22nd Century Genie-2

2095 Words

He closed his eyes for a moment as if trying to remember. “Blair. Those people are ruthless.” I didn"t hang around. I knew he could zonk out any time. I gave him my story. As I talked, a cool breeze blowing through an open window brought with it the roar and rush of the city outside. “So they signed you up too, did they?” he said. “I"m competing?” “The Crosses are no fools. Obviously going to correlate. You"re the third I know of.” So much for being the best in my field. “Who else?” “Weston and Patel. Thing is, Weston"s gone off the net completely now. Not sure about Patel either. You need to be careful, my friend.” “A man with no internal organs is telling me this?” “I"m serious. George and Maya Cross don"t f**k around. They"re not nice people. Whatever they"re up to.”

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