Chapter 2

858 Words
Darkness is all around me. It fills my entire being, dragging me down into an endless abyss. I can hear the voices screaming for me to open my eyes but I can't, it's like they're glued shut. I try to swim, try to fight my way out of the forceful binding of the black ocean, but the hold is too strong. It easily over powers my human strength. Suddenly, a bright ball of light appears out of thin air. I reach toward it, encasing its glowing body in my transparent hands. "Wait...TRANSPARENT! WHAT THE Fu-," I'm sucked into the ball before I could finish my sentence. My body was transported into what seems to be a white room. Everywhere was white the walls, tables, couch even the rug. I decided to get comfortable on the couch, sitting with my legs crossed. "Hey! Don't you stain my couch or I'll send you straight to the gates of King Yama my self." I jump up to my feet. The foreign voice startling me greatly. "U- uhhh who are you? Why I am I here? What do you want with me!?" Questions flood out my mouth and I panic. What is this place. I just wanna go home. "Too late for that sweetie, you're dead."  Wow, so much for laying it on easy. "I'm what! How did I-.... Ohhhhh I remember now, I was walking across the street and their was a kitten and a truck and then BOOM!" Oh my gosh I'm dead. And I didn't even get to finish reading that new online novel. "Too late for regrets, but anyway let's get off of that depressing topic." The voice declares, its deep voice resonates throughout the quiet room. " I Am the God of Transmigration and World's. You have saved my physical body in the mortal world from destruction resulting in your death so I will reward you by giving you a satisfying next life, any questions?" "Ye- yeah I have a question. Why cant I see you?" I ask. My eyes have a hidden gleam in them as I walk towards the white coffee table an idea forming in my mind. "Oh that, I just forgot to materialize no worries." His body appears in front of my and my plan springs into action. I pick up the coffee table and throw it at him knocking him successfully in the stomach. "Hey! What the hell! ARE YOU CRAZY!" "BOY YOU SHOULDN'T TALK IM FINNA WHOOP YO DAMN a*s!" I lunge at him my hands forming fists as I punch him over and over again. "Ow!OW! What was that for!?" He screams while I assault him, I feel myself getting angrier. "YOU JUST CAUSED ME TO KILL MYSELF UNNECESSARILY AND YOU HAVE THE NUTS TO ASK WHAT WAS THAT FOR!? ARE U INSANE!?" My anger gets the better of me and all I can see is red. "Uh No. But I think you are." I kick his a*s after that. He learnt a very important lesson today. Don't mess with me and my love for furry animals. "I'm sorry okay!? How about this, I will give you a once in a lifetime opportunity that many people aspire to have." Hmmmm maybe it's something good. "What is it?" I ask. I am not going to falling for one of his tricks again. "A Transmigration to an otome game world with all memories intact! You like it, Yay I knew you would. Okay bye!!!!" What I didn't even say anything. Before I could question further I feel my body slowly slipping away. Disembersing into tiny Crystal particles. The process is excruciating and I can hear myself screaming like a banshee before I lose consciousness, lost to the sea of tranquility. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - When I awake from my slumber I find myself in a tight space. Kicking my legs around I try to find a suitable position to be comfortable in but a jelly like wall obstructs my efforts. "Ughhhh," Not again. "Honey, I Feel it. I think she's moving." What the f**k. Where are these voices coming from. Hmmm maybe they could get me out of here. I kick some more to get their attention. "Wow, she feels like a fighter. I'm sure she's gonna have a strong set of lungs on her. " the voice fades after that and I realize that my struggling is futile. On the brightside though I'm in a comfortable position. My stomach growls hungrily in starvation. "Now how am I suppose to eat?" The question doesn't stand for long as I feel food going into my stomach through some strange tube. "What the hell is this?" I say to no one in particular. Ahhh that feels good. Patting my stomach in satisfaction, My eyes get droopy. No matter how hard I try to stay awake it doesn't work as the throes of slumber take me off to dream land. A happy smile on my lips.
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