Chapter 5

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Lilian pov I woke up with a start, a knock on my bedroom door. I frowned, looking around in confusion. I stood up and grabbed my pajama pants off the floor, grabbing my black hoodie and slipping it over my head. “Kurt?” I whispered in confusion, heading over to the bathroom door. He didn’t usually knock, he always came in as if he owned the bedroom. I walked through the bathroom and peered at his gorgeous sleeping body sprawled out on the bed. Before I could think about how naked he looked with only a little bit of blanket on his waist another knock sounded from my bedroom door and I hurried back into my room, opening the door. I smiled at Luna Adaline, opening my door wider so she could come inside. “I’m so sorry if I woke you up, I’m always up early with Colt.” She said as we walked over to my bed and sat down on it. I turned to face her, smiling at her. “It’s fine! I don’t mind, I wasn’t having a very good dream anyway.” I said with a dry chuckle. ‘What are you talking about? You were dreaming about me torturing you, that is an amazing dream!’ I snapped my head towards the window, shock in my eyes as I saw Sevra standing there. “Lilian? Is everything okay?” Adaline asked softly, looking at the window in confusion. I looked at her and took a deep breath, trying to calm my heartbeat. “Yes, of course, I thought I heard something.” I lied, trying to smile at her again. ‘Liar liar pants on fire.’ Sevra sang into my ear, making me flinch. I tried my best not to turn around to look at her, wishing she’d go away. “Oh, okay I understand.” Adaline said with a frown, clearly not convinced. She glanced at the window again, a frown on her face, before she shook her head and smiled at me. “I want you to join me today.” She said, clapping her hands together. I frowned, looking at her. “What?” I asked lamely. “Tate and Brandos are taking the boys to visit the Snow Moon pack and their twin boys this weekend, so I’ve gotten Alarick and Lyell to agree and watch the pack so us girls can go and have a weekend to ourselves. Your birthday is coming up, and Caileen and I want to do something special for you.” She said with a chuckle. “You’re taking Lilian from me?” Kurt asked with apprehension, making me turn around in surprise to see him leaning against the bathroom door. My breath caught in my chest as I stared down his body, shirtless and tight skin over his muscles, his black sweatpants hanging low over his hip bones. I forced my eyes to look up at his face and he smirked at me with a heated glare, making me shiver. ‘My my, isn’t he yummy. Maybe I should have made him my Alpha instead of Ulric. Well, he’s not good enough for you anyway, so maybe I’ll just take him instead.’ Sevra said with a chuckle, twitching her body over to Kurt and trailing a finger down his chest. “Stop!” I yelled out, jumping up from the bed and glaring at her, my hands clenched tightly in my hoodie as she chuckled at me. “What?” Adaline asked in confusion, and I looked back and forth between her and Kurt. He walked over to me with confused eyes, making me feel stupid and small from my outburst. “I mean, stop saying I’m yours. I’m not yours I can go with her as I please.” I whispered heavily, guilt choking me as I saw the hurt flash in Kurt’s eyes. I stared down at the floor as Adaline stood up, placing a hand on my shoulder. I could feel the power radiating through her touch, and I was glad to see Sevra was gone. “She will never be left alone, Caileen and I will be with her everywhere we go and we will be sharing a room. I’ll give you the name of the place we’re going to and Lilian is getting a present that you will like. I promise she will be safe.” Adaline said, smiling brightly at Kurt over my shoulder. I couldn’t look at him, but I saw him nod through the corner of my eye and he turned around, walking towards the door. “Please be safe.” He said with a sad voice, making me look up at him, my breath catching in my chest. I gasped, watching as he walked through the door. Adaline hugged my back gently, making a tear fall from my eye. I wiped it away before turning around, looking at her through the bottom of my hood. “Where are we going?” I asked Adaline with a forced smile. She frowned down at me, touching my collarbone softly through my hoodie. “He cares deeply for you, you know that, right? Are you sure you still want to go along with the fight when you turn eighteen, instead of just marrying him?” She asked me. I looked up at her face, sighing softly. “He doesn’t actually love me. We were put into this engagement to make the members of the Dark Woods pack happy, and a fight is the only way they will accept me being elite. Unless I win, then Kurt will be Elite and it’s the only way the Blood Moon members will accept it. Not that I’m going to win most likely. But then he’ll be free, and he’ll be able to be with a girl he actually picks himself instead of being forced to love my broken self.” I said, looking down at the floor. Adaline sighed, touching my cheek. I could see the pain and the concern in her eyes, but before she could speak Kurt walked back through the bathroom door, determination in his eyes. “What if I come but sleep in a separate room and only meet with you guys for meals? I won’t bother anything you have planned, I just want to be close by.” Kurt said. Adaline chuckled, then walked over to him, patting his shoulder. He leaned down and they whispered together, making me bite my lip in annoyance. See, he still thought I was crazy and needed to be by me at all times. Kurt left with a happy smile on his adorable face making me know he got his way, and I sighed deeply as Adaline came back to stand next to me. “He thinks I’m going to go crazy again so he likes to stay near me, I’m sorry.” I said with a sigh. She chuckled softly, walking to the door. “We will be leaving soon, and you don’t need to pack anything Caileen and I have put together a suitcase for you.” She said with a chuckle. My mouth fell open in horror. “But, Luna Adaline,” I stammered out. “I command you to wear what’s in the suitcase we’ve packed for you without complaint.” She said, her Luna voice making me shiver as my mouth clenched tightly together in frustration. She smiled at me as she opened the door, her eyes softening. “By the way, instead of seeing the negative, look at him for him. You haven’t been crazy in a long time, I doubt he’s following you around because of that. Maybe he’s just scared you’ll disappear again? Maybe it’s for his benefit more than yours?” She said with a chuckle, disappearing out the door. I stood there dumbstruck, staring at the empty doorway. Slowly I turned around and shut the door, leaning against the mirror as I glanced at the open bathroom door. I walked over to it and silently walked inside, peeking through the open door to his room. I watched as he slowly packed his suitcase, a bright smile on his face as he walked from his dresser to his suitcase. What if she was right? What if he wasn’t scared I was going to go crazy, but he was scared he was going to lose me again? I bit my lip and softly shut his door, turning on the shower and slowly stripping out of my clothes. I shook my head no, stepping into the warm water with a deep breath. There was no way that was possible, no way.
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