Chapter 3

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I've been in this blasted womb for months now. I figured it out on the fourth day of being trapped in here, when the voices outside were talking about names for babies and I suddenly felt a vibration. The i***t was tapping on that stinking force field, does he not understand how irritating that is. I kicked and punched trying to get him to stop but the voices started to laugh, talking about how much of a fighter I am. That was when it clicked that I am currently a fetus in the womb. This body that I am residing in was 16 weeks old at the time. To say I was freaked out would be an understatement, I was on the verge of tears and started hyperventilating. That damnable god! He is the cause of this horrible thing. I started to sob, sniffles and everything while invisible snot trailed out my nose. After that, my body calmed down and I came to terms with the situation. Maybe it won't be that bad, at least I finally get to have parents in this life, My lips quirk up at the thought of it. I'm gonna have a mom and a dad. This was a huge step for me, I hope I can make them proud when I'm born, but then again I am the most awesome human being in the world. For crying out loud I beat up a god. And in my books that deserves a reward. I spend my uneventful days eating and sleeping while sometimes listening to the voices conversations. Turns out that the world I am in is called Red Rose continent. My mom is the Empress of the Kristonian empire while my father is the Emperor. My mommy was joking with the maids one day, laughing about how angry the officials were when daddy decided not to add any women in his harem. That was the day hopeful hearts of many young women broke into pieces. Ha, serves you right. Coveting my daddy. He's too good for you guys anyway. Hmph, those dreadful vixens better not try anything when I'm born or else I'm gonna have to drag some people by their hair. My body is very weak and frail. Every time I kick to make mommy and daddy happy it gets really tired and I find myself unable to keep up with the exertion. Sleep overcoming me quickly and I doze off. ______________________________________ Today's the big day. I can't stop wiggling around. I know something is gonna happen and my body feels very excited. "Ahhhh! Call the emperor quickly!!! The Empress' water broke and she's going into labor!!!!!!!" Ohhh No! Not today satan. I am not ready!!!! Let me stay in here longer!! It's so comfortable. "Ahhhhh! GET. HER. OUT!!!!" Mommy's screams fill the air and I feel a force from behind pushing me out. Must be the contractions. Suddenly a blinding light fills my vision and I squint my eyes from the pain. Foreign hands hold me and my skin feels all icky and slimy. "Congratulations your majesty. It's a healthy baby girl." My mouth opens and I breathe in as I try to say hello but my lungs burn. I scream in pain but it comes out sounding like a baby's cry instead. "Wahhhhhhh!!!!" Ahhh you motherfuckers this s**t hurts ahhhhh!!! "C- can I hold her?" the doctor, at least I think it's a doctor, passes me to my supposed father after cleaning me up and wrapping my tiny form in bundle. "Awww. She is so tiny. Look at her little hands." Yes father I know I'm adorable, continue with your praises I don't mind. My daddy plays with my hand and I unconsciously clench my hands around his pinky finger, gazing in wonder at him. My father is very handsome. He has short inky black hair and the most mesmerizing set of blue eyes, deep and boundless like the ocean. His pale skin glistens brightly like glitter and I find myself unable to keep my eyes off of him. Woahhh your big. Don't tell me this world is full of giants. My little heart won't be able to take it. "Darling, do you want to have a look at our precious daughter?" Of course she does daddy, its me remember. "Yes my love." Father's big hands pass me over to mommy and I coo happily. Earning a deep chuckle from dad. "Look at how beautiful she is." Mommy looks at daddy affectionately and I watch the two's interaction. "Yeah, she takes after the both of us." After he says that, daddy kisses mommy and I on the cheek. Whispering to his wife he tells her that he has to go and prepare the ball in celebration of my birth. "Okay honey, I'll just take a nap with little Melia then." After saying their goodbyes, father leaves the room and it's just me and mommy. My mother is a beautiful woman. She is the daughter of Duke Aronald, taking after his strawberry blonde hair and glowing pink eyes. Her tan skin is smooth and supple, as if their fruits ready for picking. "Hello their my little Melia. I am your mom and I want you to know that your dad and I love you very much and we will never leave you." Aww shucks mom, if you keep talking like that I'm gonna cry. Sniff sniff. Tears spring to my eyes, the yearning of parents that I've had for years finally fulfilled. Mommy, I want you and daddy to know that I will live up to your expectations and more just what ever you do, don't leave me. My plump cheeks puff up and I try not to cry. Mom rocks me to sleep singing a lullaby. " hush little Melly don't say a word, Mommy's gonna buy you a mocking bird. And if that mocking bird doesn't sing, mommy's gonna buy you a diamond ring. And if that diamond ring doesn't shine, mommy's gonna buy you a glass of wine. Oooo yes I sure do love me some wine, chardonnay would be preferred. Please and thank you's  And if that glass of wine gets broke, mommy's gonna buy you a billy goat Wait a wha- " And if that belly goat runs away" he better or else I'm gonna make some souse out of him. "Mommy's gonna give you a hug all the way, a hug all the way, a huuuggg alllll the wayyyyyyyyy," Mom has anyone ever told you that you have a lovely voice because that was really pretty." "Huah," I yawn tiredly. My mouth opening and closing as they smack together. Okay mom I'm just gonna take a little nap. Don't miss me too much. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3rd person Pov Unknown to Melia there was a little boy around the age of 4 peeking through the door. Seeing that his little sister has fallen asleep, little Benjamin walks with his short chubby legs into the room. "Mommy, is that my new sister?" The woman turns her head towards the toddler and pats an open space beside her. " Yes this is her, come sit by mommy so you can see her better" he climbs with his stumpy legs into the bed. Blue eyes wide with curiosity as he gazes at the tiny bundle of life. "Mommy she so pwetty. She look juss juss like you and daddy," the little boy pats his small hands on his baby sisters cheek. His gaze changing to one of affection. "I know baby. And guess what, you're her big brother so you gotta protect her and make sure nobody harms her okay? " She says. "Okay mama," little did the woman know that this little boy would become a fierce protector of his little sister. Rumors spreading about the boy who is slightly a sis con. ◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇ Yay another chapter woohoo! I did not expect this much reads for a new story so I would like to say thank you for giving this book a shot. Peace✌
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