meeting the king and queen

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chapter 27 Aaron pov We finally mate it to the Red Mountain pack,we were wondering why he named his pack that name, but soon enough we figured it out, behind his land were huge giant mountains, they looked so close but yet so far away the land was beautiful, we got into the driveway got out of the cars, Wendy and Stephan was standing there with the king and queen, Hayley didn’t look to happy, but she put on a smile when we walked up to them, “Hello Wendy, and Stephan, this is our daughter Della, Della, this is Luna Wendy and Alpha Stephan, and right over there is the Queen Hayley and The king William, Della was shocked, she thought the king and queen would not be here, “Oh my gosh, when i was just a little girl, my mother use to tell me all about the stories of the royals, and about you and Stephan as well, it is so nice to meet you, they chuckled and spoke softly, ‘Its very nice to meet you as well Della, we had heard all about you, i'm sorry you came into your wolf a little later in life, but at least you have her now right?” she nodded yes, her mother Tally spoke smiling at all of them, Hayley, it is so very nice to see you after all these years, i remember you just being a little girl and your mother was holding you at her side while she was cooking, you wanted to help her so much, so she let you help just a little,” Hayely couldn't help but smile at the memory, “I remember, you was there at the kingdom visiting my parents, you was there to Aaron you were training to be Alpha i think, and now look at you, a fully alpha, im very proud of you for what the two of you have become, i know it was hard to come back but look what yall have done to the pack, it has grown over the past few months, but enough of pack talk, lets get inside so your pack will know you didn't run off,” “oh they know we wouldn't do that, we promised them that we would always be there for them, and to make this pack as strong as ever” they walked inside the grand hall seeing there packs mingling, hoping they would be mates, they set at the same table to talk to get to know each other, Jannie pov I was in the hall arm and arm with Coon, but something was strange about him, he was like not wanting to be here, he wanted to leave, i turned looking at him wondering what the problem is, “Coon, what's wrong, we both agreed to come here with Caroline in Tate, we promised that we would not leave until we saw most of the unmated find their mates, what's the problem?” he turned with a look in his eyes that made me back away from him, he was being really weird, and he was soon to tell me, “if your really wanting to know, i overheard you and Caroline the other day, i know you and her are from another pack and planned on rejecting that other pack as soon as this ball is over, why are you in this pack if you have another, don’t tell me you were going to do wrong in this pack Jannie, did you harm someone already, you need to tell me so i can protect you, i know you had slept with the alpha and i also know its over,but you need to be honest with me, tell me now, or i will let the alpha know everything,” Jannie could not believe this, she was busted, but she wasn't planning on doing anything, she was planning on protecting Jasmine, looking around she spotted a upstairs balcony, she grabbed his hand leading him upstairs, once alone turning to face her mate, taking a deep breath, she let out everything that had happened, right down to the part where they were going to reject the old pack, state there loyalty to Con and Jasmine, and protect her tonight because, he was coming tonight to try and grab her, “You see, we plan on keeping an eye on Jasmine, we don’t care what will happen to Con since he has been treating Jasmine bad we were hoping that she would reject him and she would find her second chance tonight, but that hasn’t happened, he will be here tonight with his mate of chose, she will take him some place to seduce him, she will walk in and then she would get grabbed, Con doesnt care about anything but being strong and his pack being strong, i over heard him talking about the only reason why he’s keeping her around so he would not be weak, once he’s done with her then he will reject her and find a chosen mate, even Caroline over heard him talking, he does not care about her Coon, and she is starting to relize this,” Coon stood there listening to her, he did not like what she had to say, but he demanded her to tell the truth, he also knew that Con was being different around the pack and around Jasmine, they did not seem happy and she didn’t seem happy at all but seemed determined to make the members of the pack happy, “Alright this is what we are going to do, we are going to grab Caroline and Jasmine, we also going to get Tate, we are going to need a plan to protect Jasmine, i could give a rats ass about the Alpha since he could care less about us, can you link all of them ask them to meet us up here and talk?” “I could try but if Tate decides to stay on the alphas side, you know he is his best friend and beta, he might try and kill Caroline,” trust me by the time i get done, he will be on our side, i know a few things about our alpha that Tate doesn't have a clue about, Tate had another mate many years ago, before you or caroline came around, several hundred years ago, Con had laced her drink with wolfsbane placing her in bed with another wolf, Tate walked in saw her rejected her on the spot, but the thing is he could not smell the male on her, the male was drugged as well they did not remember what had happened, but Con was pissed, he wanted her as his, but since she was Tates mate he had to do something, so he had set it up, Tate killed the male and banished Bannie, years later, she sent him a letter letting him know she could never remember sleeping with that man, but she had found her second chance, that she hoped that he would be happy with whomever he ended up with, I never told Tate this because Con threaten to kill me and my family, so i didn't have a choice but to keep my mouth shut,” ‘What the f**k did you just say?” we turned and saw Jasmine, Tate, and Caroline walking up the steps, Caroline saw Jannie and Coon up in the balcony and invited Jasmine to come with them, Jasmine was trying to stay away from Con tonight, she had to make a big decision tonight, so she was with Caroline and Tate, but did not know they were going to walk up to the conversation they were having at this very second, they both turned around with a very pissed off Beta Tate, Coon, How about you tell me this story you was telling Jannie again, what the f**k did i just over hear?” Caroline was trying to calm down her mate, she had no clue what was said, but with Tates good hearing better than hers he could had heard anything, ‘Beta Tate, i wanted to tell you, but he would have killed me and my family.” “right now, i want you to tell me the story you was telling your mate, what the f**k did you just say, and i want to know more,” Jannie looked around and noticed other packs were inside now, she didn’t notice that hall was getting crowed with other packs, she was starting to get nervous as she placed a hand on his arm, to try and calm him, “Beta Tate, i think you need to sit down, this is going to be a long story” shaking his head he set down in a chair beside a small mini bar poured himself a drink thinking he is going to be needing this, he knew something had happened to his last mate, he really never believed it, but he was just so angry when he found her in bed with another man, He listened to what Coon had to say, he was right it was a very long story adding on to Jannie and Caroline, story that Jasmine was in danger, he already knew Caroline was a part of something, she had already told him two nights ago about the plan to destroy Jasmine and Con, but once they got to know Jasmine and found their mates, they didn't want to do this anymore, they wanted to pledge their loyalty to Con and to reject their old pack. at first he was pissed he wanted to rip her head off right off her shoulders, but he calmed down, he to knew that Con was up to something, he just doesn't know what it was, when Coon was finished telling him what had happened to his first mate, he never knew what really happened until today, after several years he wasn't angry anymore, he just hopped she was happy with whom she ended up with, he was happy now with his mate, he had taught her everything that a female beta should know, now they have to deal what was coming, Jasmine on the other hand was good and ready, she had talked to the queen earlier that day, she remembered the conversation they had hours ago, “So tell me Jasmine, how does being a luna feel, is your mate treating you any better at all?” she heard Jasmine sigh as she looked away from Hayley, “My Queen, things have or was good when i first came back, but once i was there for a few weeks, he started being weird, yes i had talked to another man, but i never slept with him, i never returned to his pack to talk to him, so he never had to worry, but once everything was fine, he turned, he told me his pack came first, he was always busy and never paid no mind to me unless he wanted something to eat or s*x, or just to b***h about something that i did, tonight in the car on the way here, he said the only reason why he wanted me here so he could be strong, he wanted his pack strong, that he hoped i would understand,” “Jasmine, honey, a luna is more than that, she helps with the pack, she helps take care of the pack, she loves them, yes she's there to help the alpha and the pack to be stronger, but he forgot one thing, once the bond is broken, there is no chance in hell that he would be strong, tell me this, have you forgiven him for what he had done?” i nodded, “Yes i have, but that doesn't mean he has the right to walk all over me, he doesn't have the right to treat me the way he's been treating me, or talk to me the way he has been talking to me, he raised his damn hand to me the other day, he threaten to beat me, and tonight in the car was the last straw when he said the only reason why i am around to make him and the pack stronger,” Jasmine, i give you permission to reject him, even though you do not need it, but you do have my permission, once that is done, he will be stripped of his title of alpha and I will make someone else the alpha” “Hayley, Tate will make a wonderful Alpha, he puts his mate first then his pack, hes a good man,” “Then he will be the alpha then, I hope Jasmine, you will find your second chance, and will make you happy the way your supposed to be happy, “i hope i do to, will you hold my hand when i do this,” “yes i will be honoured to do this, it seems you have already made your mind up Jasmine, your mark is gone from your neck, i wonder when that happened?” Jasmine reached for her marking spot there was no mark just a scar, she softly sighed, ‘I do not know, i knew my neck was itching for a few days, but i didn't know what was happening, “I Jasmine blake, rejects you Con Conner as my mate and alpha,” i felt no pain no nothing Mondo did not howl out in pain or whimper, she was glad that this happened, Hayley looked over at her and hugged her gently, “Now, you go in there and you find your second chance, and he better treat you better that Con did, i will take care of him later on, i promise, you just make sure you tell Beta Tate that he will be the new alpha as soon as i talk to Con,” now here we are talking about what Con had done to Tate,
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