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3Someone must have found them. It might have been five minutes, it might have been five hours, Jed had no way of telling, but when he finally woke up he lay in a warm, bright hospital ward with his dad sitting beside him. “Oh thank God,” blurted Dad as soon as Jed's eyes fluttered open. A nurse came running to the bedside, face full of concern, her features softening as she smiled. She took Jed's temperature, checked his chart, then felt his pulse, and all the while Jed watched her, mesmerised. What had happened? How did he get here? “He's going to be all right,” the nurse said to nobody in particular, then bent over the bed, bringing her face very close to Jed's. “You're going to be all right.” Later, after drinking lots of tea and explaining to his dad what had happened, Jed slid out o

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