Chapter 12 - Blue Mountain

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My dragon carried us towards the blue mountains, but I guess it would have been too easy if he could fly us right to the mother of the egg. Instead, he started flying down and landed in front of a huge mountain range f**k I thought to myself. I looked at the egg that was nestled between my legs, that cracking sound we heard was this thing. The small part that was poking out from under the wolf skin had a crack over the top. I got off the dragon and walked to his head, taking under his snout in my hands and putting my forehead against his snout. I felt a pull to this creature. I felt like if he had to disappear id this hole within my soul. I looked up at him and stroked the area down his snout. “huh, I keep calling you the Dragon,” I said to him “I guess you need a proper name”  I moved to sand against his neck, a million and one names running through my head, but none calling out the power that he commanded. Draco the name floated no mind, I looked up at the blue beast next to me. I half smiled at the thought that my dragon had just named himself. “Draco it is” I had sat with Draco and the egg a while before the rest of the group showed up. Drago had moved around restlessly trying to keep the egg in the sun to keep it warm. Matt and Troy helped to get the egg down of Draco who took to the air and disappeared into the clouds. The clouds themselves looked heavy and dark. “looks like rain” Lucis said standing next to me, making me jump slightly “I missed you” was all I could muster to say to him. He bumped his hit to mine. “How are we getting this thing up the mountain?” Justin asked holding onto three horses. “luckily the trail is big enough to get horses up there, so we load the egg on Lilith’s horse with her” “why would you put the egg with her?” Matt spatted “we have no idea what she will do, I mean she left us at that camp” “on my order” Lucis shouted back at Matt “the egg was vulnerable and had to be taken out of the equation. Matt just crossed his arms over his chest “Okay, how about there are only 4 hoses, so how has she got one?” “yours,” Justin said with a smile, “you are a dwarf, you can ride with Lucis,” Matt said nothing more, instead he stomped off to troy who was busy checking on the egg. “We need to get going” troy announced as a loud cracking noise filled the air. He was holding the wolf skin up, the egg had several cracks around it. Lucis helped me up onto the horse and the egg was wrapped up again and carefully placed on the saddle in front of me. I gently pulled it closer to me and followed behind troy as he leads the way up the mountain.   Lucis   The i***t Matt was starting to get on his nerves, he was going to ruin everything if something wasn’t done. Justin took up the rear of the group with matt sitting behind him. Lucis looked back at him and slightly nodded. “fork in the road keep to the left” Troy shouted “ill follow right” Justin shouted “explore it with Matt” “what?”Matt shouted outraged The rest of the group took no notice and carried on with their ascent up the mountain   Justin   Matt had sealed his fate with this group, he was asking way too many questions and Justin had regretted asking for his help, he had not known that hin and Lilith had history and it was making it hard for the rest of the group to accept her.  Justin had never met the girl in real life but he knew that she meant a lot to Lucis and Lucis’ happiness was all that mattered. The road started to point downwards, meaning they were heading to the base again. “We are going the wrong way, we are going down,” said Matt, he was wriggling behind Justin as though trying to get off. “would you f*****g sit still,” Justin said sternly “and another thing unless you want me to kill you stop f*****g around with Lilith!” “no, that stupid b***h-“ Justin turned suddenly and swung his fit straight into Matt's face. knocking him backward and off the horse “the f**k dude” he shouted blood running down his nose and his left eye was starting to swell “shut the f**k up about her,” Justin said jumping off the horse and walking up to the dwarf. “We finish this and you are out,” Justin said in low voice, his face close to Matts. He sniffed and spat out blood and nodded not saying another word as he stood up   The rain had started to come down in sheets. I was using my cloak to shield myself and the egg from the downpour. The horses were starting to struggle on the wet rocks as they became looser. “there's a cave up ahead” Troy shouted before him and his horse disappeared, the horse I was one followed Troys into the darkness.   Lucis started a fire to help light up the cave. Thunder boomed and lightning streaked through the sky. “we don’t have time for this” I said the egg on my lap, it had started cracking more and I could feel small movements inside. “this thing needs to get back to its mother and now. “there is that growling again,” Matt said looking towards the dark that was behind us. Justin stood up putting his hands close together like he was holding a ball. A small ball of fire formed and flew from his hands into the dark. The ball of fire soared through the dark until it dies out. “looks like a way through,” Troy said standing up “going to have to come up with a way to carry the egg through,” Lucis said looking into the dark he looked back at me. “I’ll carry it myself,” I said to him shaking my head “It's way too heavy,” Justin said “I’ll take it” “it's hatching, it needs to be carried with caution,” I said shifting the egg closer to my body. “Lilith” Lucis started “no,” I said sternly “if it gets dropped that’s it, the baby inside dies and it almost out, that’s worse than it becoming a scrambled egg” Lucis walked towards me and took my face in his hands. “ill be right next to you” he whispered loud enough for only me to hear. He took the egg from my lap, handing it back to me once I was up again. The men formed a circle around me and we all ventured deeper into the cave.   We had been walking for a while in the dark, all the while both troy and I mentioned hearing a weird sound coming from somewhere close. “whoa!” Thud!  “ow s**t what the f**k was that” I heard Matt say. We all stopped Justin creating a ball of fire for us to see what had happened. Matt laid sprawled out on the ground, but his head was against the rock wall. “What did you hit?” troy asked “the wall” matt said sitting up and rubbing the back of his head. Troy walked over to it and knocked against it “it's hollow,” he said surprised. A rumbling sound started to come from behind the wall. “What is that” I shouted as the sound got louder vibrating on the opposite walls “get back!” Justin shouted the wall gave way to a small opening and the sound faded. The Ball in Justin's hand was made bigger as he moved closer to the wall and examined it. there was a huge crack doing down it all that was seen were a few worms like creatures that fell to the ground. We all watched dumbfounded as the worms moved with speed towards Matt’s fingers. “get them off!!” he shouted as they started biting into his flesh. Lucis stood on one as Justin moved closer to him. The worm thing let go make a break for it towards the dark “f**k flesh eaters!” troy shouted pulling Matt up. The men circled me again as the rumbling sound started again. “Justin we are going to need more fire” a ring of fire circled us lighting up the area, more of the worm-like creatures were falling from the crack “Move, Move, Move” Lucis shouted. We all started walking as quickly as we could, the worm things following close behind us. “We need a bigger ring,” Matt said as he kicked a few of the worms from his boot. I watched as another ring of fire surrounded us. I looked around to see who had created it. but I couldn’t pinpoint the person.  Something caught my foot and I went down. Holding the egg to my chest and turning so that I fell on my back. “Lilith” Shouted troy “Leave her” Matt shouted pushing Troy forward. Justine and Lucis stopped and before they could do anything Justin lost control and we were thrown into darkness. “light up! Light up!” Matt said panic taking him completely, I felt the egg in my hands' break. “The Egg” I shouted looking back, my eyes could see perfectly in the dark and could see the group of worms getting closer “Fire we need fire” I shouted suddenly a flame erupted from around me. Moving out like a sound wave towards the worms. Justin sent a few balls of fire along with the fire shock wave. A hissing sound came before a sickening shrieking sound filled the air. The egg burst in my hands revealing a gold scaled baby dragon curled up in my lap. More balls of fire when speeding past my head as the bay dragon stood on its legs, sending a streak of fire from its mouth. The shrieking sound came to a stop and the cave was filled in a foul smell.  I heard a heaving sound and looked back at Matt who was now hunched over and throwing up. I moved the baby dragon to my shoulder as I got up and stomped over to him,  Lucis moved out my way as I made a beeline towards Matt “you tried to f*****g kill me” I shouted as I was a few feet away from him, Justin trying to block my way. but I somehow managed to shove him to the side, grabbing Matt by the front of his hide armor “Lucis she’s going to kill him,” Justin said looking at Lucis who was standing and watching from the sideline “if you want to get in her way be my guest,” he said lazily. I shoved Matt back to the ground, the small dragon my shoulder roared as I jerked forward. It was picking up on my anger and was getting angry itself. Hits head reared back and started glowing as it built up a fire blow. It missed Matt because I had moved to the side and it hit the wall behind him. I had a small knife in my hand that was now against his throat “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t,” I said softly “please” he chocked out I pushed him back and got up, taking the lead now and walking into the dark without looking back. I was the head of the group when I heard the rush of water. The little dragon was now asleep in my arms. I stopped in my tracks trying to locate the direction of the sound. A huge roar sounded and the earth shook under my feet. I could hear the men hurrying to my side. “looks like we found its home,” Matt said looking at the roof of the cave “shut up” I spat looking to what I thought might be east. A small bit of light was peeking out in the distance, I started making a move towards it when something caught my shoulder.  Looked to see Lucis behind me. I shifted the sleeping baby so that it was cradled in one arm so that I could touch Lucis face, he had a smile on his lips, and his eyes were full of mischief. He took my hand and we walked towards the light.
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