2668 Words

4Coming down the stairs the following morning, Jed managed a groan for a 'good morning', then slumped down in a chair next to his dad, who put a cup of tea down in front of him. Jed looked at it, wondering whether he should drink it or pour it over his head. “God, Dad, I am such an idiot.” “Don't beat yourself up,” dad was buttering some toast. “Everyone understands, Jed. You've been through quite a lot, and then that thing at school…I should have warned you. Sorry.” He smiled, a guilty look on his face, and gently slid the toast over to his son. “I spoke to Mr Phillips and he said not to come in until Monday. He's been very kind, very understanding.” Jed didn't answer, choosing to nibble at the corner of the slice of toast instead. There was only one reason why Phillips was very kind, v

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