Chapter 14 - Fire Dances

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I remember very little. I remember the Draco flying us out the Blue Mountains. Then I remember Lucis carrying me to the bed. And that’s it. no dreams, just blackness. When I opened my eyes I was greeted with the sight of blue water, the sun shining through it. I sat up slowly watching as a school of fish went by. I couldn’t help but give a small smile. It took me back to the crystal blue lake that showed its many hidden treasures on its bottom. I looked to my side and saw that I was alone in the underground water world which had me thinking about how long I had been out of it. I stood up walking towards the old clock. The long arm was between the 1 and two while the short arm was steady on 3. Guessing that it was past three in the afternoon. I ventured out into the main house looking around. It was empty, well except for the random girl walking around looking for other life around. I thought to myself. I walked over to the kitchen, kinda just stood there like a lost sheep, until I saw the note on the counter   Gone out, help yourself   I sighed a bit too loudly, throwing the note back on the counter. I opened the fridge grabbing a bottle of water out, opening it, and taking a swig. I figured since I had nothing else to do I would just go get ‘ready’, ready for what, I didn’t know but I felt like I needed a bit of a change. I walked over to the room that used to be the bedroom going into the cupboard and going through my bag that was… empty. How? I looked around and saw that my clothes had been put away neatly on a shelf. I stood up slower than I meant to not sure what to do now. I walked out trying to find my phone. I had nearly started to freak out when I heard something buzzing on the small table in the corner of the room. I picked it when I saw Lucis’ name on the screen   Oh good you are up   “where are you?” was all I could manage to say   I'll be there in 10 minutes wear something cool   before I could ask what he meant he disconnected the call, okay I thought to myself, I walked back into the cupboard and grabbed a pair of shorts and that’s when I noticed something with my clothes that I didn’t remember packing. I picked up the White bikini top noticing that it still had a tag on it. I snorted a laugh, there was no way he was able to get the correct top size. I took it and its bottom walking to the bathroom with it, my shorts and a towel bundled in my hands. I started the water getting it to the perfect temperature before stepping into the warm water. The water running down my body felt amazing. It almost felt as though it had been days since I had felt something this good. I closed my eyes savoring the feeling.    Lucis   Lucis had been out most of the day, the business that needed attending to had taken longer than expected, and he had learned that the two men that had joined them in the game over the last few days were now in the hospital for severe dehydration. Stupid idiots what had they been thinking? He had made sure that Lilith and himself had eaten at least once during those days and had taken in plenty of water. Kind of anyway. It was getting hard to track hours as we went on. Weirdly enough, she had gone on like it was just a normal thing, she seemed to completely transport while in the game. That made Lucis smile. He couldn’t yet believe that he had this girl with him, it was a matter of time though until she would be fully his He walked into the house, Justin close behind him, looking around for Lilith, it was only when he moved towards the basement door did he hear the sound of running water. He knocked on the bathroom door softly, opening it slowly when he didn’t get an answer. Awash of fear gripped him as he opened it, what was he expecting to see? Her dead on the floor? He scanned the floor before looking up and seeing her blurred figure in the door of the frosted glass. Half smiling he pulled his top off and got rid of his pans quickly slowly sliding the door open and coming up behind her. She was so used to him appearing out of thin air that she didn’t flinch at his touch. He ran his hands down her arms taking her hands in his and pinning them to her back. Lilith gasped but she didn’t fight him, his hands moving to her waist. He liked the feeling of her skin under his hands, she was always so soft and warm. He loved how her small body curved, his hand moved upwards and cupped over her full breasts, her moans were becoming a bit too much for him to handle. “Didn't expect to find you in here” he whispered in her ear, she moaned in reply and gave a small giggle   “I wasn’t expecting you for a few more minutes,” I said feeling him growing against my ass, pulling free and turning around. I looked up at him and put my hands on his chest. Going up on my toes I placed a hand behind his head and drew him closer to me. Pressing my lips softly to his and he came undone at the seams. He pulled me closer to him before turning us to the side and shoved me against the wall. I griped at his long hair as his lips trailed down my neck, ii reached out turning off the water and pushing Lucis out of the shower he took my hint but instead of leading me somewhere more comfortable he lifted me on the basin counter, getting between my legs and wasting no time he thrust into me, my head rolled back as I felt him fill me, shifting closer so that I could get all of him. Again and again, he thrust, getting harder and more desperate with his movements. My moans echoed throughout the bathroom, my muscles tightened, and I couldn’t stop the pleasure that ripped through me “Lucis!” I shouted almost breathlessly and he let out his release. “f**k” he whispered against my chest where his head now laid as he tried to catch his breath. “oh, s**t,” he said suddenly moving and then laughing at my protest o him moving away from me. “we, ah, have a guest,” he said quickly gathering his clothes and running a towel over his wet body “a what?” I asked as I jumped off the counter and pulled on the bikini and shorts. And wouldn't you know t, the damn top actually fit! “There is someone in the house… they just heard everything” I hissed under my breath Lucis just gave me a half-smile and kissed my forehead looking down at me. His smile widened. “I have good taste,” he said licking his lips “no, get out,” I said pushing him out the door with me behind him. I followed him into the kitchen where a man with sandy brown hair was sitting, looking at the phone in his hands. He looked up and smiled at Lucis. “haven’t heard action like that in years,” he said his smile faded when he caught my eye. I bit my lip and looked down at the floor trying not to blush. He cleared his throat “Sorry,” he said getting up and walking over to me “nice to finally meet you, I’m…” “Justin, I recognize your voice,” I said before he could finish “yeah,” he looked at Lucis, “we going to get this started?” he asked “get what started?” I asked as Lucis walked towards the fridge opening it and pulling out a case of beers. “last hot day of the season, let's spend it by the lake” Lucis said with a boyish smile   The guys had taken turns jumping from the bedroom deck into the deep side of the lake as I sat close to its bank, sitting in the water, which was just enough to get my butt wet.  Lucis stood in the water waist-deep with a beer in his hand talking to Justin about something, he kept glancing at me and eventually he lifted a finger and beckoned me over. I stood up slipping off my wet shorts and walked into the water towards him, as I got closer he pulled me to his side. Wrapping his arm around my waist and keeping me tight against him. “it’s a shame, besides Matt being an ass those two were pretty good,” Justin said before taking a sip of his beer “What's a shame?” I asked although I didn’t care “Matt and Troy were hospitalized for dehydration, I believe Matt wen into a coma, Troy is back home” “How is that possible it was a day of play” both men looked at me as if I had grown horns “what?” I asked “We were playing for five days” “what that’s impossible” I looked up at Lucis and then back at Justin “five days?” I whispered to myself. Moving back to the bank quickly “babe where are you going” I didn’t answer I ran back into the house and grabbed my phone, looking at the date, it had been 5 days, I opened up my messages and saw… nothing, there were no messages from my other or anyone else for that matter, I went into the call log, there were no new calls except for the one from Lucis. I looked up at the doorway Lucis was standing there, worry on his face. “five days, I have no a count for, why didn’t you stop us” “look its not a big  deal I made sure you drank and ate” “Lucis I have no memory of that” I shouted, I was starting to feel angry, “little demon” he whispered while walking closer to me, I backed up, being stopped by the wall, Lucis’face was shifting endlessly making it hard to see what he was feeling. “don’t be scared” his voice was low almost dangerous “don't touch me” I hissed lifting my hands, he stopped in his tracks, lifting his own hands in surrender ‘we’ll be outside” he said darkly leaving me alone in the room, I slid down the wall, sitting and pulling my knees up. I was fine, he had done what he said, but it scared me that I had no memory of it, it scared me that all I remembered was the world of wonder and magic, and dragon eggs. I took a deep breath running my fingers through my hair. I tapped on the screen of my phone and went into the messages again looking for Amanda’s number, I tried out a message and waited a few minutes. Ding   I'll be right there    I slowly got up, throwing my phone on the table with a clatter. I walked out the room, through the back door, and straight up to Lucis, who was in mid-sentence when I grabbed his hair and pulled his mouth down to mine. His arms instantly circled my waist and dragged me closer.  I pulled away and looked at the two men. “another guest will be coming,” I said with a smile, “I think Justin will like her,” I said biting my lip and then smiling.   Amanda arrived at the lake house as the sun started setting, the orange colors in the sky were a sight to behold but it only lasted a few minutes, Amanda and Justin hit it off like a house on fire. We were all sitting around a fire as it grew dark. Justine had his arm slung over Amanda's shoulders and I was sitting in-between Lucis’ legs and leaning back against him. “Okay, okay, I still can not believe you have been hiding out here,” Amanda said taking a sip of her beer, weirdly enough, that was something that kept appearing, just when we thought we had finished it Lucis would bring out another case. “hmm hm, it been pretty great,” I said looking back at Lucis “are you guys like together?” Amanda asked eyeing Lucis “Yeah,” Lucis whispered without looking at her instead he kept his eyes on me. I smiled up at him and looked back at the crackling fire in the middle of the group. “who knows a good ghost story,” Amanda said sitting forwards as she held her drink in both her hands, “I haven't heard a good one in ages” “that’s because you scare yourself silly for the next few days after” I laughed throwing a towel over the fire at her. “not true, that last time was a coincidence, a horrible one at that” she moved so that she was now sitting on her knees, poking a stick at the fire “I have one,” Lucis said lazily, “is more a legend or a tale to be honest though” “Come on let's hear it!” Amanda said excitedly and she bounced on her legs.   “the demon called Vine” Lucis started as he ran his finger through my hair. “ a king in his right and an Earl in his victory. Some described him as a lion in appearance. He was vicious, to say the least in the things he did, he cared for no one but himself” as Lucis spoke I stared into the fire, images were starting to form as he spoke making me sit and look closer at the flame, I looked up at the two across fro us, Justin was sitting against the log but Amanda seemed to have noticed the same thing I did. The fire was twisting images this way and that as Lucis spoke. “many went to him to find out their future, but it always ended in disappointment, those that asked about the past seemed to happier. You could ask him anything, but the answers always had a price to them. One day a witch crossed his path. She was beautiful, the face of an angel, lips as red as a rose, skin pale, and hair as dark as the night itself. Vine found himself under a spell, one that would bind him to her forever. She disappeared without a trace and Vine made it his deadly need to find her again. As dead and black as his heart was, it yarded for the witch. He crossed seas and land to find her. To this day the King still rides his black horse finding the woman that will be his queen” the image of a huge horse ran from the fire pit, racing around us, but it was only Amanda and I that saw it, Lucis pulled me back against him and brushed his fingers through my hair again. Laughing slightly at my expression “wait the witch, “ Amanda said still on her knees now leaning on her hands. “did she cast a spell or did he actually fall in love with her” “no one knows,” Lucis said looking down at me, “only Vine himself knows the truth and I think he is too far gone in his own mind to be able to give anyone a straight answer. “Is she dead?” I asked quietly as I looked into the flame again “no, just hidden,” he said getting up and kissing my forehead.  An image of Vine kissing the witch's forehead came up in the fire making me look up at Lucis with a questioning expression on my face. he disappeared into the house coming out with a bag of marshmallows. He threw the packet down as I stood up, taking off my shorts and the hoodie that I had stolen from Lucis’ cupboard. “what are you doing?” Amanda exclaimed. “swimming with the fishes” I laughed and made my way to the water 
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