22nd Century Genie-1

2003 Words

I started with John. Lord John, Saint John, the apostle of Elvis in heaven. The others, Paul, George and Ringo, could wait. With John at least I knew I could get somewhere. It was the church I turned to. People do in their hour of need. Most went for salvation, the reassurance of some meaning to it all. My needs were easier. All I needed was a 100% reliable image of the DNA of John Winston Lennon. Born Liverpool, Earth, 1940. Died New York, Earth, 1980, almost exactly one hundred and fifty years ago. Gold letters above the arched doorway of the Holy Church of the Fabulous Four in Liverpool declaimed All You Need Is Love. The square outside was thick with tourists but inside it was cool and subdued. I gazed upwards, awed by the simple trick of soaring architecture. Everything was white

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