didn't link back, Yeah we had a lot of fun that night, i was still a little sore from it, but that will go away soon enough, i decided to call my alpha, letting him know what had happened, alpha it was all set, she knew he was not loyal and she is still coming back, we need to think about another plan, or she will find out,” “Stick to the plan it's going to work, have you taken care of Emma yet?” “Yeah i took care of her, i don't know why i had to kill her, she was my friend,” Jannie, if she got cought she would had been tortured until she told them what was going on and what is going to happen, it's better to finish her off now and then have her be tortured, What about Carolin, is she doing what she was told to do? “I think so,she hasn't said much about it, when i get off the phone with you i'll have her come in here so her and i can talk about it,” “Good, good, i want you to keep in contact with each other so you know what is going on, I trust you Jannie, so make sure everything is working and nothing is left unsaid or undone alright” “Yes Alpha, we hung the phone up, i didn't want Carolin in here right away, i just wanted to rest, so after about a few hours i decided to link her and have her come into my room, now we are sitting on the bed talking. Carolin pov i was on the computer that i bought a few days ago, i was trying to upload things on it, i haven't had time for anything since i been trying to catch the eye of the Beta, sometimes i think its working, and then boom he doesn't tell me anything and he's off to another meeting, My cell rung i looked at it, i had to answer it it was Jake, Jannie and I alpha, “Hello Alpha, is everything okay or has plans been changed?” “No Carolin, i was just wondering how things have been going, How is Jannie? She's acting like she doesn't want to do this, it's the only one to take the title away from him and take over his pack, if he loses everything he will be weak enough for me to beat him. “Jannie has been fine, she has done her part, now it's time for mine.” “Well just keep an eye on that girl, if she starts to f**k up, you take over and take care of her is that clear?” I sighed, I really started to dread all of this, I still do not know why he wants to take over this pack, he keeps saying he took what was his. whatever it is take it back already and get it over with, “Yes Sir, i will keep an eye on her,” we hung the phone up, i set there looking at the phone, i think Jake is just crazy, but i promised him i will go with his plan, I got a link from Jannie so i went to her room, now we are sitting on the bed talking, she wanted to know what i had planned, “I am suppose to get close to the Beta, but it seems every time i do, he is either gone to another meeting or busy with the alpha, so my plan tonight is have dinner in his room, i will get some of the cooks that are cooking tonight to tell him that his dinner is in his room, i will be there with candle light with food on the table, i will be wearing a dress that he will not be able to take his eyes off of, lets just hope this is going to work,” “Yeah, because the Alpha is starting to get annoyed since nothing is going on but with Jasmine, oh by the way she is on her way back here now, Con asked me to stay away from her for awhile, but i can’t, i will be in her face twentyfourseven, i'm going to be a reminder that her mate had been unfaithful,” and it's going to drive them further apart knowing that he did not make me stay away from her,” “That's really cruel Jannie, I like it.” Jannie smirked, ‘Yeah i know, it will start tomorrow, i will give them this night to relax then i will be right there in their faces twentyfourseven
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