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(Beta Calvin's POV)  "This is bad," I commented, looking at the roaring fire. "Are they even alive?" Destiny questioned. I shrugged. Brandon just kept his quiet, as usual. He isn't much of a talker, neither is Destiny and sometimes I doubt if they are my siblings. I sighed, turning to look at the fire. I know I'm not getting any answers. "Hurry," Brandon threw at me and resumed his running. I rolled my eyes and followed behind him. Destiny ran alongside me with her usually cold expression. Sometimes I wonder if she feels anything. She is always indifferent to everything. Sure, she smiles when she is with us but when she is in the presence of anyone else, she wears her cold mask. We ran in silence, our pack warriors following closely behind us. "Alpha Brandon," one of the males present there greeted. Brandon nodded his head in acknowledgment. He then turned to me and greeted me. "Beta Calvin." "Where is Alpha Sapphire?" Brandon made small talk with the male. Meanwhile, I inspect the area. The ground is littered with dead bodies and the air is filled with the foul smell of blood and death. "Grieving," the man said, somberly. My head snapped in his direction. "Did her mate die?" I questioned. The man glowered at me. "My Alpha didn't die," he gritted out then blanked his expression. "She lost her dad." Brandon masked his expression to not look weak but he can barely hide his surprise. Alpha David was one stubborn Alpha but he was righteous. He had always fought for weeks. Often taken in lost souls. Always handed over rogues to the Elders instead of killing them on the spot. Though everyone thought he killed them, other than us Alphas who have seen him giving the rogues to the Elders to give them a better life. He often portrayed himself as cold-hearted but he always cared for others. He wouldn't have cared for the lives of rogues if he was cold-hearted as he used to call and showed himself. Brandon asked the man, "can we meet Sapphire for a moment?" "She is resting right now," came a voice from our right. His powerful aura surrounded us like a suffocating blanket. If I didn't have the Alpha blood in me I would have dropped my neck in submission; that strong was his aura. "Rogue Alpha I'm guessing," Brandon scrutinized him. A flash of irritation crossed his features. "Alpha Maverick would be appropriate." Brandon nodded his head formally. The man's eyes flickered at me. "Beta Calvin," I introduced myself with a professional nod; not a submissive one. Like hell I'd ever submitted to another Alpha. "An Alpha working as a Beta. Interesting," he mused, looking at me. "You being a Lycan wolf is more interesting," I sized him up with my eyes. "The words had traveled fast, I see," he chuckled maniacally. "What happened? I thought the plan was to attack them first when all the Alphas gathered," Brandon cut off in between. I glared at his side face. I get it that he wants to discuss business but I was trying to gain some information out of Maverick. Information is more important than business. Destiny elbowed my side. I looked at her in question. At your 70° angle there is a woman who is giving me the "f**k me" eyes. Wanna go feast on her? She asked. I smirked in her direction. I would love to but no. We have to deal with the matter first. She grumbled at my reply. Why aren't the other Alphas here yet? I asked, diverting the topic. She rolled her eyes and shrugged. "They got pissed off that we stole all of their weapons," Maverick replied with a chuckle. Brandon looked at him with a pointed look. "Why did you ask for our help when you could have handled the situation yourself?" "Because Sapphire thought we wouldn't be able to win," he said. "Come this way. Other Alphas are already here." We followed him to the clearing where we saw the other Alphas. "You didn't want to dishearten her," Brandon commented. He nodded his head in agreement. Whipped. Destiny snickered through the link. You will be whipped too when you find your mate. I said, giving her a pointed look. At the mention of her mate, her usually cold eyes softened. She even smiled a little. It warmed my heart to see how much she will love her mate. Hopefully, her mate will make her smile more often. I will not be. She masked her smile. Sure. We greeted the other Alphas. I wasn't surprised that so many Alphas came out to help them. "Alpha, Elder Phelan is here," a woman with a scar running down her face said. My eyes narrowed in the direction of Elder Phelan. Why is he here? "Where is she?" He asked no one in particular. "She isn't in the condition to meet anyone. She is grieving the loss of her father," Maverick snarled, jealousy lacing his voice. "I'm not here to make small talk with you. Take me to…," he abruptly stopped. He tilted his head in the air and sniffed, a growl emitting from his chest. His eyes scanned the area and stopped at the woman who was giving Destiny seductive looks. "Mine," he snarled, stalking towards her. Her eyes darkened as they connected with him. She licked her canines as he watched her mate through hooded eyes. "Elder Phelan I don't think this is the time to f**k your mate," Maverick deadpanned. Phelan stopped in his tracks, glared at Maverick then resumed his way to his mate. "She is my female and if I wish to take her right here, you are no one to stop me," Phelan said. His eyes scanned his female from top to bottom and he growled his approval. "I'm her Alpha," Maverick taunted. It was plain as day he was trying to provoke the Elder. Phelan snarled, turning in his direction. Phelan's eyes had turned pitch black with anger. "You are no longer her Alpha. I am," he growled. "Well technically, he is still my Alpha. He will be my Alpha until you mate and mark me, that is," his mate said causing him to look at her. "I think you guys should surrender to the court. The Elders will be lenient if you do. Tell Sapphire I will help as much as I can but you guys still have to clear up your own mess," Phelan said, still looking at his female. "What does Sapphire want to tell me anyway?" He turned to Maverick. "About my pack," all the Alphas and Phelan looked at him like he had grown a second head. Does he belong to a pack? But how is that possible? He reeks of Alpha blood but there is no pack whose Alpha is a Lycan wolf. "Which pack do you belong to?" Phelan looked at him, more like scrutinizing him. "Windcrest Pack." My eyes widened at the mention of the pack. The pack ended at the hands of the Alpha of the pack. He had gone crazy when he found his mate cheating on him. In his anger, he destroyed the whole pack, killed his pack members, burned the pack down, and then killed himself. Or that is what the Elders found out during the investigation. The evidence can be fabricated easily. "Windcrest pack? The one whose Alpha killed all of the pack members?" Phelan asked. "He didn't kill anyone. Our pack was attacked," Maverick snarled. "That was not what we found out during the investigation," Phelan commented. "What proof do you have?" Maverick hissed. "What makes you sure that it was my father who killed everyone." "Your aunt had sent us the email stating that her brother is on a killing rampage. She demanded that we should stop him before it's too late. He had destroyed any other evidence but at least we have something. What proof do you have?" Phelan said. "You didn't find any legit evidence. How can you be so sure just because of an email?" Maverick scoffed at him. "You want evidence? We all have witnessed our pack getting slaughtered from our own eyes." "I was forced to watch the intruders rape my mom and sister. Tray had to watch them tear his parents apart. Liya was attacked by them. Kevin was there when they killed my dad. Jenna had seen them forcing the women of our pack. And Chelsi was forced to pleasure them." The pack members snapped their heads at their Alpha at the last sentence. It was like they didn't know about her getting abused. Chelsi, Phelan's mate, took in a shaky breath while Phelan snarled in rage, hugging his mate to his chest. This is some f****d up s**t. They forced themselves on kids. Those disgusting creatures deserve to rot in hell. "Do you want more evidence? We have one of the intruders with us," Maverick grunted. Phelan took a deep breath. "I will contact the Elders regarding the matter. There will be another investigation." "And I will take my mate with me now. Tell Sapphire to call me when she is feeling alright," he said, picked his mate in his arms, and left. "Well, that wasn't rude at all," the male who has greeted us before said with a sneer. "What else do you expect from him?" Destiny sniggered. "He has always been like that." "Who are you?" The male asked Destiny. She kissed her teeth in irritation. "None of your business," she stated. The man looked baffled at her rude comment. Brandon tried to control his smile but the corner of his tilted up. "Excuse me? You can't talk..." the man said. "You're excused, pup" she cut him off, baffling him even more. His jaw dropped when she referred to him as a pup. He opened and closed his mouth like a gasping fish. "You…," he started but Destiny cut him off with her cold glare. She let her Alpha powers out to make him submit. The male snarled in irritation when his head ducked in a submissive position. Maverick watched Destiny with interest. I bet he didn't expect her to be the Alpha. ***
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