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Kendry was pissed as hell. Although he knew he wasn't Liandrah's boyfriend ,he just couldn't imagine her talking to him like that. He didn't see why he was to blame. Later that day he decided to go to the "Surbabians just to see the people there and to get his mind off Liandrah drama. He went inside the building and he sat in the courtyard. It was all peaceful and he love it. The people there seemed so kind. After an hour or so of enjoying the pleasant atmosphere, Kendry saw a girl throwing herself to the ground sobbing. He got emotional and went there. "Heyy what's wrong little princess?"(he asked concerned). "My mom and dad are fighting. My dad said that he doesn't want me.... he said I'm not his daughter (continues crying)". "Ohh I'm so sorry for that. Listen to me, your dad loves you and he didn't mean it. He was just angry." He hugged the little girl and comforted her. Then when they were laughing and having fun, a man came out of the apartment. "Thats my dad!",exclaimed the girl. Kendry took his time looking at the guy and he seemed like a nice guy. He stayed with the girl a while longer then he went back home. On the other hand, Liandrah was busy at work. She wasn't really herself that day after what had happened the previous night and that morning. She was just off . Then she decided to call Dale and try patching things up. "Heyy this is your boy D.A.LE. Leave a message and I will get to you(went to voicemail)". Dale had left his phone home and it was on silent. She Then decides to call Kendry, he answers. "I know I wronged you and I wanna make it upto you. Lets meet at our spot at dinner(Liandrah spoke hesitantly)." "OK see you then(replied Kendry)" Dinner approached and they all geared up for it. Liandrah dressed to kill. She was wearing a sexy, gold floral dress and some perfect heels. She just wanted maybe to make Kendry forget what she did to him a bit. Then the other part of her kept telling her that she wasn't to blame. She thought maybe Kendry was to blame for making some little gesture of caring seem like love . She also thought that maybe Dale was to blame for not being around for her when she was throwing herself to Kendry. She arrived at their spot. It was a big restaurant called "La Familia". It became their spot from when they were kids their parents would bring them there for get togethers. " I was starting to think you won't show(started Kendry)" "No I was just stuck in the traffic. I wouldn't wanna miss this. They ordered some food and they started to eat in awkward silence. Kendry decided to break the ice," so you dating someone huh ?" "Yea iam Kendry (She replied)" "How long have you been dating?(continues to ask)" " Its almost two years now(She replied)" Kendry kept quiet for a while. "Two years? It looks serious to me! So why were you that nice to me though? I even tried kissing you Lie and you kept quiet. Why?" "I was trying to protect you Kendry!" " You were trying to protect me from what exactly(he asks)?" "You were mourning your father Kendry and I know you have loved me since kindergarten, so i didn't want you to mourn me too(She tries to explain)!" "It was better for me if I'd known the truth that you and I have no future together. Hope kills Lie, trust me!" Kendry just got up angry and through the chair to the floor. He then asked Liandrah to give him some space as he wanted to deal with the issue alone. Liandrah felt her head heavy like she wanted to faint. She was in shock.One waiter saw it and helped her outside for fresh air. After a minute or so..she called a taxi as she wasn't feeling okay to drive. *** Mr Baxter on the other hand had a breakthrough on the number plates and the car was registered to Liandrah Martin. He handed the information to Sean Cahill for him to handle it accordingly. "I will find the journalist(said Sean Cahill)!"
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