Chapter Thirty-Five

1034 Words

Betty POV The town came into view, while the sun was in the sky and had not yet set, the streaks of orange and pink spread along the horizon, a promise of rain that would never arrive. This town knows what it is like to not get rain. If it was not for the water springs close by that gave the town their much-needed water, they would not have survived; or so Bret had said, when he was giving us a run-down on the rest of the journey, the day before, everyone was in a merry mood. The afternoon was still very hot, and sweat trickled down my back, tickling me as it went. Although it was hot and the lads were uncomfortable, we were more refreshed than the innkeeper expected, and you could see it on his face. He beamed with delight at our arrival. The Inn was a three-story wooden building, with

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