Chapter 8 Ella's POV

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I hadn't been expecting that at all, he brought me here and then abandoned me. How did he know what I had set out to do tonight as well ? I must be super transparent today. Oh well, he seemed like he couldn't pull the stick out of his ass any way to have fun. So maybe for the best. Making my way over to the bar, this time I did have to pay as I ordered. I stood with my back resting against the bar for a bit just drinking my wine and watching the crowd. Until a bouncy woman came up to the bar and rested on it beside me. She was quite small and petite, her hair was pulled back into a high ponytail, and she had a fine sheen of moisture on her skin. It looked like she had come from the dance floor. She seemed a little out of breath, so she must have been dancing for a while. When I looked up from looking at her beautiful red dress, I saw she was watching me looking at her. With a broad smile on her face, "I like your dress ", I shouted over the music quickly, so she didn't assume I was checking her out. " Thanks" she shouted back, I looked away from her and rolled my eyes at myself for looking like such a dork. " You here alone ? " She shouted. I looked back at her. I was shocked she was still talking to me. But she was looking at me, so she must be. " Errmm yes "I told her, hoping I didn't now look like a complete loner. " Me too "she said, and I felt myself instantly relax. " You should go dance" she said, turning with her bottle of water in her hand after the bar maid gave it her. But I shook my head from side to side. " I don't know, I don't think so "I told her, glancing at the floor with a look of fear. " No one here will judge you, trust me. Everyone is open-minded and chill. That is why we got invited. What will it take you to get on there and dance ? " She asked when she didn't look convinced she had convinced me to. I shrugged, and she eyed me up and down, then turned back to the bar. " Dominic, five shots of Jager please " she shouted. I instanltty began panicked , what was she doing ? I soon found out when she shoved a tray at me, took one shot off, downed it and then put the empty glass back on the tray. " Drink those and then come find me on that floor. If you are not on it in five minutes, then I will come back here and drag you on it. Your choice come quietly or kicking and screaming ". She shrugged one shoulder and gave me a look that said she was not kidding. She span on her heels and walked off. Why was everyone doing this to me today, cards and walking off? Looking at the shots, I debated what to do. She didn't look like she was kidding around. Downing what was left of my wine, I put the glass on the bar. So I now had a free hand again. Glancing back up at everyone having so much fun, I thought f*ck it. Why the hell not ? F*ck Caleb and f*ck Lorna. I downed each shot, slammed the tray down with the five empty glasses on the bar and marched over to the dance floor. I found the girl in the middle, eyes closed, a smile plastered on her face and her hips moving rapidly to the beat. She was dancing alone, but she didn't care, she looked in her own little world. I started to slowly sway my hips, keeping an eye on what she was doing. I started to try and copy. At first, I felt clumsy, but as the warmth in my belly from the shots slowly warmed up my whole body, it made me feel looser. I closed my eyes like she did, and I just felt. I remember her pulling me to her at one point and telling me her name was Chloe. I remember she disappeared and came back with more shots. And I remember feeling amazing, and I think I pretty much had the dancing thing down. I grinded my hips and moved my butt like a pro. I felt free. Then there are flashes of intense blue eyes, strong hands on my hips. And feeling his hardness against my ass as I practically dry humped him on the dance floor. The next thing I knew, I felt something soft beneath my body. It was so comfy I never wanted to move. My body ached, my feet hurt, my head hurt, my legs hurt. It was a whole body hurt. And I was fearing opening my eyes. Cr*p how did I get home ? Did mum or dad have to put me to bed ? I kept my eyes squeezed shut as a thumping started behind my eyelids. My mouth felt like it had sandpaper inside of it. Ad images of last night flashed loosely in my mind. Well, dam what I remember. I remember the dance floor, then nothing. Just snippets. Rolling over, I burrowed my face into the pillow and groaned. I felt my hard n*****s brush across the sheet and frowned. What was I naked ? I lifted my aching body up like I was planking and looked down. Sh*t I was naked. Wait was that blood? Down the bed a little was a red patch Quickly sitting up, I looked down at it and looked at my body, but I didn't see anything. No cuts or bruises. The sheets are white. I'm sure I had lilac sheets on my bed. Looking up at the bed and the wall behind it, I saw it was not my bed or bedroom wall. Freezing, I started to panic. Where the hell am I ? Someone cleared their throat. Looking up, I almost squealed. A tall goddess of a man with piercing intense blue eyes and brown hair, chiseled cheek bones and jaw. He stood staring at me, he was dressed in a suit and, wait, why was his gaze so angry? His gaze dropped, so I followed it, and he was looking at the patch on the bed. Then his eyes traveled up and back to my face. "You should have told me you were a virgin, I wouldn't have been so rough. In fact, I wouldn't have f*cked you at all ". It took a moment for his words to sink in , and for me to digest them. But when they finally did, I glanced back down at the blood patch and the fact I was naked. Reality dawned on me what had happened and horror engulfed me. I snatched the quilt up and covered my naked body. "We. . . We had s*x ?" I stuttered out. Looking back up at him to se him frowning at me. He didn't answer me, just started at me with that angry look. " I was drunk " I stuttered out and he huffed. " So was I, you were practically begging me to bring you back to my place. You were grinding on my d**k all night and you most definitely were a willing participant when we got back here. I felt you were tight, but you never hissed in pain or anything. In fact, you begged me to f*ck you harder many times. I did not see that until this morning and to say I was shocked to see you were with Caleb for months is an understatement. So don't try and play that game with me, Ellianna. I have never forced a girl to sleep with me" he spat out, pointing to the patch on the bed. He looked offended, I had offended him. Did he say Caleb ? Did he know Caleb ? Was he one of the guys Caleb had bet with that he could take my virginity? I became angry. The man in front of me was very intimidating, but I was upset, horrified and disgusted. "Did you win the bet now ? Have you already told Caleb you won the bet, that you did what he couldn't ? " I asked him angrily. " What are you talking about ? " he snapped back just as angry . " You are one of his buddies, aren't you ? One of the guys he made a bet with that he could take my virginity after he found out I wasn't some kinky wh*re just because my father created a s*x app ", he flinched back, his brow creasing further. " I am not one of my i***t nephews' buddies, and I would not make any such idiotic bets " he growled out his jaw ticking with anger. Again his words took a minute to digest , and my anger turned to mortification, "Nephew ? " I stuttered out. " I assumed you knew, I assumed that was why you pulled me to you on the dance floor and practically climbed me like a pole begging me to sleep with you. Some sort of revenge to get my nephew back for cheating on you. I am still convinced that was the reason "I fell back onto my feet, staring at him. What he had just accused me of was hurtful. " What is your name ? " I asked him, my voice sounded small now. He narrowed his eyes again. He didn't believe that I didn't know who he was. " It doesn't matter, if you could give me some privacy I would like to get dressed and leave now "I said, looking down. " The room is paid for until noon, stay as long as you need "he said, and then I heard the door open and then click shut. I burst into tears the second I knew I was alone. I had lost my virginity, not to someone who loved me. But someone who looked at me like I was a lying scheming wh*re. And I couldn't even remeneber if it was good and actually worth the disgust I felt with myself right now. I found my clothes scattered across the room. I quickly used the shower and scrubbed my skin raw. After that, I found my bag, most of its contents on the floor near the door like I had thrown it down and left it there. As I was picking my stuff up, I saw the card of the cab driver. Looking around, I found the name of the hotel and called him. I arranged for him to collect me in fifteen minutes. He sounded shocked to hear from me. Most likely because I was calling from a hotel the morning after like I was doing the walk of shame. Which I guess I was. The ride back I wouldn't look at him again, instead I scrolled through the hundreds of missed calls and messages from mum and dad. How would I explain this ? I felt a million times worse than I did before my venture out yesterday. And I was missing something that had been important to me too. My dignity and self-respect.
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