I think ive had enough

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chapter 26 Wendy pov i was rushing around trying to make sure everything was perfect, i know everything wont be, but i want to at least try, the food finally got here at five in the afternoon two hours before everyone would start coming, i had to rush the waiters and waitresses to get everything ready, i showed them where to put the food and where to stand, i knew these workers where werewolves and were mated, the gift bags were by the door so when people start leaving they can grab a bag if they want, the flowers were put in the middle of the table with a small candle that was to the right, when lit it would light up the flowers, not in a fire kind of way, but the flowers would change colour by the heat, i noticed what time it was, i didn't even have time to take a nap. im sure i will be alright, i was still nervous about the strippers coming, maybe this would be fun after all, i know the unmated females would have a blast, i had to rush to take a hot shower turned the water off dried off put the towel around me, i set down at my vanity begin to put my makeup on, when done, i put my hair in a messy bun letting some of my hair fall a little over my face, i hurried to put the light pink strapless dress on my body, it fit perfectly, i slide on my heels looked in the mirror, i looked beautiful, Stephan walked into the room stopping in his tracks, his jaw dropped open, “if we had time, that dress would be on the floor right now,” “well if you don’t hurry, i will be in the hall all by myself with the unmate males and females trying to make them behave, not to mention the royals are about to be here any minute,” that got him moving, he hurried showered dried off got dressed in his black suit, damn he was sexy as hell, and all i wanted was to throw him down and have my way with him, he could smell my arousal, “later love, the Royals are arriving first, so we need to hurry to get to the hall,” i looked him up and down almost laughing, “don’t you think you need to put on your shoes first before we head outside?” he slowly looked down at his feet, shaking his head he hurried to the closet grabbed his shoes putting them on, “Alright, i’m ready let's head downstairs before everyone thinks we cancelled the ball,” we rushed downstairs, i knew we had a elevator but sometimes it just takes to long for it to go down, so i rather take the stairs, Hayley the queen pov We where still at home getting ready, we had to take care of some business, we had rogues attacking a pack that kept saying they had something of theirs, it was a little girl that took one of their pups, she said the pup was left behind she just wanted to help it to take care of her,, i had to tell her, that the pup did not belong to her she was just to young to understand, we handed the pup back to the rogue, i told them if they ever come back on this land, i swear to the moon goddess above i would kill every single rogue that was in their pack, we were home now getting ready, I wore a light purple off the shoulder gown, my hair was up in a high bun, i hated to do that with my hair, but it kept it out of my face, and the only time i wore it like this is when i had to go to one of these things, yes they were dreadful at times, but i knew we had to be there, we were at all of them, William came upstairs to get ready he slowly looked me up and down shaking his head, “You know damn well if we didn't have to go to one of these things. i would have you ass up face down with that dress on the floor, with that he took a shower got dress we both headed out, it would take an hour to get to Wendys and Stephan pack, We needed to hurry before anyone got there, it was us that they greeted after Stephan and Wendy, when we got there Wendy was just coming out of the pack house, we got out of the car to greet them, Wendy Pov We were just coming out of the house when a car pulled up, we already knew who it was, no one else would arrive until eight or later on, it was nice seeing Hayley and Willam once again, the first meeting was a little scary but after i got to know her, everything went well, “Hello Queen Hayley and King William, thank you for coming, i know its a must for you to be here but i still want to thank you for being here tonight and the next few nights, we have a room for the two of you, i'm sure you will like,” they nodded smiling, ‘Well how about you show me the hall, i'm sure you and your help did anb amazing job, We walked toward the grand hall, we had to built on more of it because we knew there would be serval packs coming we tried to invite at least twenty packs, and im sure there will be some that weren't invited, i'm okay with that because they also need to find their mates, we opened the doors to the grand hall, Wendy’s Eyes lite up looking around with amazement, she had never seen such a huge grand hall like this, when they walked inside, there was a hallway, you have to walk through, this wasn't here before, they must had built on to it, on the walls in the hallway were the many photos of alphas in their packs, “very nice Wendy,” Hayley had said, they walked through the hallway toward the grand hall they pushed a door open to walk inside, again Hayley was surprised, this was very different then it was when she saw it, but that was weeks ago, they had changed it, up on stage there was a table for four, that would be for Wendy, Stephan, Hayley and William, up on that stage besides the table and chairs was a small bar so the waitress wouldnt have to walk down to get their drinks and food, a white lacey table cloth was laying over the table with flowers and a small candle, she looked more around and saw her and Willimas photo on the far left wall, beside them were her mother and father, “I hope you do not mind Hayley, but i did this of the honour of your mother and father,” Hayley was very touched at the photos, she was trying not to shed tears while she was here, she will shed her tears later on, on the other walls were more of the alphas in their packs, including Wendy and Stephan, on the tables were white tablecloths with white chairs around them, with flowers in the middle with their own candle, the food was in the back on the room, but there were three other bars, big enough to put in three pack houses, they outdid themselves Hayley was very impressed, she hoped they didn’t do this to impress her, just a simple get together would had made her happy, but she did not mention it, she loved how they did the things and decorated, she looked at the time, “Soon everyone should be arriving, should we head outside to wait?” there was no answer they just walked toward the exit to wait for the first pack to come, but they knew they would have many more packs that would be arriving, they had plenty of empty rooms ready for the nights event, some will leave after they find their mates, others would stay in mate tonight, others would stay in hope for the second night to find their mate, its no worries, they have three nights to find her or him, and then it would be the end of the ball until next year when another pack will hold the annual ball, Hayley wondered if she should announce her new rule, that the ball would only be held once every two years instead of every year that way no one would get burnt out on coming to these, maybe when everyone is here, she will announce the rule, she is wanting to have some fun for right now, twenty minutes later they saw the first car arriving, this must be the first pack not many cars, but it will do, only three car loads, she hoped they will find their mates, when they parked the car, It was Alpha Con that got out of the car walked around and opened the car door for Jasmine, she didn’t look very happy, but she did have a determind look on her face, Hayley put a mentle note in her head to talk to her to see what was wrong, she warned Con on his wrong doings, this is far enough to see her upset, she knew Jasmine had changed, she deserves to be happy, the other car doors opened and out came a few females and males getting out looking around, “Welcome, Welcome to the Annual Mating ball, please go inside, if you are hungry there is food im sure there will be plenty of other packs coming soon enough, Hayley didn't waste any time she decided she would talk to Jasmine right now, Jasmine, you look beautiful tonight, walk with me let's talk for awhile, Con looked at them then walked on, he knew he had no say so over this conversation, he just hoped what Jasmine would say was all good, they had a long talk on the way here, and he was sure she understood how he felt, he needed her to be a strong alpha, he loved her in all, he just needed his pack to be a strong pack. if they stay strong then she will as well,
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