Chapter 15 - A Glorious Wedding

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There was a sickly smell in the air, that mixed with the smell of the thousands of followers around the room made me feel… well sick. I stood there in the grey dress that was slightly too big for me, my soon to be stepmother ordered the seamstress to come and fix the dress and threatened the poor woman that if it was not done quickly she would pay dearly. Mona mumbled under her breath as she pulled the dress this way and that around my waist. “ I thought it was done perfectly,” she said mostly to herself than to me. “don’t be too hard on your self” I whispered “it looks beautiful, you can't help the odd requests that people give you. In the end, she ended up making a stitch in the dress that could e easily removed later. I stood looking at myself in the mirror, my hair was in braids that came down over my shoulder. The woman that had done my make up tried… but failed to do a grey smoky eye, which I decided to fix, the only thing I hated in the mirror was the fact that I could see I had lost weight, my middle looked a lot smaller than it did the last time I looked in a mirror properly, which was weird cause I hadn’t noticed anything with my jeans, they all still fit perfectly. I frowned at myself thinking I was many mistaken. “oh don’t you look… well good, I suppose” the mini-me of Alison walked in. she was covered in head to toe in a poofy hot pink dress. “I don’t think we have officially introduced ourselves,” I said looking at her through the mirror “Madison” she smirked, she threw her hair back over her shoulder. And sashayed closer to the mirror, checking her lipstick. Brilliant  I thought to myself. We were soon ushered to the doors of the chapel where the ceremony would take place. Fun. The loud obnoxious wedding march started to play and the door where opened, a little girl that was in the same color dress as mine made her way down the aisle scattering white rose petals as she walked,  I started my walk down the aisle with Madison a few feet behind me. I passed by my mother who was a seat from the back, she smiled at me with sadness in her eyes, next to her was Lucis he calmly put a hand over hers in a sign of comfort, when his eyes met mine he winked. I half smiled and walked on stopping as I got to the front and took my place on the lower step next to follower girl, Madison took the upper step. Alison entered wearing what looked like an explosion of net and lace, the dress was so wide that the man that was walking her down was getting caught up behind the flower armaments on the posts of the pews. She was smiling from ear to ear as she half ran down the aisle. As she reached the top my father gave a small sniff and tried to suppress a sob that seemed to be caught, in his throat. I rolled my eyes as Madison dabbed at her own with a tissue. The minister started the ceremony with the longest pray I had ever heard and continued to talk about how he knew Alison since she had been a small child. Making small jokes here and there about her when he mentioned something she got up that was considered mischievous. He went on a long while. Finally, he got to the vowes. My father went first keeping it short and oddly enough somewhat sweet. Then asking Alison to be his wife, to love and to hold, blah blah blah. Obviously, she said ‘I do’. Here vowes took slightly longer to get out, the biggest reason being that she kept bursting into tears. She eventually got through them and placed the ring on my father's hand. “I now pronounce you husband and wife,” the minister said looking at my father and then ver softly saying” you may kiss the bride” like it was some huge secret that wasn’t supposed to be said. After what felt like the millionth kiss and hug from people I didn’t even know, I made my way over to my mother and Lucis sitting down in the chair next to heavier than I intended to. “I hate weddings I grumbled, they always have way too many people, that I don’t know might I just add. And just too damn expensive and way too many expectations. “you got a pretty dress at least out the deal,” my mother said looking up  at me with a smile, I rolled my eyes at her and leaned closer to her, “between you and me, I got the better deal that pink is hideous and would make for a neon sign if worn anywhere else. She looked over at Madison and tried her hardest not to laugh too loudly at what I had said, “ill go get us all some drinks,” Lucis said excusing himself “do you need help I asked starting to get up “honey stay and chat,” my mother asked talking my hand “you have been at his house for almost two weeks I feel like I'm  starting to forget you lovey face” Lucis chuckled and walked away leaving y mother and me at the table “how have classes been,” she asked sternly “they been fine I guess,” looking at the people that now joined at the other side of the table. A short plump lady will a tall balding man sat down and smiled at us. I smiled back before I looked back at my mother, “I mean I remember most of the s**t from helping Greg when he did the stuff” my mother didn’t answer but she half-smiled before changing the subject “Lucis seems nice, he and I spoke a lot while waiting in the church” “he is” I came off more defensive than I intended, then remembering that my mother knew nothing of the stupid rumors that went around the campus of him “I mean,” I stammered trying to save myself, “well he is helpful  with a lot of things” I brushed a piece of hair out my face looking away, knowing that I had gone red in the face “ I see,” my mother said as she looked up, only noticing the other people at the table “hi, a friend of the bride or groom, “ she asked “ah well, I am the bride’s ex-husband,” the man said looking at his hands “well I am the groom's ex-wife,” my mother said reaching over and shaking both the men and woman's hand, “I guess that’s why we have been seated at the back of the hall,” the small plump woman said bitterly. “I suppose that’s the reason” my mother answered looking at me with sadness in her eyes again. “but that doesn’t explain why you are here my dear” the lady carried on now directing her attention t me “the bride probably didn’t want her stepdaughter outshining her actual daughter” I smailed looking up at Lucis as he placed a drink in front of me. “Lilith,” I heard Alison's shrilled voice, “we need you for photos,” she said from the entrance of the hall, half stomping off. I sighed and stood up Lucis doing the same and taking my arm as we walked towards the area where they were having photos were taken. as I entered the room it  was like a barbie had thrown up there was hot pink everywhere, “come, come, come,” Alsion said suddenly excitedly and pulled me along to be in the photo with her and father and well my new stepsister. After the photos we made our way back to the hall, I was on Lucis’ arm while Madison was stomping heavily behind us, with Alison and my father behind her. “head up, back straight” Alison hissed at Madison. I heard a huff come from behind me. We opened the doors to loud music playing “Ladies and gentleman” I man shouted over a microphone “Mr. and Mrs. Brooks” I looked at my mother when I sat down again clapping with the rest of the people “whose surname is that,” I asked my mother knowing full well it want my father’s “hers,” my mother said quickly, everyone settled down as the bride and groom took their seats at the front table. A quick welcoming was given and the first course of food was served. It looked like a plain salad with some weird looking vegetables added to it, I picked at it, taking out clumps of feta cheese and leaving the rest. When the tables were cleared a few people had a turn to say a speech before the second course was rolled out.  The hall was alive with different people all talking at once, I was catching bits of different conversations as I walked over to my father. I intended to say goodbye but that  was interrupted by the man shouting over the mic again, “ladies and gentlemen, opening the dance floor, Mr.. and Mrs. Brooks” “talk in a bit, Lilly pad,” my father said as he rushed off towards the dance floor. I stood there watching as the two of them started to slow dance with others joining in with them. It was at that moment that I realized how happy my father looked. He was his happiest while being just the two of them, he had looked miserable most of the day up until this point. “may I have this dance?” I looked to the left and saw Lucis holding his hand to me. I took it and we made our way over to the dance floor “I didn’t know you dance” I whispered as he held me around my back “I don’t,” he said spinning me slowly “yeah, sure seems that way” I half smiled putting my head against his chest “ I just want to leave, I think I'm done with weddings for a while” “it's not that bad, I mean the food is horrible the drinks are great,” Lucis said trying to keep a straight face. I looked up at him just as he spun me around again “May I cut in?” her voice instantly caused a rush of irritation to rise in me.  I raised an eyebrow at Madison who had her eyes glued to Lucis, “sure” I sighed not looking to start an argument and made my way to the edge of the dance floor   Madison   Madison had a look of triumph on her face, there was nothing she loved more than getting what she wanted. And this man was far too yummy to give up. She took a stance with him and they started to dance. He was showing much less enthusiasm with her than he had with the tramp. No matter. She could get him to be more interested. “How is it you know my stepsister?” she said sweetly “from campus,” he said quickly he kept glancing over at her. that just wouldn’t do, “you know its rude not to face your dance partner” she kept the sweetness in her voice, “my apologies” he answered her “its no problem, I wouldn’t waste my time though, she really is pathetic, god only knows what her boyfriend sees in her” she made a mock head movement as though she was looking for someone. “her boyfriend, huh,” he said smirking at her “oh, yes, would have thought he would have been here with her today. Odd isn’t it ?” Madison gave him a 100-watt smile and he bent his head closer to her. “it's not too odd” he whispered to her, which sent a small shiver down her spine his lips grazed against the skin of her lower jaw “because I am her boyfriend” he whispered again and stood up straight with a smirk on his when he saw the shock on Madison’s face. “And you, my dear, have no business trying to insult her” he let go of her hands and moved away from her as he had just touched something slimly, he straightened his jacket and walked away towards her, that sub-par excuse of a woman. Madison acted before she could really think through what she was about to do. She stomped over to Lilith and slapped her.   The sound seemed to echo through the hall, the music had stopped and so did all the chatter that had been going on for most o the night. It took me few seconds to register that the stinging in my face had been caused by Madison's hand “you b***h” she shouted, “ you think you are so much better than me” “what the hell is your problem?” I asked holding my hand to my cheek “did you lose a few brain cells while getting your hair done?” before she could answer my father came running up to us, standing between us and making some distance. “what is going on here?” Alison shrieked, “you,” she said pointing at me “You need to leave  you have cased enough problems today” “I what?” I shouted “I was the one that just got slapped out the blue” “with good reason,” Alsion said holding her daughter close to her “leave now” “dad I,” I started to explain but when he looked at mei could see that it would be no use, he had a defeated look in his eyes that were begging me to not make him choose between us. “fine” I walked off grabbing my things from the table and with Lucis close behind me, we walked out the hall. The car ride back out of town was silent, I had been staring out the window as the dark world flew by. I looked at Lucis he had been taking small glances at me when he thought I hadn’t seen, I took his hand and kissed his knuckles “do you think we could make a stop?” “ I hope it's for some real food, I m starving” I half smiled at his reply, “Yeah, I could do with some decent food to” he took his hand from mine and touched his fingertips to my chin, and turned my head slightly. “Lucky for us the redness is gone, so we won't need to explain to anyone. I let out a chuckle, swatted his hand away. After all that was said and done, I couldn’t help but happy that this day was over. I had dreaded it for the last time. And I knew that it was bound to end with a bang. It was indeed, a ‘glorious’ wedding
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