Chapter 6 Ella's POV

1933 Words
" Ellianna , I am surprised you have shown your face" she smiled at me like it was a normal conversation, but I knew it was anything but. This girl did not even know me, nor I her. We had never even spoken a word to each other. But this was something from the girl's world and no matter how much money anyone had, the girl's world when it came to a guy was the same no matter what designer your dress was made by or the zero's in your bank. She liked him, and I was seen as a threat, so she already hated me. " I am surprised you have either given the pictures and rumors going around about you" I quipped back. I may have hid from the press like a chicken, but I would not be scared to stand up for myself with the likes of her. But my insult didn't go as planned. She laughed. A smug and cocky laugh. " Please, those pictures are already buried and no one dare speak about the matter. One word from my family or his family, and they would be done here, canceled and gone. They can gossip all they like behind closed doors, but I am not fussed about what people think" she shrugged a shoulder and continued to look at me with that smug, conceited smile. Placing my purse under my arm, I tried to act unbothered by her. I kept my face steady when inside. I felt jittery and scared. Going to the side of her, I looked in the mirror and washed my hands. But Lorna turned, so we were staring at each other through the glass. And the more she gave me that smug look the more my sensible mind disappeared. I mean, what did she even want ? She was just standing like a creep staring at me for what ? Until my mouth opened and out came the word vomit " So, are you that desperate for Caleb. You reduced yourself to being a wh*re and having threesomes just so he would pay you attention because you had a mistaken thought about what I would give him ? Because I had to be a wh*re right ? Because my father invented an app that lets people have safe s*x ? Did he tell you I actually did nothing like that ? That I did not even sleep with him, and now you have set a standard of threesomes and orgys and you now can't backtrack ? All for nothing " I smiled back at her through the glass and my smile only got wider as she looked more and more mad. " How dare you speak to me that way, you are nothing and no one. I will make sure you regret talking to me that way" she hissed, pointing her finger at me. I felt fear hit my chest as I snapped out of it, realization hit me at what I had said, making my heart thump loudly. Sh*t what did I just do ? I needed to backtrack or something. Her father did business with my father. Cr*p , cr*p , cr*p me and my runaway mouth. Twirling around, I looked at her. " Look Lorna, I am not interested in Caleb. Trust me, I am not , he is all yours. I won't speak or look at him. I won't even talk to him. If that is why you came here , to warn me. You don't need to , he is all yours. Just let's forget this ", I tried, and she narrowed her eyes. She looked confused until realization must have hit her and that cocky smile came back. " Ha , look at you. Finally, realizing your place. You know I could end you and your fraud family easily. You don't belong here or in my world, Ellianna. But this could be fun. Unless you want me to run to my daddy and tell him all the nasty things you have just said to me. I suggest you keep to your word and stay away from Caleb. If he calls or texts, you ignore him. If he asks you to dance, decline . Nothing. I don't know why, but he still looks at you with lust. I have seen him. The other day he even said your name while we were . . , " her words cut off and disgust came on her face and she looked at me, realizing she was just about to tell me something that was embarrassing to her. He called my name while they were intimate. " Just stay away b*tch, or you're done, you hear me" she twirled and stomped out of the bathroom and I finally relaxed, taking a breath. I slumped against the sink and shook my head. " What did I just do" I said out loud and tilted my head back, looking up at the ceiling. She could still choose to harm my family, she could still choose to tell her father. She could even make up stuff I had said or done. Now she had that idea in her mind. Now the seed was planted, it was a possibility. I would have to be nice and suck up to her, I had put myself in a position where I had to fear her like an i***t. Ten minutes later, after I had composed myself, I walked out and towards my parents who were still talking with Sally and her husband. Mum looked over at me and I could see her scrutinizing me, seeing if I was OK. I could have just ruined her dream, guilt coursed through me. I couldn't even look at her. I looked down. I could have just ruined it for her. Tears pricked my eyes as I went and stood at her side, doing everything I could to not look at her. " Ella ? " My mum said my name, but before I could answer, another voice said my name. Caleb. Soft, smooth and sweet, not cold like that night. Looking up, I first saw my father, his eyes narrowed and full of anger as he looked behind me. Mum was scowling too, not looking at me. I turned and saw him and her both there. She was kind of just loitering behind him. Glaring at me. I didn't answer him, my eyes were glued to her. She narrowed hers at me in warning. " Ella ", Caleb said again. I glanced up at him, and he was smiling down at me. I quickly looked away though and looked back at Lorna. " Yes Caleb ? " I asked, clearing my throat. Like a frightened dog, I wouldn't look at him. " Ella, I wanted to apologize for what happened and to show everyone there are no ill feelings here, if we could have a dance ? " I looked toward the dance floor, and when I did, I saw we had a lot of eyes secretly looking our way. Lorna's threat was fresh in my mind though, I already knew my answer. I mean he had to have a reason for asking too. Maybe his family had told him to. To save face. It would be good because the press were allowed into this party. The more sophisticated press, those that did not shout questions in your face. But it would show there was no bad blood. It would also look good for my family if his family did not hate us. But I couldn't. Maybe I could do this another way though, one that Lorna wouldn't flip her lid on. I looked up at Lorna and smiled. She straight away looked suspicious. " I am sorry Caleb, but you dancing with me would be very disrespectful to your beautiful date here. I mean she looks fabulous today. Maybe you should take her for a dance instead, and we can just shake hands to say there are no ill feelings. " I thrust my hand out at him, but kept an eye on Lorna's face to see how she reacted to my suggestion, to see if it appeased her. When a slow smile crept on her face and she slightly nodded, I internally let out a sigh of relief. I finally looked at Caleb, hoping he would just shake my hand and the press was close. That would still look good, wouldn't it ? Caleb looked at me and slowly at Lorna. He shook his head and smiled like he knew exactly what was happening, he reached out and grabbed my hand, shaking it. When he grabbed my hand though, he leaned in close to my ear. " I can still taste you on my tongue, Ella ", he whispered, and I felt my face flame. " I still want that virginity of yours " he followed it up with. I ripped my hand back and stepped back, bumping into my mum. Lorna was back scowling. And everyone was looking again. I felt trapped, surrounded, caught in a trap. " Ermmm sorry I just don't feel well. I ermm dad I am going to take the car and head home" I blurted out. Turning away from the gawking crowd," Ella, I will take you home" my father said, a bite in his voice. He was p*ssed it was clear whatever he had just said to me had caused this. My lie was transparent. " No, no , I think I just need to ermmm " I couldn't say eat there was food there. I couldn't say too much to drink, or I wouldn't be able to drive. " Just I just need a hot water bottle. "What ? Sh*t, now I just blurted out I was on my period or something. How f*cking embarrassing. " Stay, I'll see you at home" I muttered. Turning, I looked at no one as I walked but rushed out. I asked the valet for the car keys, as I was waiting. Dad rushed out. " Ella. " I didn't want to talk to him though. If I did, I would break down. " Dad go back inside" I said, not looking at him. His hands grabbed my arms, but I still didn't look up at him. " Ella, you are more important than a party. You are my Ella Bella. Baby, what happened ? What did he say ? " I needed him to let me go alone. I wanted to be alone. I could feel the dam breaking. So I said something horrendous. " What happened was you brought us into this life and exposed us to these people, this is all your fault. I hate this, I hate that app. I hate our house and I hate that we have money ", I harshly whispered out. " Ma'am" the valet said, looking to the side. The car was there. While dad was in shock because I had just blamed him for all of my hurt. I side stepped him and got in the car, slamming the door dad was behind the car where I left him still. Looking up in the mirror, I saw him look up at the car, I saw the hurt on his face and as mum came to his side. He looked devastated. Taking in a shaky breath, I drove off. I hated myself for what I had just said , I never ever spok to my dad that way. But I needed to get away and alone.
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