getting ready

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chapter 25 Jasmine pov it was the day of the annual mating ball, Con has been being his old self again not wanting me to get onto the pack members because of their behaviour, every time i try and talk to him we would end up mating so he could shut me up and stop telling him about his pack, you would never think i would say this, but i'm getting tired of him not talking to me, i have tried many times to talk to him about things but he would just look at me and say, “I am the alpha this is my pack, you do what i tell you to do and that is final,” Mondo was pissed, she had even came out told him if that is how he felt to reject us and get it over with, but instead of rejecting us he set me on the desk and f****d the hell out of me, i was starting to think that is all he wanted and that’s what i was here for, i wanted more i wanted to be part of this pack i wanted to help but i was never allow to, i was done with the drama I only wanted peace, i have even went to a few other shewolves told them how sorry i was on how i acted toward them, they accpected it, we had talked a few more times even went out to have some fun, Jannie and Caroline also have been helping me with things around the pack with out Con knowing, Jannie and i had a long talk, she told me it was only a one time thing and it hadn’t happen anymore,” i could only shrug, i told her the way things have been going lately, i wasn’t even sure if this would last or not, all i knew this was my home now and i wanted to make this work,” it was the day of the matting ball, and i was dreading to go, i was coming out of the bathroom from taking a shower, the towel that was around me fell to the floor picking it up i tossed it in the hamper, i knew how Con was with things on the floor, but i was tired of following his rules, i was the luna so i thought, i read once that a alpha needs his luna to stay strong, so his pack could stay strong, it makes me wonder if that is the only reason why he has kept me here this long, sighing i walked into the walk in closet when i heard a knock on the door, before i could get dressed two Con’s ladies in waiting they walked right up to me grabbed my hands and set me down, i was alittle confused. ``What the hell are yall doing? I do not need help getting ready for this f*****g ball?” “The alpha wants us to help you so you wont look unlady like” i they were just f*****g crazy, unlady like, what the hell is up with that, ive had enough, standing from the chair they set me on, i told them to leave i can dress myself and put my own makeup on, i’ve done this lots of times with out any help, thank you but no thank you,” they were frighten from my outburst, sighing i set back down, fine, you can do my hair and makeup, but i will put my own dress on is that clear?” both smiling they came forward doing my makeup and hair, a few hours later they were done and excused themselves so they could get ready as well, “thank you for helping me, i'm sorry how i acted earlier,” “Luna, its alright, the alpha was the one that sent us up here, he said you had to look perfect tonight and not unlady like, he didn't want you to look not like a luna,” i was a lot more confused than i was earlier, how could i not look like a luna, i know you had to train to be a luna, but i never thought i would be another packs luna, but here i am and i thought i was doing a hell of a job to do so, this was annoying to me, ‘thank you again, go get ready, look your fabulous self, they left out the door, walking into the walk in closet i decided not to wear the light green dress, tonight i am going to be me and if he does not like it, then so be it, i'm tired of the rules here, tonight i will return back to my home were Wendy and Stephan will be, at least i will be wanted there, i took out my white sleeveless dress that has a slit on the right side, tonight i am taking me back, im done second guessing myself, i put the dress on it fit perfect, it showed off every curve i had, and it wasn’t to tight at all, bringing out the shoes placing them on my feet, i felt a little taller then i was before but then again they were heels, looking into the mirror, i didn't look bad at all, I looked like a true luna, i placed the hoop earrings in my ears my bracelets and a necklace, i was finished getting ready, it was time to head downstairs, i knew Con was already done getting ready and waiting, i headed downstairs i saw him at the bottom of the steps he slowly looked up at me when he scent me coming, his jaw dropped open at the sight of me, i got to the bottom of the steps holding his hand out to me i took it with my hand, he pulled me to him, “oh my goddess Jasmine, you look beautiful, are you ready to go?” “You don't look half bad yourself good looking, yes i'm ready, im hoping most of the pack find their mates tonight, Della pov i swear if my mom doesnt stop telling me to hurry and get ready we are going to be late i'm going to scream, she was wanting me to sleep in the pack house last night so we could get ready together, but she woke me up at eight in the morning rushing me out of bed, the damn thing will start at seven pm not seven in the morning we had time, i wasn't going to rush and not look night, i went to the kitchen to grab me something to eat i was starving, i ate bacon eggs toast, washed my dishes, went back upstairs to relax, i decided to go ahead and take a shower so i don't have to hurry to do that, so i took a long hot shower to relax my body, i was so used to getting up early to go train, but today i didn't, there was no training today since it was the annual mating ball thing, my bones ached a little but i knew i would be alright, i walked out of the bathroom back into the room, i was going to toss my towel into the hamper when i saw two females standing in the middle of my room, “Excuse me, but why the hell are you standing in the middle of my room?” “i'm sorry ma’am, but your mother told us to come here to help you get ready, I looked at them like they were crazy, “excuse me? but i think i can do this on my own,” ‘Again we are sorry, but we must do what we are told, one of us will do your hair the other will do your makeup,” rolling my eyes, my mom would stop at nothing to have me ready on time, ‘just give me a second please” going into my closet putting on a rope instead of wearing the towel walked out of the closet set in the chair in front of the vanity set, “Alright let's do this, but do me one favour, please do not make me look like a clown, i really don’t wear that much makeup, “yes ma’am, we will make you look beautiful we promise,” i had to hold in a chuckle, i don't need to look beautiful, i just don't want to look like a clown that's all,” they got to work while i worried about looking like a clown with a huge red nose, Ray pov it was the day of this damn dreadful mating ball, i wasn't sure if i really wanted to go. i was deep in thought thinking how i could get out of this damn thing, i couldn't think of anything, i couldn't say i was sick because let's think about this, us werewolves we don't get sick easy, we barely get sick at all, so that's out right there, i could say i found my mate, but the royals would want to see her. forget it, i might as well go, you never know i could have a lot of fun with some unmated she wolves, this could be fun after all, my beta Lex walked into the office with a folder in his hand putting it on the desk, sitting down, i knew this was all business now, “We have a problem boss, but it's not that big that we can’t handle after the mating ball.” dam i thought to myself, i thought this would get me out of going, “So what's the problem? What needs to be done?” “the problem are rogues in another pack, they had tried and tried to get rid of them, but they keep coming back, they say they have something of theirs, but they don't have a clue what it is,” lets just go to the ball tonight, if no mate then we will come home and get this done and over with,” “no we will enjoy the ball for the three days, i want to have some fun before i have to go and kill rogues for a pack that doesn't have a clue on what's going on”
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