22nd Century Genie-3

2764 Words

But another voice said, think of the money. Once I had the Cross"s riches I could do anything. Make amends if I wanted. The thoughts chased each other round my head and I lay there a helpless spectator. In the end, just to break the cycle, I contacted the two Ringo dealers again. One wanted to trade immediately. We set up a netmeet on neutral ground. His virtual presence, when he arrived, was shadowy and featureless, but the encryption was obviously shoddy. I knew I was behaving like an amateur, playing with amateurs. I could almost hear Devi chuckling at me. But I just wanted to get the case over. “You have the code?” I asked. “You have the money?” It was the classic dilemma of illicit deals throughout history. Who would hand over first? I was in no mood for games. “I"ll give

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