Chapter 5

1189 Words
♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧ As I awake in the early throes of morning I yawn out the last remnants of sleep. Wonder what interesting things are gonna happen today? Looking back on it, I really should not have thought of that because now I am in this god awful predicament. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - It all started when Mr.fluffles and I were having a conversation about how small my hands are compared to mommy and daddy's, all of a sudden our surroundings went quiet. I crawled to the edge of the crib and peeked outside. That's when I noticed that time seemed to be stopped as there was a gorgeous azure butterfly frozen in mid air. I was flabbergasted. What the hell is going on!? My thoughts were answered but not in the way I visioned, because only a second later I got transported back to the white room where I stayed previously. Oh my gosh please dont tell me I died again. I'm to pretty to be dead boohoo. The world needs my beauty. I swear on Mr.fluffles gender as a bear when I get my hands on the person who did this I'm gonna fu-. Out of nowhere the god I met a while back shows up again in all his glory. "Welcome my dear to the Dimension of Spirits!" The fat man bellowed. His bald head glistened tauntingly as if saying, "Look at me! See how smooth and shiny I am. U know you wanna touch it. Go on, just a little rub." I laugh gently at my crazy antics before bringing my attention to the piece of blubber in front of me. "Yeah yeah old man. What do you want?" He looks at me. Mouth agaped, astonished at how bold and direct I am with my words. "Ughum, as I was saying. I am Jun Qiang the god of Transmigration and etc. I would like to sincerely apologize about the way I sent you off that was rude of me. But anyway back to the matter at hand. The world you are in I am sure is extremely familiar to you." "Of course it is, this was my favorite otome game to play as a child." Ahhh fond memories. "It's wonderful that you remember because the character's body that your soul has possessed is one of the main characters." Woah really? Please let it be the villainess, please let it be the villainess. Crossing my fingers tightly, my body goes rigid from anticipation. "And what is the name of this so called main character?" I play it off cool because........ your girl is a boss. "Well you already know the name so I'll just tell you the role she plays. Congratulations it's the Villainess!!!" I swear to you guys I am seeing stars. Oh no whats that! Never mind just a few tears. Whew, thought it was sweat. "Thank you for not leaving me clueless Jun Qiang. Do I get any benefits since I'm like a virus to this world?" "Of course you do. Pick any cheats that you want and I'll programme it to fit your character." "Old man, you have never looked so pleasing to the eye till now." I give his plump body a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Awwww he's blushing. "No need to thank me child, it is the right thing to do after all. And I have morals to uphold." And there he goes again with the shamelessness. How thick is your hide you old geezer. "Okay, so since I don't want to be too OP because where is the fun in that. I just have a couple of demands." I hold up my fingers as I began to list a number of attributes I would like to have. "Number one, four elements dark and light along with fire and water. Just to add some type of balance you feel me. Next I want maxed out mana, photographic memory, the ability to see how high one's level is and........ a strong and healthy body in case I would like to learn martial arts." That was a lot of words. I sit back on the couch and grab a glass of water that magically appears, sitting on a coaster.  Ahhh refreshing. The cool liquid slides with ease down my throat, quenching my thirst in the process. "Okay, I can deal with that. At first I thought you were going to ask for some outrageous abilities that can't possibly fit in with the era and setting this story is placed in. But no worries, all of your requests shall be granted." He laughs heartily at the end. As if a huge weight has been lifted off of his shoulders. What a strange person. "Hey old man. Do you think you can send me back now? Mr.Fluffles and I were in the midst of a conversation that you just so happened to interrupt." My eyes narrow at the end and I swear I saw the god gulp.  For someone so high and mighty, he sure is a coward. "Sure, sure! Anything for the person who saved my mortal body." With a whisk of his hand a vortex appears in the form of mirror. "All you have to do is step through it and you will be taken back." "Ta ta, old man. Don't miss my gorgeous self too much. Oh! Before I forget, are you gonna keep on popping up out of nowhere like this? Because if you do, you need to warn me. I can't take sudden surprises, I have a weak heart." "Sadly no. This will be our last encounter as I can't mess with the plot of this world and all that crap. Take care of yourself and if you have any questions, read a book. I'm sure it'll help." I roll my eyes at his idiocy before walking into the portal. Does he not know that I would never ask him for help, much less a favor. He is simply to shamless and thick skinned. My mind races in excitement at the thought of becoming OP and a scream escapes my mouth. "OH YEAHHHH!!!!!" I think I said it a bit too late though because it comes out in the cry of a baby instead. "Wahhhhhhh!!!!!" My wet nurse rushes into the room as she heard the commotion and I can't help but curse at my luck. "Oh no! Don't you come any closer you evil woman!!! STOP I shall Ki-..." Curses, that vile nurse seems to have won again. But no worries I shall have my revenge. Meanwhile on the wet nurse's side "Achoo!! Oh dear? Who could be plotting against me in this time of the day." Her innocent self would have never guessed that it's the baby she's currently breastfeeding. "Just you wait HAHAHA. I shall have your-" oops gotta burp. And I think it's a big one. -☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ Thank you for reading. Have a nice summer. 
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