Chapter 13 - Home at Last

1451 Words
The cave we were in went right through the mountain. Leading out to an incredible view of the mountain Range that circled a small valley the sound of rushing water I heard back in the cave was coming from a huge waterfall that fell into a river that cut down the middle of the valley. The animals below were all brightly colored birds and strange looking creatures. I was in awe of the beauty of it all. The waters were crystal clear, you could see the river floor and from way, up here a dragon’s skeleton was laying nestled in the sand the water rippling ever so slightly over it as water birds swam. “this way” Lucis whispered to me leading the group and me over to a hanging bridge connecting our mountain to the one on the other side of the range. “you are mad if you think I'm going over that,” I said looking at Lucis. he turned to look at me. “its mother is that side unless you can fly, it’s the only way over, and the quickest,” he said somehow reading my mind about following the mountain its self. I groaned but followed him as he walked over to the bridge. “I’ll go first, count to 100 and follow, the rest of you will do the same after her. Try to keep your distance” Lucis without another word started his walk onto the bridge, moving carefully as it started to swing slightly. I slowly started to count to 100, listening to Justin’s attempt at making me feel better about walking over the bridge. I reached 1oo and began to talk slowly, my foot hit the wood with a small thud, I took in a long breath letting it slowly as I took another step. Keeping my eyes on Lucis. the baby dragon in my arms become restless and started moving from my arms to my shoulders, making the weirdest little sounds. I touched my little foot which seemed to calm it down for the time being. As I kept walking on I felt the bridge move violently, well it felt violent it probably wasn’t that bad. I looked back to see that Justin had taken his turn. I looked forward again trying to avoid the massive drop that was under me. As we kept moving and the last two men took their turns to enter the bridge, it started to move more, swinging slightly from left to right. I gripped on the rope as I walked the baby dragon getting more and more restless as I made it to the middle. The weird little sounds that it was making, were dramatically getting louder and louder. I huge roar cut through the air, rattling off the mountain face and causing the wildlife below to scatter. I held my breath as I stood frozen. The baby dragon was going ballistic at the sound of the roar. ROOOOOOOOAAAAAARRR! Thud Thud Thud “Dragon” Troy called from behind. I looked up to see a massive dragon standing at the mouth of a cave. It was pissed and I had its baby. “Move!” shouted  Matt creating a ripple effect on the bridge making it swing violently. My feet started to move before my brain started working again. My hands gripping tightly on the rope as the bridge started to swing back and forth. Lucis was standing still reaching his hand out to me. I started moving faster almost running. The baby dragon’s shouts getting louder and more desperate as it smelt its mother. The flapping of strong wings in the air caused a rush of air against knocking me to the side and into the rope. The baby dragon almost falling from my shoulder. I caught it and held it to my chest. Its mother swooping down, just missing the bridge. “Lilith stand up and move” Lucis shouted “Come on baby” I pushed myself up as the bridge swung back to the left. Holding the baby to my chest I grabbed the rope again holding myself steady. Looking up to see where the mother was. That was the wrong thing to do. The mother's eyes locked with mine for a second before she realized I had her baby in my arm. I swallowed hard as she let out a roar. My feet moving quickly towards Lucis. I could hear my heart pumping in my ears as I ran along the swinging bridge. “Stop, stop, go back” I heard Justin shout. I made two bad at that point. The first one was looking back to see what was going on when a huge swell of fire brushed over the bridge.  “little demon, don’t stop”  I heard Lucis’ voice from a distance, that was my second mistake. I stopped. I watched how the fire burnt through the rope. The baby dragon in my hands struggling to get free. I looked to the right . she was clinging to the mountain face staring right at the baby in my hands. Her huge head was only a meter or so from mine as the bridge swung towards her. She grabbed it in her teeth jerking it to a stop. I could feel the heat building up again. “wait,” I said without thinking my heart was in my throat. “we saved it. I was trying to bring it back to you” I felt stupid with what I was doing. Who in their right man would try to reason with an angry mother. The heat subsided but I could still hear a rumbling sound coming from her. “see” I opened my arms to the baby climb up my arm to my shoulder “it hatched but it's fine.” The mother nudged its head closer to me. The baby jumping from my shoulder onto her shout, curling up and laying in the crook of her neck. She suddenly let go of the bridge and taking off. It was at that moment that I realized that she was the only thing holding it up. “Lilith!” it wasn’t Lucis’ voice calling out my name, it wasn’t even a voice I recognized. I grabbed on a plank of wood as the bridge hit the side of the mountain. Ugh, why the f**k am doing this I thought to myself. I felt the air leave my lungs as my body slammed into the rock. Looking up I could see Lucis up on a ledge “come on; little demon,” he said holding his hand out. I started climbing up the bridge. Using it as a ladder. I could feel the wood biting into my hands as I pulled myself up. Reaching for Lucis’ hand. “you so f*****g owe me,” I said grabbing his hand as he pulled me up onto the ledge. Holding me and falling back so that we were away from the side. I stood up and saw that the guys were climbing up the bridge on the other side of the mountain face. Matt was back on the ledge that we started, waving his arms to show that they were okay. A fit of laugher took over me as looked up to see the bab dragon flying side by side with its mother making the weirdest but happiest noises I had ever heard. “Can we go home now?” I asked looking down at Lucis who was laying on his back, his eyes closed, his chest rising and falling rapidly. He opened one eye to look at me. Half smiling, he sat up “you had enough adventure?” “seeing a dragon face to face is enough for one day” Lucis laughed as a streak of blue flew past us.   “Draco!” I shouted “who?” Lucis said getting to his feet as Draco landed on the mountain face “Draco,” I said looking back at him “my dragon, he needs a name and well it flew into my head and well…” I looked back at Draco who was moving closer to us, my hand stroking against his shining scales. “Lucis can we go?” I asked softly, he moved closer to me and kissed my forehead “after you,” he said helping me onto Drago. He slowly got on behind me and Draco took off. Grabbing the other three in his claws as he flew past. 
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