Chapter 6

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☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ I͢ M͢a͢y͢ F͢i͢n͢d͢  M͢y͢ P͢ri͢n͢c͢e͢ B͢u͢t͢ M͢y͢ D͢a͢d͢ W͢i͢l͢l͢ A͢l͢w͢a͢y͢s͢ B͢e͢ M͢y͢ K͢i͢n͢g͢ ~u͢n͢k͢n͢o͢w͢n͢   Ever since the encounter with Jun Qiang I have been thinking about a lot of things. For instance, now that I am the Villainess of this story I can't just sit back and watch my family fall apart before my eyes. Since I've got the whole plot of the story stored in my brain I will use it to my advantage. I already know for sure the heroine's mother won't appear until later on in the game, so that gives me time to build my forces. Hmph, I wanna see how that old hag and her vixen will live now once I cut off their only source of hope. An evil grin forms on my face as a dangerous glint appears in my eyes. Haha hahaha just you w-..... "wahhhhhhhhh!!!" s**t I forgot I can't speak. I hope Margaret didn't hear that. The blasted woman can hear as good as a bat. All of a sudden the door creaks open ever so slowly and I feel my heart hammer in my chest. Oh god no! I'm sorry for everything I've done. A head pops out through the c***k and I scream like a banshee. I can't take it! I don't want your stinking breast milk woman!!!!! "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh," I think sweat is coming out of my eyes. "Aww Melly don't cry it's just daddy. I didn't mean to scare you. " Father picks me up out of the crib and pats my back comfortingly. Oh daddy, thank god it was just you. I thought for a second that it was that horrid wet nurse and screamed a little. No need to be sad. Unfortunately all he heard was inconsistent babble, so I gave him my best smile. You better cherish this moment father. I only smile towards the people I like. If I do it all the time it will ruin my cold goddess image, ya feel me bro. Daddy just chuckles at me humorously. His gaze is filled with love and warmth. The real Melia, where ever you are I will do my best to get revenge on those who wronged you and will treat your family very well. It seems as though a piece of her spirit was still attached to this plane of existence, as she murmurs a whisper saying "thank you" before her voice slowly drifts away. I won't lie but it scared the s**t out of me. Literally. Oh crap! "Smells like someone did a poopy in their diapey!" I feel myself blush in embarrassment. Father stop it! Can't you see how detrimental this is to my face. "Since I gave Margaret the day off, I'll just change it for you." His smile was as bright as the sun. Of course, only someone with my genes can inherit a face like that. I think smugly. 10 minutes later "Oh my gosh! I don't know how Margaret does it. What have you been eating young lady!?" I glare at the man angrily, my face heating up due to shame. Since I can't talk and give him a piece of my mind I turn my chubby body the other way in his arms. Cheeks puffed up like a chipmunk. "Is someone getting angry?" he pokes my nose childishly and I swat it away with my tiny fingers. "Okay then. I guess it's time for........ THE.......... TICKLE MONSTER." are you serious? That won't work on me I am a woman in my twenties and I know for sure that I am not and will never be ticklish. 5 seconds later "Hahaha okay I'm sorry I won't do it agai- Hahaha hahaha Stop it! Unhand me a ha hahaha I'll stop please ahahahaha!!!" I have never felt so violated in my whole life. Gazing at Daddy aggrievedly he just laughs and I feel all my anger dissipate. "Guess what Melly!? Today is Father daughter Day. So I'm gonna show you around the castle and fill you in only duties." Ooooo sounds fun. Secrets. I giggle and look at him in wonder. But then I notice something strange.  Dad, why is your nose bleeding. I think he understood what I was looking at because he takes out a lavender handkerchief and holds it to his nose for awhile. His face a bright rosy red. Dad have I ever told you how adorable you look when you blush. It's almost as good as me. But don't let that get to your head because I'm the most adorable. Got it! After that's over dad dresses me as best as he could and chooses a princess gown.    "Pwety!!!" I shout out. Wait. Oh my f*****g god. Did I just talk? Father looks at me like I'm some sort of alien, his mouth wide open in shock and amazement. "MY DAUGHTER'S A GENIUS" he throws me up in the air and I feel last night's feeding bubbling in my stomach. Dad you better stop. Thankfully he gets the gist and stops throwing me, but he still has that silly grin on his face. I get it though. He finally realizes that I'm a prodigee. I've known since like, forever but for people like him I guess it's an honor to be in my presence. Daddy then rushes out with me in his arms. His movements were super fast and when I looked down he seemed to be stepping on shadows. Woahhhh he has the a dark element affinity. Cool!!!! Daddy carries me straight to court with him. A sea of officials greet us and it makes me feel like real royalty. Even though I am. I completely forgot that daddy was the Emperor. AWESOME! The noble's in the court all gather and kneel on one knee shouting, "LONG LIVE THE EMPEROR AND HER IMPERIAL PRINCESS!" That's right you fools. Bow before your master. "You may rise." daddy shouted using internal strength. Wow just one surprise after another. We sit down on the golden throne clad in scarlet silk. Daddy's face changing into one if seriousness. An eunuch appears out of nowhere and whispers something in daddy's ear that has him glowering. Uh-oh, I feel bad for whoever that is. The person who made his majesty upset "achoo." I hope I didn't catch a cold, I have a proposal to state in demand from my king. Come on.
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