Chapter 6

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Kurt pov The car ride was awkward. Lilian was sitting next to me in the back hunched into a ball in her baggy clothes and her oversized black hoodie. I tried to talk to her more than once but she ignored me, muttering to herself on more than one occasion as if she was talking to someone else. “So where are we going?” I asked Adaline for the twentieth time, accidentally interrupting her and Caileen talking. I shrugged apologetically as Caileen turned to look at me from the passenger seat with a raised eyebrow. “Why so impatient?” She said with a smirk, her black hair falling to the side like a curtain as she looked at me with light green eyes. I looked at her closely, studying her eyes, before noting they were light but not as light as Lilian’s. “What?” She asked annoyed. “I was just looking at your eyes.” I said simply. She blinked a few times, a blush rising to her face. “Playboy.” Lilian muttered softly, making me sigh loudly. ‘You walked into that one my friend.’ Brandon barked out at me as I rolled my eyes. “Are you going to tell me where we’re going or not?” I yelled, frustration shining on my face. I could see Adaline silently laughing at me from the rearview mirror and I sat back with my arms crossed, fuming. After a few hours on the highway we pulled into a town I didn’t recognize, but I could tell instantly it was humans and not wolves by the smell and behaviors. I didn’t know there was a human town so close to us besides the one we went to for school. It was pretty, the trees were thick and tall all around it and it made the slowly setting sun have an eerie effect on the older buildings. It was a lot smaller than our town, and a giant water fountain was placed in the middle of the square so we had to drive slowly through it since it seemed like the main attraction of the town. Stalls were on the sides of the square and people were bustling to and from, as if a makeshift market area. Musicians were sitting on the sides of the fountains playing different instruments and different songs while onlookers studied them and placed money in a hat or jar at their feet. Little kids were ducking their hands into the water to spray their friends, and squeals filled the air making adults close by either giggle at their childish behavior or frown on it. A few teenage girls were at the corner of the fountain cupping their hands to their chest as they closed their eyes, then opened them and threw money into the fountain with a dreamy smile. After we managed to make it out of the square Adaline pulled up to a very new looking impressively expensive hotel, parking in front of the doors. A little man with a circular red hat ran out of the hotel and greeted Adaline, kissing both of her cheeks as she handed him her keys. We all got out of the car and I followed Adaline inside, looking back in confusion at the car for our bags to see another little man in a red circular hat was loading them onto a strangely shaped cart. “Who are they? What are they doing?” Lilian asked, tugging on Adaline’s arm. I breathed out a sigh of relief, since she was braver than I was to ask. Adaline turned to see where Lilian was pointing and she smiled softly at Lilian. “They are called bellhops, they work here for the hotel. They will take our bags to our room and park our car for us. It’s their job to make sure the car is not damaged and the things are placed properly. I gave him the card for information of our room and they should be delivered by the time we get there. See, they’ve already disappeared.” She said, and I turned around again to see she was right, the cart was gone and so was the car. “Why is this hotel so rich and grand when the town is so small?” I asked softly, making Adaline smile at me. “There is a popular rumor for this town, that if you throw in a quarter at the fountain and make a wish, your wish will come true. Many people come to this town to see if it works, since there’s so many success stories it’s become a popular attraction for tourists. That’s why there’s so many booths around it, the townsfolk make a great deal of money from the tourists.” She said as we walked to the counter. Lilian was staring at everything with wonder in her eyes, her hood had fallen back off of her head when she looked at the ceiling and she didn’t notice to fix it. I smiled at her, seeing her amazed face was so adorable. She caught me looking at her and she blushed, yanking her hood back over her head in annoyance. “Don’t worry, we have prepared the best clothing selection for the weekend, and once she’s out of the hoodie we plan on hiding it in the car.” Caileen whispered into my ear, hooking her arm into mine. I smiled at her, wondering just what kind of clothes they picked for Lilian. Once we were checked in we followed another man in a red hat to an elevator, riding up to the top floor for the master’s suit. It had four bedrooms spread out along the suit with its own common room in the middle of it. A giant L shaped couch was placed in the middle with a giant flat screen TV, along with a Dining room table to the side with enough chairs for eight people. There was a bar off to the other side with an island table and bar stools against it, along with a balcony at the back of the common room with a couple of tables set up so people could enjoy the warm night air. I smiled brightly as I took in the room, walking over to the couch and plopping down on it. “This is so soft.” I said with amazement, running my fingers up and down the fabric. Lilian was in an equal amount of amazement, wondering over to the corner to poke lightly at the giant fish tank. She jumped as a fish zoomed at the glass near her face and I chuckled softly at her. I looked at Adaline and Caileen to see them crouched over each other whispering. After a few minutes Caileen went into the rooms, wanting to see which was her’s most likely. Adaline walked over to Lilian and placed a hand on her shoulder, turning to look at me as well. “Because it’s fairly late in the day, we will start the schedule tomorrow. For tonight, Caileen and I have been invited to have dinner with the owner of the hotel, so there will be dinner brought up to the room for you two in an hour. Come Lilian, let’s all go get washed up and changed for dinner.” Adaline said, a hint of a command coming from her powerful voice, making Lilian shiver. I could see the fear in her eyes and had to hold back a chuckle, knowing Adaline is forcing her to wear normal clothes for the weekend. I bit my lip as I watched her walk apprehensively towards the rooms, feeling bad for her. On one hand I was so excited to see her dressing like a normal woman, but on the other hand I was worried she would be uncomfortable. I hoped Adaline and Caileen knew what they were doing. ‘Don’t lie, your so excited over your little fiancé.’ Brandon said with a chuckle. ‘She’s your fiancé too, Brandon. You’ll feel differently once she has a wolf, and I’ve marked her.’ I growled at him. ‘Okay let’s say we’re never going to get a true mate. It’s easy to believe since we’re older than the others who’ve been getting them, plus the numbers have dwindled so only a special few get them now. But what are you going to do if she turns eighteen in a week and she gets a true mate?’ Brandon said. I stood up fast, gripping my hands tightly at my sides as I tried to calm my breathing. ‘Stop it!’ I snarled at him. He flinched, but chuckled all the same. ‘Just something to think about, my friend.’ I sighed softly, trying to release my anger as I walked to the last room that wasn’t occupied. My bags were here, and I shuffled through them for a nicer outfit. I wasn’t going to pretend I wasn’t excited to be eating dinner alone with Lilian. I took a quick shower to calm my nerves, drying off fast as I dressed. I grabbed a pair of blue jeans and a white button up shirt. Once I was finished I scooped some of my fell into my hands and rubbed it into my hair, combing it back so it would stay. I dabbed some cologne onto my cheeks and my neck, then slipped on my shoes. Once I was finished I reached into the bag, pulling out the birthday present I got for Lilian. I clicked open the box and looked at the necklace, brushing my fingers lightly over the chain, before resting it gently on the silver locket. I wanted to give it to her on her birthday, but more and more what Brandon said floated through my head. What happens if she does find her true mate when she turns eighteen? I’d have no choice but to let her be with him. I took a deep breath, blinking rapidly to try and stop the prickle of tears in the backs of my eyes. I snapped the box shut and slipped it into my pocket, taking another deep breath as I tried to center myself. I wanted to make sure she got this gift before I lost her forever, no matter what. I opened the door and sat back down on the couch, taking a deep breath as I waited, excitement making me nervous. Finally after a few minutes a door opened, and Caileen and Adaline walked out. They looked gorgeous. Adaline had her long light brown hair braided intricately behind her and wrapped up into a bun, a light blue blouse and a black skirt on. Caileen was wearing black dress pants and a light purple dress blouse, her long black hair flowing down her back and curled. I took a deep breath, standing up and wiping my sweaty hands on my jeans as Adaline came over to me and appraised me. She lifted her hands and smoothed my shirt, turning me left and right. Finally she smiled at me, patting my cheek. “This will do nicely, almost as handsome as my Tate.” She said with a smile, making me chuckle. “What are you talking about, I’m much more handsome than Tate.” I said with a tease, making Caileen roll her eyes. “None of you hold a candle to Brandos, he’s the definition of handsome.” She said, making her hand fan her face with a smirk. Adaline laughed and gently poked her elbow into Caileen’s side. We heard a cough and we all turned, and I nearly fell back onto the couch in surprise. “Your mouth is hanging open Kurt.” Caileen whispered. Adaline elbowed her again, and they slowly backed away. “We will be leaving now, dinner will be brought up to you fairly soon. Don’t wait up for us, we’ll be back late.” Adaline said. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” Caileen called out, followed by another ouch as Adaline most likely elbowed her. “What are you talking about, there’s nothing you wouldn’t do.” Adaline scolded her gently. “Exactly!” Caileen said with a giggle. The door opened and shut behind them, leaving Lilian and I alone. I hadn’t moved or spoke since she walked into the room, my voice was lost. I could tell I was making her uncomfortable but I couldn’t stop my mouth from moving even though no words were coming out. “Do I look, that strange?” Lilian asked hesitantly. I could feel her discomfort and I forced myself to close my mouth, rubbing my eyes as well. I looked at her again, taking a deep breath since I realized I wasn’t breathing earlier. She looked gorgeous. Adaline picked out a perfect dress for her. It was light green, the exact hue of her eyes making them pop out. The dress was long sleeved so she’d feel less uncomfortable, but it fell down her shoulders exposing her shoulders and her collarbone. The neckline was not too deep but enough to make me take another deep breath. The dress hugged every inch of her body in the right ways, showing off her hourglass figure I’ve only ever barely glimpsed at. I couldn’t stop my eyes from trailing down her body, wishing I was doing it with my hands instead. The dress was short, resting against her upper thighs and black tights underneath making me imagine slowly taking them off and having my way with her. She was wearing black heels, probably the first time in my life I’ve ever seen her wear heels. She coughed again, her face red as she stared at me. “I knew it, I look awful.” She whispered, making me feel like a jerk for not replying back earlier. “No, you look beautiful. I’m sorry, I don’t know what to say, I’m speechless.” I whispered back, walking closer to her and standing in front of her. She blushed even brighter, a look of fear and happiness crossing her features as I studied her face. Adaline and Caileen must have put some make up on her, not as much as the ridiculous girls at school wore but a light foundation and mascara, a little gloss on her lips to make them shine. She didn’t need any make up in my opinion, but the little bit she had on just enhanced the light green of her eyes, the full shape of her lips as she parted them. She sucked her bottom lip into her mouth and I involuntarily let out a low growl, wishing I could bite that lip. She lifted her hands to her hair, making me look at it. It was curled slightly into an adorable wavy flow, two strands tied in the back while the rest of her hair fell down to kiss the bottom of her shoulder blades. I lifted my hand and traced my finger down her cheek, resting it on her lips. She let her bottom lip fall out of her mouth and I pressed my thumb against it, looking deeply into her beautiful light green eyes. Suddenly a knock was heard at the door, breaking the spell over us as we jumped apart, both of us breathing hard. I turned around and walked to the door, allowing room service inside. They hurried to the balcony and set up dinner for us, topping it off with a few candles. Once they left I held out the chair for Lilian, pushing it in for her. I sat down opposite her at the table and smiled softly at her beautiful blushing face, mesmerized by how amazing she looked in the candlelight. They set out a mouthwatering Italian spaghetti that was better than anything I’ve ever had before. I tried my best to be sophisticated but more than once I was shoving the amazing food in my mouth. I looked up when Lilian chuckled at me, her elbows on the table and her face resting in her hands. I blushed red as I took a sip of water. “What?” I asked lamely. “Do you want mine? It seems like you really like it.” She said with a smile, a twinkle in her beautiful light green eyes. I blushed deeper in embarrassment, pushing the plate away from me. “I have a present for you.” I said, changing the subject but my stupidity. ‘She’s going to hate it. It’s a whole new level of stalker for you.’ Brandon said with a snicker. I pulled it out of my pocket and held it gently in my hands, looking down at it with a frown. “Well, are you going to give it to me?” She said with a chuckle. “Brandon says you’re going to hate it, and now I’m worried you’re going to.” I said, biting my lip. Swiftly she leaned over the table and plucked it out of my hands, staring at me. “Well that’s for me to decide now isn’t it.” She said with a growl, making me smile at her boldness. She’s always been a feisty little thing. I watched with worried eyes as she snapped it open. “Kurt, this is beautiful.” She breathed out in admiration, gently lifting the necklace out of the box and lifting it up. She opened the locket, and her breath caught in her throat. “Is this who I think it is?” She asked, tears welling up in her eyes. “I did a lot of digging and research, but I found their pictures online. It’s your parents, Lilian. There’s a picture of them as teenagers hugging on the left side, and a picture of you and your mother when you were a few years old on the right side. I tried to find a picture of your father and you as well, but it was really hard. I’ll keep looking, I promise.” I stammered out. The pause lasted forever, and I coughed a few times for her attention but she ignored me as she gently traced her finger on the pictures. Finally, she looked up at me, tears pouring down her cheeks. “Thank you.” She whispered. “Tell Brandon to suck it, because I love this present so much.” She said. I chuckled softly, ignoring Brandon pouting in my head as she clasped the necklace around her neck and finally finished eating. Once we were done she swiftly excused herself, fast walking to her room and shutting the door with a quick goodnight. I sighed deeply, staring down at the table, wishing I could follow her. I went to my room and laid down on my bed, staring at the ceiling, imagining how beautiful she looked tonight. Distantly I heard the hotel workers come and take the dinner mess away, and I slowly drifted off to sleep, dreaming of Lilian’s smiling face.
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