Chapter 4

952 Words
I feel like a different person. Literally. This is the life, how many people do you know can just eat and sleep while having personal attendants waiting on their beck and call. Just like McDonalds I have 3 words to say, "I'm Loving It!" Mommy and Daddy visit me often. I sleep in a lovely pink crib with various flowers adorning it. My room is fit for a princess with hot pink walls designed with unicorns and birds, it's simply gorgeous. My favorite stuffed animal is called Mr.Fluffles, if you mess with him my fists will mess with you. Anyway I'm currently laying in bed since my body is immobile,but only for the time being cuz once I start crawling your girl finna start going on walks. IN THE STROLLER. It's been 3 months since that evil god sent me here and a lot has happened, for instance I've realized that my mind has regressed to that of a babies, and I'm okay with it since it doesn't affect my mental stability. "Melly! We have someone we want you to meet!!!!!" Mommy and Daddy walk in with smiles on their faces. I notice a tiny person in the back of them but their long legs are hiding him. "Showg megh thefg perasgn," Show me the person. Ugh this body is completely incapable of speech and it's driving me mad. I look at my parents with wide eyes trying my best to look cute. I even pull out the big guns, The Hand Grab. It seems that they got the hint thoug, as all of a sudden a young boy steps into view. Ohhh look at his chubby cheeks I just want to squeeze them. Wait a minute! Why does he look like daddy. And why does he remind me of a character of a game. OH you have got to be kidding me. I TRANSMIGRATED INTO MY FAVORITE OTOME GAME. HALLELUJAH!!! " Go on don't be afraid." Mommy gives the little boy a shove to get closer to me. "Mels I want you to meet your big brother Benjamin." Daddy gives me a heart warming smile and I just stare at him. Hi big brother I am your baby sister the beautiful and most talented Melia. Show me lots of attention and shower me with compliments and we'll get along just fine. Sadly all that they heard were the incomprehensible gurgles of an adorable baby. That would be me. "Babwy sista I am benamin your bwig brudda and I will wove and herish you fa eva." He gives me a slobbery kiss on my check after that and I feel the water works coming on. That was so beautiful. Sniff sniff. Alright Benjamin since you are my brother I will love you also. Me and Benjamin spend our time having a play date. He plays attack of the beast with Mr.fluffles acting as the villain while I am the beautiful damsel in distress and him the hero. Of course I don't move much since I'm currently incapable of controlling my limbs so I just roll around like a fool. Screams and laughter escaping my mouth occasionally. Mr.fluffles watch out he is going to tackle y-, oops too late. your dead. I send my condolences to your family fluffs. I have decided to give my brother the nickname Benjie since his actual one is too long. I mean come on Benjamin Acri Aveil Montecristo, that's a mouthful. But I still love him none the less. "Okay Benjamin it's time for your lessons and Melia has to be fed. You can come back to play with her later. "Okay Papa!" Just like that my entertainment has left me to the cruel and dark hands of feeding time. Oh the horror!!! please don't make me feed from that blasted wet nurse. I don't want too please no!!!!!! I start crying. And I mean full on bawling I am not sucking that woman's n****e. It's disgusting. Also satisfying. But disgusting still. It seems that no one heard my prayers as the young wet nurse who looks to be in her late 40s walks in. The tapping of her shoes as they hit against the tile echoe in my ears. Mr.fluffles, it was nice hanging with you. Tell my parents not to miss me too much. Her hands extend towards me. As she exposes my face to the full view of her breasts. I try to resist. I really do. But the sweet scent of milk infiltrates my nose and when my lips latch on to it there was no stopping me. I drink till I'm full, a satisfying expression laying on my face. "Oh princess you're quite the eater!" She exclaims. Of course I excell at everything you vile woman, I shall have your head for this!!! She lifts my tiny body and puts me over her shoulder. Patting my back firmly until a burp makes it way out of me. Ahhh that was nice. We shall do this again next time Magret. Twas a pleasure having you. Margaret rests me down into my crib with Mr.Fluffles on my left side. She covers me up with my purple blanket and wishes me sweet dreams. This is the life, was the only thing going through my head as I sucked on my right thumb, quickly sleeping as my baby snoores fill the room. 3rd person POV Unbeknownst to Melia, a certain God saw everything. As he sips his coffee he murmurs in a low voice; "Interesting, very interesting." ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●
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