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*FLASH BACK* The air was filled with loud music and laughter and Aurora did not really fancy places like this, but her sister Ciara had dragged her here, because she wanted Aurora to have a little fun. Aurora was not exactly a boring lady, she had her own way of catching fun, but she was just never thrilled by many of the things that thrilled young girls. Ciara thought she was too stubborn and needed to loosen up, it was not just Ciara that had that idea about her, many people had told her times without number that she needed to loosen up, but Aurora did not think she was doing anything wrong. “You will never have a mate if you continue being uptight,” Ciara complained. “I don’t care about that,” Aurora hissed at her. While most girls her age were already paired, Aurora was not really concerned about that. She was beautiful, and once she had been very attracted to the Alpha's son, but stubborn Aurora would never admit to having any feelings for anybody. That was just all it was, attraction, and when the future alpha didn't share the same feelings, she had easily moved on. That was the only person she could say she had ever felt attracted to, and maybe she was a little uptight, but that was not her fault. She was just not like the average girl. While most girls would run to seek protection whenever they are faced by an enemy, Aurora was ever ready to fight back. In fact, she had been Ciara’s watch dog since the day Ciara was born, even though they were just a year apart. Aurora was even more uncomfortable knowing that the place would be packed with werewolves of different packs. She had never been to a club before, and this was her first time, and she made a mental note not to visit this place again, the noise was unbelievable. How did people enjoy such loud noise and smoke in the air? Ciara was just unbelievable, she could not believe she allowed her sister drag her into this, and now she was not liking the smell she was perceiving in the air. Too many werewolves, from different packs and she felt it was not safe, but she already promised Ciara she was not going to be a spoil spot, so she was trying her best to feel at ease and loosen up. Her wolf, Ash welcomed the idea which was totally unlike her. Ash was stubborn, and it was that stubbornness that made Aurora so strong headed. She could feel Ash scratching her paws in her head and the sound was annoying, she wasn't even sure what the problem with the wolf was. Aurora was going to block Ash out if she continued like that. “Don’t do that,” Ash warned her. “Why won’t you just let me have fun this one time” She complained. “You know you do not want to be here,” Ash argued before Aurora blocked her out completely. Ciara easily blended into the crowd, typical of her. She was a natural, and this was her thing, but Aurora felt it was not fair that her sister had dragged her here, then left her to be on her own. She took a seat at the bar, and ordered two shots of whiskey. “Woah, you drink that much?” A horse voice said from behind her. This one was clearly human, and he reeked of alcohol and cigarette already. “Why don’t you join me for a dance?” The man’s voice sounded closer to her ears, “You are too beautiful to be seated all here alone. Where's your partner? Don't tell me you came here all alone,” he smiled at her. “I'm not alone,” She informed him and took the first shot of whiskey. The man decided to take the next seat beside her and Aurora found that disturbing, especially because he was drunk. She had just told him she was not alone but this man was obviously not deterred. “He must be stupid to leave a girl as pretty as you on your own,” the man commented. “Just back off alright,” She shouted at him. Aurora could feel Ash trying to break free of the wall, but she was making conscious efforts to block her out. She could handle this on her own. In fact, she liked to teach men like this a lesson. She had only been here for a few minutes and this man was trying to start trouble with her? Well, maybe another girl would not have considered it as any trouble, he was just out to catch fun and beautiful Aurora was sitting on her own, with no partner. Any man would want to try his luck with her. Ciara would have flirted with the man, but not Aurora, she was already disgusted. “I'm not backing off, just calm down alright?” he dropped his glass on the counter “At least if you won't dance with me, I can seat and have a little chat with you, just calm down okay,” Aurora was no longer listening to what he was saying, she suddenly felt nervous and Ash had successfully broken out and was now turning around in circles, she too felt the strong aura, and Aurora was numb for a few seconds, not sure why she was feeling that way. Ash was unusually excited, and in fact Aurora had never felt her wolf so excited about anything before. The scent was pleasing and strong, and obviously powerful. There were many wolves in the club house, and it  would not be weird if some high ranked wolves where in that building, but there was just something peculiar and exciting about this scent. “I feel it,” Ash said inside her. “What is it?” She asked her wolf. “I feel a strong connection to someone close by, its exciting, I want to meet him,” Ash is getting very hyper now and so is Aurora. She is drawn to this scent and her eyes scans the crowd for where it was coming from. It wasn't long before she figured who the scent belonged to and their eyes met in that instant. He was cute, with dark hair and very prominent dimples. Her eyes met the cutest baby blue eyes she had ever seen. She felt her knees weaken even in her seating position, and her heart beat sped up so fast. It would be weird if she was drunk, because she hardly ever got drunk, but why then was she feeling such strong connection to this man? “Go say hi to him,” Ash was almost pushing her to go meet this man, but Aurora felt a pinch of jealousy because he was not alone. He had a female companion and her body was pressed too close to his. She almost felt like going to slap the girl next to him, and she had to pull herself together. Why should she care about a random stranger or the fact that he had a companion? Aurora never had to fight for a man in her life and she was not about to start now, especially not with someone she did not know. “Go over to him,” Ash was telling her but she ignored her wolf. “Just shut up Ash, we are leaving here,” She got to her feet. She was not about to make a fool of herself. The man sitting next to her tries to grab her hands, but she pushed him away easily and hurriedly walked out of the place. Ash was almost making her go crazy, but the more Ash complained, the faster she walked, and she could still feel baby blue eyes following her footsteps till she was out of the door. Immediately she was outside, she took to her heels and ran, she would worry about Ciara later. Chase was used to women being attracted to him, he was a play boy after all and he got all the good looks from his father. He stood at about six feet four inches tall, with thick black hair and baby blue eyes, and he used his looks and charms to an advantage. He was not turning any girl that wanted him down, he was having all the fun he could, after all he had no mate and he was not just going to sit around and wallow in self pity. If the moon goddess had decided he did not deserve a mate, then he was ready to play around all these ladies. Truth is, he had long given up on any chance of ever finding someone. How many years since he had been searching for one and she never came? He was a regular clubber, and he was not new to drinking, even though he was always conscious not to get himself wasted. He enjoyed partying in this particular club because he got to mix and mingle with wolves of other pack. He was welcome to making new friends and he was not paying any mind to any old beef that their predecessors had with members of the Mystique shadow pack. Not like he had any friends there, but he knew some of them visited the club frequently, and it was no crime to party was it? There were all sets of people in the crowd, humans dominated the place and even vampires, he liked the mix and he was not going to stop coming here because of some old beef some members had with each other. Alpha Martins on the other hand, thought it was not wise to be in the crowd, and so did Landon, but Chase easily convinced Landon to come down here every once in a while, and considering they had not encountered any troubles so far, there was really nothing to be worried about. He had not gotten a hold of the name of the lady sitting next to him, but did it even matter? He could smell her horniness and her body language said it all. She had her boobs pressed against his arm, and her hips pressed against his. If she was trying to get his attention, then she had succeeded. Chase raised her right legs and placed it over his left. She giggled loudly. Cayden as usual was not pleased with the lady, and he began to protest, but Chase was used to Cayden’s usual acts, so he simply ignored. The lady was not a member of his pack, but if she was willing to go down with him, then he was not going to say no. The other men on the table, Landon inclusive where hailing him, calling him the woman magnet. This was not new to him, and he easily waved them off. They were all laughing when he began to feel a certain type of way. He perceived a strong aura, a mixture of strawberry and vanilla filled his nostrils and the hair on the back of his neck stood straight. Cayden began pacing in excitement. His wolf was almost going wild, and he was trying to calm Cayden down. “Don’t,” He cautioned Cayden, but Cayden was so excited he could barely be controlled. Hell, Chase could not be controlled too, this was the feeling he had been looking for all his life, and there was no debating that she was close by. He was drawn to the smell and he felt his hands quiver, something that had never happened to him before. The feeling was one that he had never felt before, and his whole body wanted to find the owner of that smell, could it be that his mate was in this gathering? Was it even possible? He sniffed the air and flung his head to the direction the smell was coming from, that was when he saw her and Cayden leapt with excitement. “Mate,” He growled. Chase did not need any other confirmation, he quickly jumped to his feet, but she was faster than him. She headed for the door, and he stood there numb, his eyes following her. The others on the table were now staring at him, but Chase had his eyes on only one person. He followed her, but the smell was gradually fading away. When he got outside, she was nowhere to be found. He fell to his knees and let out a loud growl.
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