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Chase thought Landon had given up, but as he packed his bags, he was still being questioned by the man as if he had stolen something and was about to run away with it. Landon felt guilty now, and the thought of losing his own childhood friend that was more like a brother to him was quite scary, Chase could see that in his eyes. Landon knew how much Chase loved his pack, and how much he was loved by all, and he knew it was all his fault that Chase  was leaving but Chase was tired of blaming Landon for what happened. Yes, he was still angry with him, but he did not care much about any of that again and his wolf was purring now that Landon was hovering around. He just wanted to leave here once and for all. “So where are you going now?” Landon asked in frustration “You want to go back to living the normal human life? We both know that would be very boring for you. You are a hero and you were born to protect this pack, now you are just going to leave, and worse is you may never even find this mate of yours,” Chase growled at Landon at the mention of his mate. He did not want Landon reminding him of what he had caused him, everything was his fault. He could have saved the love of his life, but stupid Landon had to erase her memories because he thought it was the best thing to do at that time, and was it even his decision to make? Landon backed away at the sound of Chase’s growl. “Where I go, or what I do is not any of your business Landon, I'm in this mess because of you and that stupid Alpha,” he ran his fingers through his hair “I could have saved her, and been with her now, but you thought I would stay back if I didn't know where she was. You lie Landon, either way, I'm leaving,” Chase threw the last piece of clothing he would be needing into his box and zipped it. The omega was already waiting outside to help him carry his luggage to the trunk, and Chase already felt he had spent too much time here, he was no longer the beta of the pack, and Cayden was threatening to leave him if he didn't find his mate, so what else did he have to loose? Chase knew the right place to go, and Landon was right, living everyday like the average human was going to be boring especially after serving as the beta of a great pack, but it was what he could do now, and he was not going to stop searching for Aurora, his mate. The only thing that could actually make him a happy man again was if he found her, and he wasn't seeing the chance of that happening and it hurt. The omega bowed to his superiors as he entered the room and lifted the luggage off the bed to the trunk off the vehicle outside. “There's no stopping you, is there?” Landon asked one last time and Chase shook his head. “My mind is already made up,” he said, and Landon gave him a big hug then, finally accepting that he had lost his brother. “If you ever change your mind, we will be more than willing to have you back, and please let me know when you are safe, I’ll like to come  visit once in a while, we are still brother's aren't we?” Landon asked Chase, his hands on Chase's back. “Yes, we are,” Chase answered before gently releasing himself from Landon's grip and making his way for the door. There was a crowd of on lookers as he made his way to the car, many waved at him, but Chase did not reciprocate the gesture. There was no looking back, he had his mind made up already and he was going. A girl rushed to the door of his vehicle before he could open it and rushed into his arms, her name is Hannah. Hannah had like a big crush on Chase, she was the deltas daughter and Chase had a fling with her in the past, and even up till date his conscience still weighed him down. It wasn't exactly his fault, as the single man he was, and especially since everyone was aware that he had no mate, the young girls in the pack had hovered around him, well maybe a little too much, and truth is he had been a playboy since his teenage years. He cared nothing about feelings, and this was why he concluded that the moon goddess had decided to punish him by not giving him his mate. Most wolves found their mates at eighteen, and some even earlier than that, but he was now Twenty seven, going on twenty eight with no mates, and when he finally finds her, she was gone before he could do anything about it. He was definitely paying for all his bad boy days and Chase was not backing down easily. Hell, Cayden was not backing down. So many years, he had prayed to the moon goddess, he had hoped to find his mate, but the moon goddess was apparently still punishing him. It wasn't like he could not settle for any of the other maidens, but none appealed to him, and most especially he did not want to end up like his dad; the lonely wolf with no mate, because his father thought he was in love with someone else's mate, but his mum had left them as soon as she found her other half. He did not want that, and besides he never felt any strong connections with any of the women, maybe he was attracted to them at some point, but eventually he lost interest in them and getting women was easy for him. “My beta, please don't go, stay, I beg of you, and if you must go please take me along with you,” Hannah cried. Chase gently freed himself from her grasp. There was no debating that Hannah was madly in love with him, and many times Landon had even tried to push him to settle for the girl, but Chase was not in love with her, maybe he had been attracted to her because of the amount of kindness she showed him every time, but he knew that was about it. “Hannah, I have to leave,” He informed her “And no, I can't take you with me,” He gently placed a soft kiss on her forehead, fully aware that others were watching, and some of the ladies hissed at the gesture. He pushed her aside as he let himself into the vehicle, and he could still hear her cries even after shutting the door of the vehicle. He paid her no attention, if he continued to give these people an audience, then he was not going to leave here today. He started the engine of the vehicle, and slowly drove off, some of them still waved him as he left. Chase knew he was loved amongst his pack members, but he too was surprised at the way they all did not want him to go, all except the Alpha. There was one time he had been very close to Martins, when they had gone to training in preparation for them to take leadership of the pack. Martins was always a stubborn wolf no doubt, but Chase had never been afraid to stand up to him, and Martins admired that. But to hell with that, the alpha had hurt his mate, and there was no way they could remain friends. Chase had not heard from his wolf since the declaration. Cayden had blocked him out, but the stupid wolf should know it was not his fault, and he was tired of explaining to the Wolf. What he needed now was to leave this place. He drove fast, maybe a little recklessly, totally ignoring the curses other drivers in the road was yelling at him. Chase was going back to his human friends. He had invested in a start up during his university days, and thank God he had not completely lost communication with the others. He was going back there now, and he knew there were definitely going to be other wolves there, but he was not going to be with these ones at least. He was yet to get an apartment in the new environment which he was now headed but he could easily put up in a hotel for now, till he could secure himself a good place. He was a man of great taste, and he was not going to settle for less. He needed a fresh start, Aurora was gone after all, and he had nothing else to loose, he’d be damned if he kept serving a pack that had made him hurt so much. There was no doubt about the fact that he was going to miss Landon, but he was still mad at his friend. Things could have gone better than it did. A brief flash of the night they raided the Mystique Shadow pack flashed before him. That was the second day he had seen Aurora. The first time, it had been in a club, the day Aaron was killed. He was sharing a drink with his friends, and he had a lady besides him as usual, her hips pressed against his as she squeezed herself against his body. Landon too was with his mate and the two always looked good together. Since Chase had long given up any hope’s of finding his mate, he was back to flirting with just any lady, with the hope that he would probably fall in love with one of them someday and make her his, but that day never came. He recalled how Cayden had been agitated, and how he was not sure what the issue was, before he smelt her scent, his mate. A horn from behind brought him back to his consciousness and he realised he had almost brushed a lady who was attempting to cross the road. He forcefully matched the break, the lady escaping by slight chance. “I’m so sorry about that,” he yelled at her after winding down his glass. “You would have been much more sorry if you as much as brushed me you f*****g scumbag,” She yelled. “You should have been pulled over by now for reckless driving,” A man in another vehicle shouted from his car “Are you drunk or something?” He hissed at Chase before driving off. Chase gave a sigh of relief, he had to be careful, that was really close. He needed to pay more attention to his driving, and he had to get Aurora out of his mind, heck, he had to get everything out of his mind, he had to forget whatever happened in the past, that was why he was leaving wasn't it? He needed to start a new life, one that did not involve so much drama from where he was coming from. It was hard to, but Chase had to admit that he may never find his mate, that was his own punishment from the moon goddess. Maybe his family was cursed, maybe his father's mate had cursed their lineage after what his father had done to her, or maybe he had incurred that curse on himself for the many hearts he toiled with in the past, but he was just a man, and one without a mate, why was he being so punished? He paid more attention to his driving this time, he had to be careful not to hit anyone, because then he would have something to really worry about. He drove a long distance before stopping to eat. He had been on the wheels for about three hours now, and he was getting closer to his destination. He needed to brace himself up for what was to come, and he couldn't do that on empty stomach.
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