Chapter 7 Ella's POV

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After I had gotten home, I knew mum and dad wouldn't be far behind. There is no way they wouldn't follow me back. So I dashed upstairs, got changed into a different dress, threw on a black one that was more fitting and hugged my curves. I threw on some heels instead of my strappy sandals I had worn for the garden party. Then I rushed to the mirror. My make-up still looked nice, I just needed to patch up where the tears had fallen. Then I threw on some red lipstick and I called a cab to pick me up. I was about to do something I never did, get drunk. Seeing as it was still early, only 5pm. I told the cab driver to start off at a lower-key wine bar. I didn't know many bars. So I told him to just choose one for me. The man had gazed at me through the rear view mirror, like he was trying to work me out. I thought he was going to refuse for a minute. He looked at me like he was concerned. Was I really giving off that much of a broken girl vibe that a cab driver would try and give me a lecture or advice? That was not what I wanted right now, so I did my best to harden my stare and I stared straight back at him when the cab had still not moved. " Well, a wine bar please" I snapped. The man was older, and I saw the skin crinkle around his eyes. " No worries Miss, I will take you to one in the nicer part of the city" he said, and then the engine started, and the car started moving. I kept my gaze out of theca window the rest of the ride. I didn't want to see his worried glances at me. I mean I looked OK. I checked. So it must be my emotions showing all over my face that alerted him and made him look at me that way. He drove for around half an hour, even after living in the city as long as I had. I still didn't have any idea where most places were. And I can't really say I recognized where we were right now. But you could tell he had stuck to his word and took me to the nicer bars. They all looked high end as we passed them. He eventually pulled up outside of one. When I looked at him to ask how much my fair was, he had turned his body, so he was fully looking at me now. " Miss Travis, please stay this side of the city. It is where everyone in your class drinks. You'll be safe here. Having a familiar face like yourself, you have to make sure you are in a safe environment. And take my card. When you are ready to go back home, please call me and I will ride you back ", he pushed a card through the small gap in the glass. Ah, that explains it. He recognized me and no doubt saw all the headlines that had been posted about me. He more than likely thought I was a vulnerable mess and open to people taking advantage of it. I kind of felt foolish, embarrassed. Is that how everyone sees me now, poor Ellianna. Weak, cheated on Ellianna. Maybe going out drinking in public wasn't the best idea. But I am here now. So, instead, I took the card and smiled tightly at him. Handed over some cash and got out. I didn't like that he saw these people as my class either. I was nothing like them. I was nothing like Lorna and Caleb. Tucking the card away in my bag , I squared my shoulders and made my way inside. The place was really high end. I felt nervous and jittery making my way over to the posh bar. The bar tender came over and gave me a warm smile. " Do you require a table Miss ? " She asked me and I shook my head, and gave her a small smile back. " No, thank you I will just sit at the bar if that is alright "she nodded. " Of course, the bar seat at just at that end. What drink would you like ? " s**t , I didn't know any posh wines. I just took glasses off of the tray at parties and Caleb always ordered me a nice wine when I told him I liked red wine the best. " Ermmm.. I like red wine. So surprise me with whatever you think is the best one ", I smiled at her, hoping to cover my nerves. " No worries Miss, go take a seat and I will get that for you " I blew out a relieved breath. As I shakily made my way over to the seat she had pointed to. How much of a novice was I ? I mean, I knew that I didn't go out partying. I hadn't actually gone out clubbing since turning legal age. Caleb and I went out to fancy restaurants. Maybe they were in this part of the city and I had always been too infatuated with Caleb to pay attention. My mood wasn't exactly improving and when I got my card out to pay when the lady fetched me my drink , she looked at me like I was crazy. " Miss, you settle your bill when you leave. You don't need to pay for each drink separately ", she smiled again and walked off. Sh*t I really was a novice and in the posh part. What other bars would trust you to settle when finished ? I was around three glasses in when I finally started feeling a little happier, it was definitely the wine causing my lift in mood. I started feeling warm and fuzzy. Relaxed, so when a man came and sat beside me, I didn't shy away. When he smiled at me, I smiled back. He looked a little older than me but not by much. He sat drinking quietly for some time, and then out of nowhere invited me to join him at a party for his friend. He didn't seem flirty though, more like he was just robotic and relaying a message. He seemed friendly but not overly so. I eyed him suspiciously. To which he smiled again at "You seem like you came out to have a good time tonight. Sitting alone at a wine bar doesn't seem like much of a good time to me. This party is at an exclusive club invite only, and it is private and kept away from the press. Miss Travis here is my card search for me on the web. I assure you I am not a creep ". For the second time today someone slid me a card. Usually I would huff at someone like him acting so, so entitled as he was. But he was right, sitting here wasn't exactly what I was trying to achieve. So I took out my phone, winced at the multiple messages and missed calls from my parent and searched for him. True enough, pictures came up of him. Andrew Hallsay. I actually widened my eyes and looked up at him when I saw the company he owned. " My father has done work for you "I said stupidly. He smiled again and nodded " He has, he is a good man. I would feel awful leaving his daughter here alone. So, now you know who I am. You know I am not a creep. Would you like to go to a party ? " I chewed my bottom lip and looked down at the missed calls again. " You wouldn't go tell him I am here if I said no, would you ? " I wasn't sure I wanted to go to a party full of maybe more Caleb's. I had just escaped a garden party of them. His eyes narrowed as he studied me and then a sly smile crossed his face. " I would, I would worry, you see. Whereas if you came with me, I wouldn't need to worry. You would be where I knew you were OK. " My mouth gaped open, I had just walked straight into that one. I mean how manipulative was that ? He was basically manipulating the situation, so I would go. And why was everyone acting like a woman drinking alone was the most horrendous thing ever ? He gazed steadily at me. Unbothered. I wasn't sure I liked this man, but I also didn't want to go home yet to pity , or him ring my dad up and have to face my dad yet after the hurtful things I said to him. " Fine ", I said snapping my mouth shut and gritting my teeth. " I just need to pay my bill "I huffed, but he shook his head. " Already taken care of Ellianna, come on let's go "he nodded to the bar maid and turned on his heel. He strutted off without a backwards glance, leaving me in shock and to follow him, apparently. How had this just happened ? I thought to myself as I followed him out of the bar and down the street. He slowed once we hit the pavement, so I could catch up. But we didn't really talk. Well we didn't at all. It was me who broke the silence after walking five minutes mute. " This party, there wouldn't be a Caleb or Lorna on the guest list, would there ? "I tried to ask causally. But he smirked and glanced at me from the corner of his eye. " No, there is not the host wouldn't want them there "that was all he said. He didn't elaborate on the matter and a minute later we turned into a doorway. Above the door was a sign saying "The Lounge ", we were ushered down some steps, and then we stepped into a room behind two big doors. I actually smiled. It had music blasting, and a dance floor where people were dancing. It looked like a normal club, from what I had seen in pictures and videos, anyway. I had images in my mind of him walking me into something I didn't know, a dungeon or anything. " Go have fun and achieve what you came out tonight to do, your safe here Ellianna" he said to me before disappearing off into the crowd, leaving me alone.
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